[hider=Astrid Tavast | Valkyrie] [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/bcxavsz7x/Astrid.png[/img][/center] NAME: [indent]Astrid Tavast[/indent] AGE: [indent]Centuries old[/indent] GENDER: [indent]Female [/indent] SPECIES: [indent]Valkyrie [/indent] SEXUAL PREFERENCE: [indent]Heterosexual [/indent] LIKES [indent]Long bike rides | Karaoke (only while tipsy) | Spontaneous moments | Living a carefree existence | Antique shops [/indent] DISLIKES: [indent]Shyness | Deceit | Anyone more arrogant than herself | Acting like a responsible adult for too long | Crying [/indent] BIO: [indent]Astrid is not very sentimental. It took her years before she learned how to feel empathy. Given up by birth to grow up in a private shieldmaiden academy tends to toughen up and rid one of meaningless emotions. There was no mother to teach her loving ways or a father to tell her how she deserved to be treated by men. Each little girl attended etiquette classes, which further transformed them into lovely but deadly empty vessels. Years passed this way until graduating. She had to stay in contact with her employer but wanted for nothing, as the company paid for all necessities should one choose to stay at the manor. She did linger there for a bit before exploring the seedier parts of freedom. As far as idle time, Astrid was left to her own devices and found herself in a little bit of trouble here and there. The Valkyrie hung around the wrong crowds for a while and participated in underground fighting rings where onlookers would place bets. Astrid cheated a long while by fighting against regular humans until someone discovered her heritage and banned her. With no other choice the destructive woman turned to supernatural fighting rings and still won a decent amount of fights. These matches were all out everything goes including powers and it began to take a toll on her. She still enjoys utilizing her skills and thought teaching others to protect themselves could redeem some of her troubled past offenses, including a few arrests...the lowest point in her life. More background history to be discovered in game. Note: A Valkyrie is not to discuss her duties to anyone whether they google 'Valkyrie' or not. Period. She will always be employed and obligated to fulfill the tasks assigned to her. So not only is she a student and an instructor but she also has certain birthrights to tend to making Astrid a very busy [strike]ill-tempered[/strike] girl. This could cause a rift between her and her soul mate should he inquire about her whereabouts. There is nothing that can be done about it, regardless if her soul mate dislikes the secrecy. [/indent] OCCUPATION: [indent]Law student & Self defense instructor at ASD[/indent] ORIGIN: [indent]Greenland[/indent] FEELINGS ABOUT SOUL MATE: [indent]She's been much too busy focusing on redeeming herself to even consider the possibility that someone is out there for her. Would they be able to handle her stubborn, sarcastic, and strong willed tendencies? What about how she throws her clothing toward the dirty hamper but seldom do the items actually make it into the bin. They'd probably have some good times in the beginning, as a Valkyrie is always up for passionate endeavors, but that fades...doesn't it? [/indent] SOUL MATE: [indent]TBD (to be determined) [/indent][/hider]