[hider=Loopy Meguka] Name: Dariya Kowalski Age: 17 Appearance: [hider=Civilian][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1026/8a96c4798066ba7b8a6ffaa4870dbd4e9dd24f1b.jpg?1063030[/img][/hider] [hider=Meguca Dress][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1573/2dce1b5f39e9f0601d2a188e49d5c07cab114564.jpg?1647600[/img][/hider] Gem: A pristine blue sapphire encased in a circular mold that resembles the Ouroboros, the symbol of renewal, a snake who eats its own tail. The location of the gem is hidden in her cleavage, affixed to the sternum. Nationality: Polish/Ukrainian Personality: Dariya is a happy-go-lucky girl with a catty, easygoing attitude. She always talks in a sweet, kind voice, and doesn't shy from personal contact. She often tries to make light of harsh or dark situations, and she absolutely enjoys interacting with friends and eating fine foods. Her attitude seems sometimes rather "disconnected" from reality at times. There's a good reason for that. In truth, Dariya's sunshine smile is a well crafted mask in which she appears harmless and innocent, while in truth being an hedonistic manipulator with a never ending lust for food or boys... even magical girls. Her self-indulging nature is a byproduct of a harsh, unforgiving life experience, and she is much more cunning and mentally-resilient than any ditz could ever hope to be. She doesn't mind selling her body or soul (she already did that? whoops) if it furthers her goals. A nihilist and existentialist, she takes every blow in stride and flair, smiling back with the most hypocrisy she can muster, for humans are trash, and she's no worse than them. But at least she can pretend being good to keep her lust objects happy. Should anyone trample anyone of her twisted "flower garden"... the mask shall fall, and Dariya will reveal herself as the twisted ugly person she really is. Afflictions: She's lesbo for magical girls. Actually none. Wish: "Okay, they really shot up the morphine this time, cause I swear to god I'm seeing a white talking-bunny thing? Oh, you're real? Figures. Magical wish? Yeaaah sure. Get in the van, we have candy, right? Stupid hallucinatory rat. Welp, not like I could lose much, given I do have a FUCKING TERMINAL CANCER. I can't ask you to cure all the cancer in the world, right? "Not enough karmic potential". Pff, so even a magical -fucking- apparition has its limits, uh? Okay, how about the entire ward and me freed of cancer? Yeah, that would be swell. A catch. Fighting witches. Look, they tore my breasts out and amputated one of my legs, Witches I can handle. NOW GRANT MY WISH IF YOU ARE REAL, MMKAY <3" Biography: Dariya was born out of a whimsical fancy of a Polish engineer and an Ukrainian callgirl. At first it seemed everything out like a fairytale. Superdad the awesome fixit engineer and mom the cuddling hottie. And then the first miscarriage came. And then a second. Things went really sour at the homestead. But dad kept climbing in job and responsability, and couldn't keep an eye on the emotionally jagged mom who spent nights silently crying into her sleep on an empty bed. While Dariya watched it all. And since she didn't know what to do she just smiled and assured things would still turn fine. It was then when his father was caught cheating on her mother with a younger coworker, and any hope they had of familiar life was thrown out of the window. The home war just started. Mother began cheating father in retaliation, bringing sleazy individuals home which reeked of alcohol to do adult things and be noisy. And Dariya, for the sake of her family, still just smiled and said things would turn out fine. All the way through highschool, she kept pretending her household, everyone kept pretending life at home was fine, when it was not. So Dariya made an attempt of willpower and focused on her studies. She had inherited the genes of her mother, and had developed quite in a spectacular, if homely, highschool beauty. So the envious, jealous and bullies made a target of her, harassing her, sabotaging her homework, and treating her as if she were a dumb, fat cow. But Dariya kept smiling and pretending she was fine. Everything was fine. And then a strange lump appeared in her left breast on a routine examination. And it was the worst case scenario. And Dariya was sent to be treated to the Danzig cancer ward. Given her age, her illness was swift, and the outlook rather grim. The illusion at home finally fell apart. Her father beat her mom in frustration, blaming her, or more precisely, her ancestors who lived in the Chernobyl area for the reason why Dariya had cancer (even though no one could be sure of that being a cause). While Dariya was barely hanging for her life in the hospital, losing bits of her body little by little under the scalpel, hair falling off, and becoming increasingly emaciated, her mother was kicked out of her house. But there were other people of her age, or even younger in the cancer ward. So Dariya smiled... and still pretended everything was fine. And then her mother was found overdosed in the street. And her father gave up on Dariya and just kept tossing money at her out of responsability without appearing at the hospital. He also married another woman, just a week after mother was dead. Dariya still keep the smile. She couldn't cry. The medication had burnt her tear ducts so badly she could not. And then Kyubey appeared. Skills: Actress: Inheriting from her mother her good looks and sweet voice, Dariya can appear as innocent and pure as an angel, and even lie to the face of veteran police inspectors to their faces without being caught. She is also skilled in finding emotional openings on other people to exploit aswell. Duress: Dariya found that during her ordeal, she was much more accepting and resistant than most people. What would break many, she could grit her teeth, take it in stride and then write it off as another unfortunate event. Death smiles to us all, so we all should smile back, is what Dariya lives for. Tech Wiz: Dariya inherited from her father a knack for mathematics and technology. She can crunch numbers like a pro, and given her long stay in the cancer ward, she entertained herself polishing up her hacking skills to spy on other people as a past time. She can even build some small electronics if pushed hard enough. Polygloth: Given her background, she is fluent in both Polish and Ukrainian. She can also do rather decently in English and knows Russian. Threads of Fate: [s]4[/s] 5 Magical Weapon: Metal Wires. It's a rather awkward weapon, since she needs to do a lot of flair and movement to make it cut targets, but they can bind objects solidly and even help for transportation Indiana Jones style, and shielding if need be. Experience: 1 (Not even a week!) Magical Ability(Core): Healing. That's it. Improved healing. Like Sayaka. But it works on others aswell. Signature and Finisher: NONE YET FOR N00BS ██████: [s]17%[/s] 9% Still sparkly even after getting internal organs, the leg and the puppies back. [/hider]