[center][b]January Eighth, 2677[/b][/center] When the soldiers of New Anchorage launched that day, they weren't expecting a fierce battle. An enemy that they've seen before reared its ugly head yet again, yet they persevered against the enemy in front of them. Two of their number were wounded, and the New Anchorage soldiers dragged them back to be met with a nearly empty hangar. While they were gone, it seemed as if everyone on Volkov's payroll or orders was gone, and another round of hazey chaos ensued. Order was re-established by a newcomer to the town entirely, an older man of the name 'Michael Graham', a roving leader of men, he said he was. He convinced the elders of the town to let him take care of it all. Even to Stein, he had an unreal will that made others want to follow him, if subconsciously. He certainly seemed to know what he was doing, which was enough for most of the people who were left. When the reorganization of everyone else was finished, 'Commander' Graham as he made sure everyone knew, was then officially instated as such. He deemed Percy unfit for duty, and allowed Jan Van Gent to leave, if perhaps temporarily. Graham got into contact with people he apparently knew, and brought in some fresh meat to replace Volkov's grunts and monkeys. Soon afterwards, The New Anchorage Mercenary Group was officially back in business (Yet again), and Graham put in measures to ensure further that it would stay that way from now on. Their underground hangar was renovated, furniture being replaced by more functional examples and rooms being swapped more logically from Michael's perspective. Graham solidified his power base, many of the people involved now being more loyal to him then the settlement he technically served. He also commissioned a few of the traders who moved product to and fro other nearby territories to advertise that Neural Combatant pilots were needed. He made it clear that they'd provide the necessary surgeries, implants, and training if they were utterly new to the concept, yet did honestly prefer if they had some experience in some form. Of course, he did know that the possibility of getting experienced pilots was minuscule. It was an ambiguous few days, but things went back to 'normal'. [center][b]January Fifteenth, 2677[/b][/center] Everyone was back on base, following the newly set routine and waiting for the clock to hit one P.M., which was when Graham said he'd review a number of contracts with the pilots. Currently, it was nine A.M. and the pilots were practicing battle scenarios, as mandated by their new, proper leader. The pilots were waiting on the new specialist in charge of the simulators, James, to finish tweaking something with the help of one of Valdislav's assistants. The engineer replaced some wiring on two of the pods, then James activated each of them from the console in the back of the room. She dismissed the engineer, "Thanks! I wouldn't have figured that out, hehah.", then loaded some scenarios. "Alright, everything's ready! You guys'll be going through a cramped-quarters, facility breach simulation while I note Neural Data for future reference. The 'Pain Sensors' will be active for this one, to make it as real as possible." "Good luck in there, though I doubt you guys'll need it. It should be pretty simple. In fact, if it's too easy, please tell me. I need high and low activity scans, It being just the right difficulty'll really help."