[center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/8z1izl.gif[/IMG][/center] True colors were being shown soon after Casper stepped into Donna and Miles car. It started with small talk, something which further lead to instructions which in turn lead to shunning the past. Casper had a hard time hearing everything due to exhaustion but he could pick up enough to understand the concept. They wanted him to get a haircut, they wanted him to change his clothes and they wanted him to fit in with his new so called 'family'. Was he able to fight back, he would have, though due to his lack of energy Casper could only respond with an okay. It didn't take long before the car stopped at a hair salon. Was the world truly this cruel? It was starting to seem like a joke, a bad one. His mother had overdosed on the shit she kept closer than her own son, only to launch him into the hands of an emotionless rich couple who would now call Casper their own. Sitting down in the chair he was offered, the boy saw his reflection in the mirror before him. An apathetic expression met his eyes hidden behind bangs and a blanket of fatigue. He barely noticed the scissors coming in contact with his black hair, each snip sending several strands to the floor. [i][color=00aeef]"This is what I've become...? Someone's fuckin' pet...?"[/color][/i] He wanted to rip the chair from its bolts in the floor and bash it into the hairdresser but the thought quickly left his side. He was stuck in this, there was no escape. Even though the boy had found himself in a prison wrapped in silk and glamour, he could try to see the positive side of it. At least he could see better now, right? At the end of the session, Casper laid eyes on his reflection and saw how his new haircut left his black bangs just above his eyes, now making his face a lot more visible to the outside world. "Wonderful!" Donna clapped her hands together before she placed them on Casper's shoulders. It was apparent that he didn't care too much, however. As soon as the hairdresser made sure to remove every stray strand of hair, the boy was free to leave and once more found himself in the car. A bed, was that too much to ask for? Well, a bed and a shower. That wasn't too much, was it? He'd need to change schools now, too. There was an Evo school in this godforsaken village he was going to live in? He had no clue and right now it didn't matter. "Here we are, dearest." Donna broke the silence, waking Casper from his halfway sleeping state. "Your new home." Impressive to say the least, Donna motioned towards a large villa. This was his new home? Well, it was big. "Come now, I am sure you are tired. Some rest will do you well." She had enough of a heart to let the boy sleep? That was a pleasant surprise. God knew she wouldn't let him into her house with an alternate haircut. "James and Freya are in bed right now, but you'll see them tomorrow. Your room is right next to James's on the second floor. There is a bathroom there as well." [color=00aeef]"Thank you..."[/color] The boy managed, walking up the stairs as he was met by countless new impressions. His entire apartment was the size of his new bedroom. It begged the question once more, why did they adopt a kid from the slums? Was it because they truly cared? Forcing Casper to get a haircut before coming home meant that there were some things more important than those Donna claimed as her kids. Image, was that it? She adopted Casper for the sake of her image? Yes, that made sense, didn't it? As a kid Casper always thought that rich people did everything to keep a good image up, and this would greatly add to that. The benevolent Miles and Donna adopted a boy from the slums, an Evo no less. They were playing a dangerous game, however. A lot of anti-Evo fanatics would shun them for this but they probably knew that. They were playing a very strategical game in an attempt to gain friends in all the right places, including the Evo community. [color=00aeef][i]"I'm thinkin' far too deeply into this..."[/i][/color] After a long, hot shower, Casper felt a bit refreshed. It was as if the filth and the shit which had washed over him since this began was starting to slide down the drain. All he needed now was some sleep. He was too tired to even mourn, something he was sure would come in due time. He hadn't been given an opportunity to hide in a corner and bawl his eyes out but he knew that the day would come where he'd let it all out. Hopefully it wouldn't be in any physical form. Slipping into a t-shirt and a pair of boxers, Casper noticed how the walk in closet in his room contained enough clothes to last him weeks without having to wash any of them. [color=00aeef][i]"What the fuck is this...? What the hell is happening!? Why am I even here!?"[/i][/color] Clenching his fists, the boy closed the door to his room and slid below the sheets of his new bed. Perhaps when he woke up this would all be a great big dream. Perhaps he was still in his bed back home with his mother duped out on the couch. Perhaps he still needed to throw the garbage out and cook some food. Perhaps...perhaps this was all true and the fates had sown a path for him that seemed impossible and completely bizarre. An answer met his question soon after he woke up the following day. The sound of birds welcome his senses to the new morning but seeing how he was still in Donna and Miles' villa made him noxious. Everything had actually happened. Placing his bare feet on the floor, Casper made his way into the closet again, this time grabbing hold of a pair of jeans. They were a bit big but folding up the bottoms made it work. "Hello!" Nearly jumping out of his skin, Casper spun around to see a little girl. What the hell was she doing in Casper's room? [color=00aeef][i]"Ugh...am I gonna' be that person now? 'What are ya' doin' in my room', yeah...no..."[/i][/color] Tilting his head slightly, Casper regained himself and scratched the back of his head. [color=00aeef]"Hello..."[/color] "I'm Freya! Are you Casper?" How old could she have been? Nine? Ten? [color=00aeef]"Yeah."[/color] The boy responded, walking out of the closet and closed the door behind him. "Mom said you were going to live with us now." Her smile was bright, something one could have expected of young girl like herself. Silken blonde hair fell down her neck in a pony tail and she seemed incredibly excited to lay her eyes on a new individual she had never seen before. [color=00aeef]"Yeah."[/color] Casper repeated, looking down with a soft sigh. Everything was starting to settle now. He was in fact going to live here. It was his new life, his new reality. "Wanna' be friends?" She took the boy's hands and started jumping up and down. He had to admit, she was rather cute. [color=00aeef]"Sure..."[/color] Friends with a little girl. Who was she to him, now? A sister? No, none of these people were going to be his family, none of them. "Mom said I should show you around! Let's start with my room!" [color=00aeef]"Okay..."[/color] Freya, was it? At least she gave him a warm welcome. Yes, a welcome indeed. Welcome to a new life. This would take a lot of getting used to.