[center][b]~|Day 2, 18:31-18:41|~ ~|Nazca, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~[/b][/center] Nazca merely let the others chat on, eyeing the Zabrak. She had always known that Jayda could be a prospective ally, but only if her back was against the wall and her survival coincided with their escape. What she was learning now, however, was that the Zabrak could be an actual ally in the long run. [i]Well, we might actually have a chance if we could convince her to give up any chance at her vengeance and help us.[/i] Nazca paused, considering what she had just thought. [i]Never mind. We don't have a chance in Nek of that happening.[/i] So she put on her usual smirk, nodding in acknowledgement of Jayda's comment that was veiled as an insult, before turning her attention to what the Zabrak recently said. She tilted her head speculatively, before adding her two cents into the conversation. "While this might seem all important to you guys, me too now I guess, most of the common people don't care who is in charge of the Force until one side or another starts knocking down their doors. It's when either of you start messing with the status quo on planets that the regular people start giving a damn about either side. As for the Zabrak and their brutality, it's true. But then again, at the very least they have 'it was for our honor' to fall back on. The Sith only use brutality because it suits them or in the name of power. Your species has justification, however thin, and you tend to keep it to yourselves. The Sith, much like the Hutts, do not. They take and they take and they smash anything in their way. They are Hut'tuun, cowards, and a blight upon the galaxy." Nazca wasn't sure who she was talking about at this point, and was fortunately saved from having too explain by the med bay lift opening, almost simultaneously with Leah's yell. "Well," Nazca chirped with false brightness, "that was amazingly fast food delivery!" [center][b]~|Day 2, 12:50-18:42|~ ~|Zanna, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~[/b][/center] After Nyiss spent a few more hours teaching her of passion, Zanna managed to regretfully slip away from the Darth and into her lab (fully clothed once more, of course). For the first order of business, and to make sure that even the Darth wasn't aware of her plans, Zanna began cooking up more of the healing goo that Jayda was going so quickly through. With several variations, of course, for when things needed to progress rapidly. Poison, Paralyisis, Blindness, all the fun things that could be hidden in something that was constantly shown as to be healing rather than a trap. Her blue goo supplies restocked (for how long, who knows? Maybe Jayda will go through them all in less than a day again), and filled with surprises for anyone she deemed needing a surprise, Zanna moved on to the more directly useful part of her plans for the lab; Poisons. She'd need a lot of them. Most would have to be subtle. Heart attacks, asphyxiation, brain aneurysms, all those fun things that seem perfectly natural. She didn't have the time nor the materials to make more than one vial of odorless and tasteless poison, and a small one at that. [i]I'll have to use that in a dire occasion. Never gonna get another chance.[/i] She thought, humming lightly to herself as she stored the vial in one of her robe pockets. After a few more poison vials and bags went into her robes, the Red Sith turned her attention to what she really needed the lab for. Carefully taking out the blood sample she had gotten from Jayda when the Zabrak was unconscious, she began to study and make preparations for it. [i]This is going to be harder than I thought...[/i] ...[i]Time passes with sciencey things....[/i] Her research done, Zanna collected her things, cleaned off and returned the equipment she had used to their proper palces, and paused briefly to make a request of Nyiss. She needed a test subject for her latest serum, and the prisoners offered the best test subjects. She couldn't help a smile as her request was granted, and she was given permission to go take one of the prisoners. The Kel Dor. Zanna quickly left, heading towards the prisoners. On her way she gathered Imperial Troopers (she, after all, wasn't as stupid as Sish) and, surprisingly, found Corr on her way. It was a pleasant surprise to find another Red Sith (that wasn't Darth Nyiss) aboard the Kaggath. That pleasantness was soured when it was revealed that he was apprenticed to Lord Sish. Not only was he an enemy to begin with (if a pleasant one to converse with) he was directly in the way of her plans. Sish she could work around. He was a stupid lizard, after all. Corr was intelligent, observant, and above all dangerous. [i]I'll have to kill him before he realizes what's going on.[/i] Just another body to add to her list. She left him waiting for her outside the lift as she and the six troopers entered to go retrieve the chosen Jedi. Her face lit up in surprise upon seeing Jayda there. "Jayda, what an unexpected surprise. I didn't come here to retrieve you, but I suppose you can come along with the Kel Dor." She gestured and the six troopers spread out, blasters trained on the Jedi. It was clear they'd stun them at the slightest provocation. Alat stood and began to make his way over to the lift.