Name: Kanaan Zuguan Alias: Kanaan the sacred Species: Human, pure and true Appearance: [img][/img] Height: 6'1 Weight: 258Ib Personality: Kanaan is a very noble person. He does what he sees as best, follows all rules before him, and is as honest to his word as he can possibly be. He hates fighting, and prefers to talk things out, but is not against combat. He stays moderately humble despite his high status. He has also remained rather kind and nice to others. He is extremely gentle to most people, and wants everyone to be as much as they can be, seeing a lot of potential in everyone. Bio: Since Kanaan was a kid, he was alone, as was every kid in his clan. The Nomadic tribe he was born into did not have an idea of parenthood. All men and women where to reproduce and the mother was to give the child to the cheiftan to either be nursed or abandoned. Kanaan accepted into the clan. He wasn't rough like the other kids. They where to be warriors, and spent their whole lives learning whole to work in combat, but Kanaan was much more interested with the ruins. Since they encountered a group of adventurers in all their glory, he vowed to do what they did. While the others trained to be useful in war as soldiers, Kanaan trained to fight alone. When he failed to meet a quota in combat, and tried to explain, he was kicked out of the clan do to his lack of understanding of their ways. After wandering the desert, he found a ruin and decided that his life was could only go two ways at this point. Die, whether it was here or in the ruin, or succeed and be a legend. He decided to take his chances. Despite all his training, he was barely able to deal with what was inside these ruins. The traps left him skittish and he ended only activating more in his worries, and he had a terrible time with the monsters, ultimately running from the in the long run. Eventually, he did find some worth while loot. In here, he managed to find a lantern. In a panic, he calmed himself by rubbing it only to find a genie within. With this at his side, he managed to clear the dungeon and claim the loot. After such, he used the loot to return to the area above the ruins and start a kingdom over it. Since then his kingdom has continued to thrive, though he has stayed away from all the other kingdoms as much as possible. Rank: Emperor Alignment: Kanaan works for the kingdom of sardonia, he is also a vert lawful good person Age: 27 Items: Kanaan carries a very large waterskin that is filled with holy water. There is also the potion of gaint's strength he carries and a vile full of extremely potent alcohol. Weapons: Besides from a curved jimbaya that is in great condition, with a bronze circle guard, square pummel and leather wrapping the grip, he carries two other weapons. The first is his more known weapon, his reverse sickle. The whole thing is made from a unique golden color ore, and is enchanted with a holy rune via talisman wrapped around the pummel and grip and trailing off the end. The guard is an elegant enclosed grip with intricate vine looking detail. The other weapon, which he rarely uses and usually keeps stored away his his shield sword. The grip is very large, almost to the length of his wrist. the rest of the weapon is a huge blade, thick and wide, like gutsu's blade in berserk almost. The blade is very dull. Skills: Herbalism, Bokatar-like melee martial arts style, a unique southern fist like martial art, and extensive knowledge of politics Abilities: Kanaan, when extremely drunk becomes a fighting machine. He is too slippery to hit, attacks with strange counters at odd angles, and has dramatic mood swings. He is also known for amazing luck, which has not failed him yet. Finally, he has a mind that is almost uncorruptible by magic. Magic: Kanaan does not know any magic as of yet. Other: Despite his training, Kanaan can be a bit of a wimpy fighter Name: Mekkah Charing Alias: The councilor Species: Djinn Appearance: [img][/img] Height: 5'4 Weight: 94Ib, but you shouldn't ask Personality: Mekkah wants nothing more than to have fun. She is flirtatious, boisterous and not exactly the nicest. She loves to start things, and can be a bit mischievous at times. Despite her impish way, she is true to her word and would never start something knowing it would cause serious damage to her current 'master' or a bunch of people. She likes to party, play and do anything that is fun. Bio: Mekkah was made by the ancient ones a long time ago, but do to her mischievous ways was banished to a lantern and stored away. She spent years in there, bored, angry, and just sad. She had been awoke twice, but each time, the people just used her put her back. Kanaan was different, however. He cared for her, and he wanted her help and advice. He was scared when he took on his dungeon and wanted her company. He felt so indebted to her, and still had a few wishes left. He used one to ask her to be his adviser in his new kingdom, and the other to make her his friend. Since then, she had followed in her promise, but grown bored of politics. Knowing he will never go on adventures again, she now goes into the commons and does as she pleases. Rank: Adviser Alignment: She is aligned to the kingdom of sardonia, but is more in it to far fun and watch Age: 584 year Items: Other than her own lamp, she usually carries a large Book full of tomes Weapons: Mekkah does not wield any weapons Skills: Mekkah is rather limited here. Abilities: Bi-lingual: Mekkah can speak and read multiple languages, but is limited mainly to ancient languages and early ones. Dungeonineering: Do to being one of the monsters of old, Mekkah has lived inside the ruins of the old times and understands how they work. Magic: Magic Materialization: Mekkah is able to create things from thin air, but is limited to things based on what are around her and has to keep things rather small. (Ex. can make a sword out if she sees someone with one, but can't make one the size of a castle) Fire control: Mekkah can use any fire around to her will, shaping it, moving it and making more or less of it. This requires fire to be there, unfortunately. Other: