[centre][img]http://s12.postimg.org/g64dptxbx/image.png[/img] [colour=black][i][b]The Timeless One, The Celestial Above, Vicegerent of Fate, Guardian of the Timeline, Master of Creation, Lord of Time[/b][/i][/colour] [img]http://i.cubeupload.com/git2Ix.png[/img] [i]The Vowzrid Mark[/i] [hider=Vowzra][color=black][b]Name:[/b][/color] Vowzra [color=black][b]Alias:[/b][/color] The Timeless One, The Celestial Above, The Vicegerent of Fate, Guardian of the Timeline [b][color=black]Domain (Portfolio):[/color][/b] Creation (Time) [color=black][b]Domain (Portfolio) Description:[/b][/color] Creation is a subtle art. All gods can create, all gods can mould the world around them to their will and create what they wish within their domain. But to rule over the domain of creation is to create an art of the very act of creating. A god of creation has increased power in all domains but proficiency over none. Thus, while inherently more skilled at moulding earth than a fire type god, a creation god cannot match an earth type god in this regard. More importantly, a creation god has the ability to, at a high enough level, create enormous systems known as 'universes' in empty worlds, like the New World. Where a creation god is not powerful enough to do such a thing, they can channel energies in order to create a universe. However, no more than one universe can exist within one world and the power of Amul'Sharar and Fate prevent any god from slipping into another, completely separate dimension. This world will only become a universe when Vowzra wills it, but such a feat cannot be accomplished by one god alone. Indeed, the creation of the universe will require a ritual which sees all the gods put their powers together. One moment of unity before the shattering disunity. Time is a very ambiguous thing, it begins when a universe is created and is limitless in its scope and possibilities. Even a god of time cannot completely encompass or control time in its entirety. Indeed, Vowzra is convinced that 'Time' is itself a manifest being which transcends all worlds and dimensions. A truly ultimate god - perhaps even the only true god. But these are merely Vowzra's musings, he has no way of proving it. Vowzra can see a limited number of timelines which lead the universe down different routes, and it is Vowzra's duty to choose one route and work to ensuring that the universe sticks with it as much as he can help it. Vowzra also knows all the potential ways the world can be brought to a devastating end, and with it the gods, and it is his ultimate purpose to ensure that such an end does not come about. The only end that is acceptable is a dignified one, and the only dignified end is the one willed by Fate. His powers include the ability to cause things to age or become younger immediately, open up time portals leading to minor planes where the laws of time differ greatly from the universe's, and he has the ability to bring time to a halt, thus freezing all things in existence. This ability does not affect gods. In combat with other gods, Vowzra has the ability to slow down opponents by warping time around them thus making it so that they operate at slower rate of time. This can be broken should Vowzra lose focus - if, for instance, an external attack draws his attention. Vowzra also has the ability to slip into the very fabric of existence. He does not move to another plane, but rather becomes part of the very universe. Simply put, if we take the fabric of existence to be a 'wall' separating one plane from another, Vowzra does not slip through the wall and into the other plane, but becomes part of the wall. [color=black][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] Lawful Neutral - from http://easydamus.com/lawfulneutral.html 'Those of this alignment view regulation as all-important, taking a middle ground betwixt evil and good. This is because the ultimate harmony of the world--and the whole universe--is considered by lawful neutral creatures to have its sole hope rest upon law and order. Evil or good are immaterial beside the determined purpose of bringing all to predictability and regulation. It is the view of this alignment that law and order give purpose and meaning to everything. Without regimentation and strict definition, there would be no purpose in the cosmos. Therefore, whether a law is good or evil is of no import as long as it brings order and meaning. They are respectful to both their leaders and their peers. Subordinates will be treated as is due their station within society. Written contracts and verbal agreements will be honored by these characters. They will not break their word or a contract unless there is a legal way to do so. Lawful neutral beings are concerned with the letter of the law, but rarely the spirit. These characters also respect the idea of station in life. They will act as they should, given their station. The lawful neutral being normally sees law and order as of prime importance, with the well-being of the group put ahead of the individual on almost every occasion. Such persons see good and evil as immaterial and unimportant in the structuring of the universe into perfect order and harmony, in which lies society's only hope for survival. Whether a law is good or evil is of no import as long as it brings order and meaning. Thus, personal gratification of needs and desires is well and fine, as long as this doesn't interfere with the ultimate ordering of the cosmos; all other considerations are secondary. Life, to the lawful neutral being, has no meaning without order, and is thus expendable when faced with the choice between it and harmony.' [b][color=black]Gender:[/color][/b] Referred to as 'he' or 'she' depending on his chosen form. He is neither male nor female. 'He' will be used as default. [color=black][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Vowzra is a disdainful being. He will not meddle with things which are of no consequence in the greater scheme of things. Why should he feed a starving child when the child is fated to die anyway? No, if a child is to be fed then it must be because it has a great purpose to fulfill and therefore must survive. If a creation is to receive help, then it is because they are needed to keep the world on the 'correct' timeline. If a woman is to be aided, she or her descendants must be of importance for the world. That is how Vowzra sees the world, even his fellow deities. If a deity is fated to be destroyed or killed, then they are of no interest to Vowzra. If a deity will knock this world off the correct path, it must be dealt with. If a deity is of importance to this world, it must be befriended and aided when aid is needed. Vowzra likes it when things go as planned, he likes organisation and the setting of rigid rules which must not be broken. After all, time must not be interfered with by foolish ones who seek disorder and chaos. No, he likes order, he likes discipline. Of course, his perception of what is order and chaos are very different from others. He views things from the greater scheme of things. It does not mean he does not like chaos happening, he just does not like it when chaos happens without it being Fated to, or when chaos does not occur when it is meant to. In the same way, he does not like it when there is order when order is not meant to be, or when there is no order when it should be present, when somebody who should be dead is still alive or when somebody who should be alive is dead. Yes, he likes it when time goes as planned. He likes order in his plans, not the meddling of fools who know not what they do - and time is a very fragile thing, any bumbling foolish nitwit with a bit of power could derail it and lead the world into the great, terrible unknown. Depending on the individual or people in question, the situation at hand, and what the timelines dictate, Vowzra can be kind and compassionate, or he can be utterly cruel and cold. If his plans call for him to be cruel, he will be savage, if he must be kind, he will be benevolent. Vowzra is emotionally very stable, for he is aware of what will happen and is ever ready for it. Nothing ever catches him off guard. Of course, when time is not going as planned and things which should not be happening are happening, he can become very unstable, going into a furious cold rage and heaving chaos in untold ways - summoning creatures from beyond time, creatures that no deity or mortal should ever hope to witness. Of course, such a thing will require a great amount of power and might and, of course, concentration, lest even the god be sucked into the Hells of Time, a world so terrifying that deities who have been there have never come out alive, and those who did were never the same - other than Vowzra, that is. While Vowzra is all-aware, his level of awareness is generally limited to the timeline he can see and a few variants of that timeline. This differentiates him from gods whose domains are more focused around knowledge of multiple futures and presents. His purpose is to ensure that the world does not slip from its destined timeline, or if it does, that the variations are very slight and lead to a dignified rather than devastating end. This means that he can at times become irrationally bent on preventing the world from slipping into a timeline unknown to him but perhaps known to others, even if he is assured that said timeline is far better for the world. Vowzra is emotionally very distant, even from his fellow deities, and even more so from mortals and creations, not tying himself to a select few who choose to worship and honour him. In fact, he pays most mortals and most immortals (deities that is) very little attention at best, unless they interfere with his plans. After all, he has greater and more important work to be doing. He, the Governor of Creation, the Lord of Time. He cannot bother himself with a single time slot and a single creature or creatures. The Fate of the world rests in his hands and he must see to it that the world he dwells in goes down the correct path, a path which will not lead to destruction and doom, as was the Fate of the old gods and their world. To achieve this, he will go to great lengths so as to make sure that the world stays fixated on the correct path, whether he must see to it that a vile and evil power rises and dominates or whether a great and noble one meets its end. This is the way of the world, the feelings and well-being of the few at a certain point and place in history cannot lead to the destruction of creation, he will make sure if it, even if the other deities grow to hate him, even if the mortals shun him and all his followers. He will do what must be done, he will not play around with simple, foolish, naive things like 'justice' and 'honour'. No, he will do what must be done, whether just or unjust, honourable or otherwise, for he knows the result, he knows what will happen, and he knows what will happen otherwise. [color=black][b]Apperance:[/b][/color] He has many forms, some known, but most are unknown, even to other deities. He is most commonly known as the [url=https://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/167/5/4/Dark_and_Day__Sage_of_Age_by_nJoo.jpg]'Old Sage of Wood'[/url] among mortals and among the divine. When appearing to mortals, Vowzra is usually in the form of the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/12/11/3d/12113dc63e5489d2b59f51397d1c6c4c.jpg]'Old Man of the Woods'[/url] or the [url=http://pbs.twimg.com/media/A_HvLc1CAAAgvEG.jpg:large]'Wise Woman'[/url] giving wise counsel or asking for some kind of assistance. Those who do not listen to advice given or refuse to assist receive an eternal curse, while those who listen to or help the deity receive blessings and are looked over by Vowzra even after death. Among the other deities, he is also known as the [url=https://fc02.deviantart.net/fs43/i/2009/156/e/8/Hassadorn_Garuda_Lord_by_Gandharvasstudio.jpg]'Guardian of the Air'[/url] and as the [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/078/6/f/lion_warrior_by_koutanagamori-d3c0mhi.jpg]'Furred Guardian'[/url], appearing in this form only to those mortals who shall soon meet an end due to their trespassing, so mortals do no know him by this form, as all who see it die. The other form he is known for is the [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs18/i/2007/225/e/1/BEAR_WARRIOR__1P_clr__by_UCHIDER.jpg]'Guardian of the Woods'[/url] a form he has yet to show to any mortal eyes. These are the only forms he has shown to any other creature, he has many more and may or may not reveal them in the coming years and centuries. [b][color=black]Music Theme:[/color][/b] Main Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQY94-cL5z0]Numero Uno[/url] Secondary Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1-TrAvp_xs]Numero Dos[/url] Dark Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52b7dZCpwq0]Numerol Tres[/url] Enlightened Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xButjfhZWVU]Numero Cuatro[/url] Sad/Disillusioned Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B87goaPTwSE]Numero Cinco[/url] The Carnage Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7OdI-b61qg]Numero Seis[/url] [b][color=black]Description:[/color][/b] Vowzra is rather distant and detached, or at least he appears so. He does very little directly and simply watches. While other gods certainly do not underestimate him - how can one underestimate a god with such a domain and portfolio? - but his general disdain and detachment make him easy to forget about or ignore when plotting and scheming. What is rather odd is that despite his general disdain and detachment, Vowzra can become extremely involved in the scheming and plotting of gods when he wishes. Such involvement appears rather random to some, but those who have greater vision and understanding can generally see that his involvement is to ensure the safety of the timeline - although at points it his actions make it very difficult to believe that. For a god of creation, his creation are a poor lot indeed. In creating them he is generally benevolent and generous, raining on them his pleasure and blessings. However, with time he can grow very distant and ignore the pleas and cries for his help. Perhaps he enjoys testing his worshippers to see who of them has the greatest faith, or maybe he is secretly just a consummate sadist. Generally, however, Vowzra's worshippers, when he is directly involved with them, can grow very powerful and prosperous, while the 'Chosen' (Heroes) among his creation enjoy great prestige and power - as a base, they have the unique ability to 'create' living creatures (an ability which becomes more powerful as they grow), as well as various time-based capabilities, which also become more powerful as they grow - but it comes at the cost of having their god give them bizarre tasks; abandon them, sometimes for apparently no reason, for terrific periods of time; or even allow them to be corrupted and used as the playthings of other gods.[/hider][/centre] [hider=Creations] - [hider=Ants] [u][b]Life:[/b][/u] [color=ed1c24]Species[/color] Name: Ants [color=ed1c24]Lifespan:[/color] 12-15 years, Queen ants can live up to 30 years [color=ed1c24]Description:[/color] Ants were the very first living creatures to come about. They were created in order to maintain the Oxygen cycle along with the trees Slough created, though they are not restricted to trees or land - some species can swim while most can survive 24 hours underwater. Other than that, they are vital in preserving various life cycles, and the existence of other creatures would be impossible without them as they clean up the environment and improve soil quality - capable of moving 50 tonnes of soil per year in one square mile. To help them with cleaning, ants have incredibly powerful jaws called mandibles which allow them to lift up to fifty times their weight and break items apart to carry them to the colony, and they can cooperate to lift even heavier things - in some ants, these mandibles can close at a speed of 230km/h, exerting force 300 times its own weight and allowing it to both kill other creatures and fling itself to safety by burying its head into the ground and using its mandibles for leverage. This is the record for fastest movement in the animal kingdom. Moreover, ants are able to walk up steep surfaces and even on ceilings with ease, and certain sub-species can do so while carrying 100 times their own weight. Some are carnivorous while others leaf-eaters, making them among them ultimate scavengers. Worker, soldier and queen ants are all female, with male ants, drones, only living a few months for no other purpose than to fertilise a princess, after which they die - and some ants are in fact capable of asexual reproduction, meaning they do not need males at all. By creating colonies, defecating and bringing food back to the colony, ants unintentionally aerate the soil and introduce extra nutrients into the earth, thus increasing its quality greatly. Other than humans, ants are the only creatures that farm other animals (aphids) - and not only that, they are capable of enslaving other ant species. Further, ants are a vital pollinator, without which many flowers would die out, and also do a very good job of managing their own population - different colonies are perpetually at war with one another. Overall, these little creatures are incredibly important for the development of advanced life on Planet Galbar. [hider=Appearance][img]http://www.peterandpaulspestcontrol.com.au/files/media/thumbcache/011/c11/60b/ant.jpg[/img] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/Scheme_ant_worker_anatomy-en.svg/1024px-Scheme_ant_worker_anatomy-en.svg.png?1458432231386[/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Chronos]Creation: Physical Name: Chronos Description: In the darkness beyond the veil, Vowzra set about creating a world all his own. Its spaces were measured, its dimensions dictated and its laws were written, and Time was set to pass as the Timeless One willed, and he has willed that for each day on Galbar, there pass here one thousand Galbarian years. And so it is until he should Will otherwise, for he is the supreme Lord of Time, and willing one way or another is his prerogative. Depending on whether a creature that has found its way to this plane is wanted or unwanted, worthy or unworthy, Chronos will exhibit different characteristics. Unworthy beings will find the plane turn against them with all its might. The clouds poison, devour and cause rapid aging. So too does the very air. The water, if drunk, suffocates and attempts to kill or maim once ingested. The soil, the trees, the rain and the mountains; the crystals and the cherries; the Crows and The Bard; all seek to destroy the unworthy, the unwanted, the unFated - mortal be they or immortal, god they be or man. As for those who are worthy, then the plane will exhibit different characteristics. It may test the worthy one with great difficulties before they reach their destination, or it may make their path easy and strew it with fruits and food aplenty. But it would not, as with those who are unworthy, go all out in order to destroy the worthy. Those who are worthy are faced with two options once they reach Chronos. They can live in the paradise of the hinterlands, and there they would grow and there would live forevermore. Or they can take the arduous journey through the mountains, past the strange plains and on to the Chronos heartlands, where are the crystals, the cherry tree, the Crows, the Cube and The Bard. And should they arrive there, and should their worthiness be found adequate, then they shall be rewarded greatly and mighty shall their Fate be. And they shall be sent home; guides, leaders, seers, messengers and prophets to their peoples. Appearance: The first thing an objective, floating observer would notice is the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/21/03/2d/21032de2cb70542e020364d5c15abb53.jpg]clouds[/url]. Within the small dimension created by the Lord of Time, there drift dark clouds which spread out far and wide. Those on top are different colourations of red and orange while those below range from light to darkest grey. There emerges from within the clouds an enormous, barren [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6b/59/ba/6b59ba1fa66181e80c10eb234c45c644.jpg]landmass[/url]. It floats upon the clouds and appears stable (as, indeed, it is). The laws of the dimension work upon it and Time passes and the seed of Life flourishes thereon and there grows lush, green grass. And rivers flow therethrough, and there are lakes and great mountains rising up. At the edges, where land gives way to clouds, there float [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/29/88/fe/2988fecd78dae394210987180fb21359.jpg]large rocks[/url]. And over the edge rivers let fall their waters, which flow down from the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a9/95/5d/a9955d835b46f6484e05159b65fb76c5.jpg]mountains further inland[/url], and the clouds take them up and rain them back on to the great, floating continent in due time. And there grow [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/69/68/e5/6968e58c2bed91793bb0008d6f2f4433.jpg]trees on the mountains[/url], and trees on the plains, and there grow trees even in the rivers. Here in the outer hinterlands, all things flourish and grow. But beyond the great circle of mountains, though there are lakes, there grows nothing, and though the soil is rich and arable, no seeds take root. And here the clay grows in [url=https://cdn1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/279/077/large/labndscape2.jpg?1414781652]strange shapes as though it were alive[/url]. And beyond this, the clay and soil and waters give way to hard, grey rock and mist, and in the very centre of the great landmass, there is a great [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d3/95/ba/d395ba8fa13f045bf09a00193b26dd3a.jpg]cube standing on one of its corners[/url]. There is inscribed upon the cube words in a language unknown – designs, plans, laws, shapes, records and words. And within this inner landmass, with its grey rocks and mist, there are also strange, glowing crystals. And these strange glowing crystals have strange properties - even stranger than their glow. These properties appear highly adaptive, but the most notable is that these crystals greatly enhance intuition. Those who are close to a crystal appear to have a much deeper understanding and level of intelligence than the average member of their species. It is not clear what it does, but the crystals also appear to exhibit an undetectable 'force-field' of sorts. Before the great cube, there grows a single cherry tree, and it bears perfectly spherical red cherries. They appear to have similar characteristics to the crystals though it is unclear how similar and what exactly the properties of these cherries are. The cherry tree grows upon a very small islet within a large, rather deep pool, whose source stems somewhere beneath the cherry tree. Like most things on Chronos, this pool also seems to have special properties whose effect vary depending on what or who is affected by them. Upon the cube, there sits a demigod known simply as The Bard. He is the guardian of the cube, the tree, the pool, the crystals and the plane as a whole. Moreover, within this inner, seemingly barren landmass, there dwell [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/02/4d/4b/024d4b929109030280f78f713c9ec7df.jpg]two giant crows[/url]. One is larger than the other. The larger is known as Aeth, The Greater Crow. The smaller is known as Chao, The Lesser Crow. These crows decree when a being's Time has begun by turning an hourglass which has that being's True Name inscribed on it. The hourglass has a hole in the bottom meaning that the sands flow out onto the barren ground and crystals: one only has a finite amount of Time, and it shall not once spent return. The hourglasses of immortal beings - such as gods, demigods, heroes and miscellaneous undying creatures - are unturned. This means that their Time has not yet begun and so has no foreseeable end until the hourglass is turned.[/hider] [hider=Sertzamen-Vrema]Creation: Physical (6 Might) Name: Sertzamen-Vrema (pl. Sertzamen-Vremae; meaning 'Time's Heartstones', 'Heartstones of Time'; also known as Sertz, Sertzstone) Description: Found only in Chronos' heartlands, Sertzamen-Vrema is a crystalline mineral which developed on Chronos' original heartland rock surface. Over a period of 14.5 billion years the rock surface interacted with the aura exuded by The Divine Annalist; Hexahedron Historicus Creato, as well as the strange weathers of the Chronos heartlands, causing a tremendous amount of the crystal Sertzamen-Vrema to grow. Crystal is notable for its numerous properties, which reacts and affects both living and non-living matter in numerous ways. While its reaction to non-living matter is generally consistent, it's reaction to living matters varies enormously. Sertzamen-Vrema exhibits an invisible, undetectable forcefield with a radius of 2 metres and a circumference of 12.56 metres. In its natural state, without a sentient being tapping into its properties, Sertzamen-Vrema tends to repel all metals and rocks. Rocks and metals tend to either grind to an immediate stop upon coming into contact with the forcefield or if they are going at exceptional speeds, dissolve or melt into nothingness. Liquids cannot enter the forcefield if their volume is too great or if they are going at speeds the crystal detects as extreme or unusual. It tends to automatically filter anything passing into its 2 metre radius, either repelling, destroying, or allowing to pass through. In the case of the rock formations upon which the Sertzamen-Vrema originally grew, the crystal appears to have quickly adjusted to tolerate the presence of the rock within its parameter. The most logical reason behind this is that the crystals are in fact semi-conscious and are capable of understanding an advantageous arrangement and adapting to it. This semi-sentience may also be the reason behind the enormous variance in its reaction to living matter and particularly sentient beings. Among the positive effects Sertzamen-Vremae on sentient beings includes reduced aging, a much-strengthened immune system, increased rate of recovery from wounds and injuries, heightened senses and reaction speed, and greatly boosted intuition, reasoning capacity, cognitive skill, and emotional intelligence. They also appear to enhance dreams and make it more likely that one will have a prophetic vision rather than a mere dream, and the wielder becomes undetectable by all but the highest level heroes and medium-level demigods. Moreover, the longer a sentient being has a Sertzamen-Vrema, the more attuned to that individual the crystal will become. The larger the crystal, the greater the base power it can wield. As crystal and wielder grow more attuned to one another, they pass through three main phases. The first is where the crystal becomes attuned to the wielder, meaning that the crystal becomes more efficient and effective in enhancing the wielder's spirit, body, and mind. The essence within the crystal effectively begins to merge with the wielder. The second phase is where the wielder becomes more attuned to the crystal, being able to direct their own essence into the crystal and thus influence the filtration system of the forcefield, moulding it more to their needs. With this, the forcefield becomes a more effective method of counter-attack rather than pure defence: the wielder can configure the forcefield so as to repel attacks in particular directions, or to harness the energy of a blocked offense to enhance a counterattack. The third phase is where crystal and wielder become bonded closely enough to communicate with one another, awakening the essence within the stone completely into its full sentience. Not only does this create for the closest bond and most efficient and effective utilisation of the crystal, it also means that the knowledge and wisdom of the particular Sertzamen-Vrema essence becomes available to the wielder, and a mighty boon is that. For the spirit is not only ancient by any standard (billions of years old at the least), but each wields a secret knowledge which can be discovered should the wielder prove to be Worthiest of Worthies. Even if one is not Worthiest of Worthies, the essence of a spirit is a mighty ally and sage advisor whom any would be blessed to have at their side. The above is in the case of a sentient being who has not magical abilities, or is not learned in magical arts. The power of the stone alone allows someone who is otherwise an inept magicker to control magical energies to a decent level, and protects them from any effects should something go awry. Should one who is learned in magical arts manage to find a stone which react positively to their presence, they can expect - along with the above enhancements - to increase their inherent magical energies (those independent of the crystal's) dramatically, and for their control and precision to rise also. The crystal's adaptive and evolutionary characteristics are also enhanced by bonding to one who is magically capable, and it becomes possible for a magical wielder to configure the inherent, or add new, characteristics to the crystal. Should a magical wielder reach the third phase with their crystal, it becomes possible for the essence of the crystal to manifest in the physical Universe, and a most mighty thing is the essence of a Sertzamen-Vrema. These essences can manifest in any possible form, depending on the characteristics of the wielder and the essence of the crystal itself, and its capabilities in the physical world can vary tremendously. Above are the possible effects of a Sertzamen-Vrema should it react positively towards a sentient. Negative reaction can from extreme (complete destruction of the one striving to become a wielder) to relatively mild (negative effect on much of the above mentioned, without the realisation of the wielder). In mild cases, the effects of the crystal can make it so that wielder's mind is slowly eroded until they become more or less a mindless host. The crystal would usually proceed to bond with the host, consuming their essence and occupying their body. One the occupation is complete, the crystal awakens and becomes a fully sentient being. The spiritual invasion is also usually paralleled by a physical invasion. Hosts are usually identifiable by the crystal which usually occupies their upper chest. It is unheard of for a 'Sertzman', as they are called, to ever leave Chronos. The deterioration of the mind is very rapid and the victim is usually far too befuddled and confused to manage an escape. It is also possible for one to over-use a Sertzamen-Vremae before the bond with it is sufficiently strong, or to push their own body beyond its limit and beyond what the bond with the Sertzstone can sustain. Such instances will simply leave the stone damaged and unusable if the user is lucky. In more serious cases, the consequences can cause damage to the wielder's physical or even soul. A wielder escaping with nothing more than a crippled body should consider themselves lucky, for the crippling of a soul is a thing most grievous and lead to unimaginable pain, physical and spiritual mutations and high levels of instability and a very shortened life-span. In order for one to get their hands upon a Sertzaman-Vrema, they must trek to the utmost north of Galbar, where the Tree-minds dwell. Battling the cold, the seeker must find their way to the Solitary Mount. Considered holy by the Tree-minds, they do not allow anyone to climb it until they prove themselves worthy. If they succeed, they are allowed to pass, if they are found unworthy, the Tree-minds would turn them away. Should the seeker attempt to continue the journey, the Tree-minds would hunt them down with a single-minded determination. If found worthy by the Tree-minds, the seeker must climb the Solitary Mount, Galbar's tallest mountain. A strange, ethereal fog covers the mountain and it is nigh impossible to see more than two or three steps ahead at any one point, even if one attempts to use magical illumination. At the top, if one reaches it, one will find a great rock, which appears to have been sanded down into the shape of a large doorway. Before it sits [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e0/e0/91/e0e0914aabad78a2c0a5c4fd86a3aada.jpg]The Guardian of the Gate[/url], none shall pass through the portal except whom he permits, and none shall be permitted except he who proves his mettle. If one manages to get past the portal, they must then be found worthy by Chronos itself, and here the journey could end for two reasons: they are found unworthy and are destroyed. They are found worthy and are taken in by the beauty of the Chronos hinterlands, abandoning their quest living there in perptual peace instead. Or the journey may continue either way: the unoworthy may somehow survive, the worthy may resist the siren of the Chronos hinterlands. Getting to the Chronos heartlands is in itself another odyssey, but he who makes it will be rewarded most handsomely, for in those heartlands are the Sertzamen-Vrema and their boon. And in the hinterlands also are the Cube, the Crows and all True Names, the Silk-Spiders, the Pool, the Cherry-Tree, and The Bard. Endless power, endless glory, endless potential, and endless reward all await the one who can prove themselves worthy. [hider=Appearance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b7/b5/ea/b7b5ead88d97d9166fd9bb29ffed914c.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.soulfulcrystals.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/aura-crystal-points.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0280/0123/products/black-obsidian_large.jpg?v=1439794685[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/68/5e/6e/685e6ef55b369e68feba5683b246806a.jpg[/img] [img]http://joannegrylls.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/general/fotolia_34144564_xs.jpg[/img] [img]http://medicinegardenwellness.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Quartz-Cluster-02.04.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cd/02/36/cd02363fc231b53345fc5795d0e48ca7.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/7b/be/8b/7bbe8ba14f8224b528b62633732320b7.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c3/06/2e/c3062e3557fb67636fd69a19033fc1d5.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d5/d1/69/d5d16964d431aa6b014fe250f08e1423.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8a/ad/f1/8aadf1237e5793ed84bb94297660e1ba.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Treeminds][u][b]Life:[/b][/u] Species Name: Treeminds, Ursus Hominis Tyrannus (giant bear-man) Lifespan: 140 years Description: Treeminds are bear-like beast-men who dwell in the forests and the caves of the Utmost North. Though their looks do not betray it, Treeminds are a rather refined, dignified and intellectual bear subspecies. They hold dearly to their ancient traditions and ways, which developed as they evolved. They revere nature in general and trees in particular, holding the trees of their northern home to be holy, and Old Bark-Skin to be amongst the holiest of trees. Though they do not worship a deity as such, they consider all life to be connected, and that life is most powerfully imbued in trees. The older the tree, the more powerful is the life within it, making Old Bark-Skin the tree which has the most powerful life within it. Treeminds are not simply adorable, nature-loving teddy bears, however. Their's is a society which emphasises martial skill and strength. From a young age each Treemind must go through a ritual and is 'bonded' with a weapon which, unless a rare situation arises, stays with them for life. Where Treeminds feel threatened, or where their tribe and their cherished homeland is in danger, they become furious monstrosities, lethal in combat and capable of rampaging until their enemies have been utterly destroyed - to their last man, woman and child. They would raise villages and towns, bring down garrisons and leave behind them a trail of blood and ruin. What makes Treeminds particularly terrifying in this regard is their unmatched discipline and organisation in war. Their ability to communicate indirectly, almost telepathically though not quite, means that even in their rage they work cohesively and look-out for one another. The greatest weakness of Treeminds is undoubtedly their pitifully small numbers. There is no more than one tribe of Treeminds, made up of one hundred and fifty to two hundred individuals in total. This has meant that they tend to be very isolationist and avoid conflict as a whole. With their small numbers and low birthrate, they cannot afford to battle endlessly, and thus they have developed a more or less pacifist approach to other sentient races - any aggressive expansion is, in their view, unjustifiable. The only war which is justifiable is one against an aggressor who refuses peace. Treeminds have a preference for blunt weapons. While their bodies are undeniably lethal, they fashion great clubs and other such weapons out of ancient trees in their sacred homelands, which have succumbed to the final sleep. This is an art they have known for countless centuries, and it's origins are obscured by the mists of Time. These weapons are precious to them and it is not unusual for a Treemind to form a bond with their weapon which lasts a life time. These bonds are extremely intimate and difficult to understand for outsiders. [centre][hider=Treemind 'Territories'] [img]http://s28.postimg.org/3lmk8uv5p/g_Pwafyf.png[/img] The outer purple line shows the hunting grounds of the Treeminds. They cherish this land and love it much, but it is not part of their core and sacred 'homeland'. This land is where they hunt: from the rivers, they hunt fish; and in the mountains and forests and on the hills, they hunt down larger prey to feed the tribe. These hunting grounds are generally out of bounds for anyone not a warrior. The middle, orange line, shows the sacred 'homeland' of the Treeminds. This land is where Old Bark-Tree, the Solitary Mountain and Lake Grasidar are located, and every inch of it is holy and must be protected against all odds. The Treeminds do not hunt here, shedding of blood is forbidden, and all Treeminds bar Tree-Cubs can roam freely. The huge Lake Grasidar, and north of it The Solitary Mount, are two of the three most revered places by the Treeminds (the third being Old Bark-Skin, the magnificent and archaic tree located in the inner-most circle.) The smallest, inner-most circle, is where the tribe is settled. Their homes are located here and that is where the young are kept. At its centre is Old Bark-Skin. Many Treeminds inhabit the impressive girth of Old-Bark-Skin, particularly the Tree-Mind, the Old-Trees, the Tree-Walker and the Tree-Claw. Others also inhabit it, and the rest have their homes around it. This is the Treemind tribe's 'settlement'. [/hider][/centre] [indent][indent]Agriculture: Not much grows in these bitterly cold lands. Though the Treeminds tend to the earth and water it, and though they are omnivorous creatures, they can ill afford to spend time farming and tending to crops, only to then eat what can barely sustain their huge bodies and muscles. Further, growing crops would require the mindless destruction of the tribal forestlands, an act that no Treemind would ever think about, let alone consider. Architecture: Treeminds do not ‘build’ as such. They prefer to adapt naturally occurring shelters to their advantage. They carve out caves and reshape holes in trees to better suit them. Most Treeminds dwell within adapted holes in Old Bark-Skin, while those who have no space there find space in and around any roots from the ancient tree which happen to break the surface. [centre][img]http://www.livingwithanerd.com/images/Secret%20of%20Mana/manatree.jpg[/img] [I]A Depiction of Old Bark-Tree, the Epicentre of the gigantic Northern Clonal Colony[/I][/centre] As far as streets and roads go, Treeminds do not have stone roads or streets, but they have well-known dirt roads in the woods, which are known to them. It helps greatly in manoeuvring through the thick forest – which is very important for creatures as large as Treeminds, a wrong turn into a particularly thick undergrowth can see them trapped and unable to find a way out without needless destruction of the forest life. This thick forest acts as a hindrance against any unwanted visitors and makes the Treemind tribe’s pacifism and isolationism far easier to maintain. Climate: Located in the Utmost North of Galbar, the Treemind tribal lands are bitterly cold and snow covers the earth throughout the seasons. This is far more apparent on the hunting grounds and beyond the heavily forested tribal heartlands. Whereas the trees in the huntings grounds are rather young and small in size, those in the tribal heartlands are much older, larger, and close to each other. This means that much of the snow covers the trees but does not reach the ground below them. This is very true for the area of land beneath Old Bark-Skin. While rain, being smaller and more fluid than snow, does get through, it does so in far smaller quantities. The Treeminds take it upon themselves to ensure the earth remains well watered and favourable to life. Lake Grasidar, despite the intense conditions, remains unfrozen throughout the seasons. The Treeminds see this as a miracle evidencing the sacred qualities of the lake and the tribal lands, a blessing from the source of all life so that the Treeminds in its care do not die of thirst. Indeed, the rivers in the region are frozen over all year round, though the layer of ice can be broken by a Treemind determined enough. Below the layer of ice can be found fast flowing waters and fish aplenty. The Solitary Mount, the tallest mountain for miles around (and on all of Galbar, though the Treeminds know not), is the most bitterly cold part of the Treemind tribal lands. From bottom to top, it steadily gets colder and colder, and the strange mist which surround the mount appears to add to the cold. Only those crazy or on pilgrimage (or both) dare approach it – for not even a Treemind's thick fur can keep the harrowing cold at bay. Geography: The tribal territories vary from tundra on the outskirts to light and thick forest closer to the Old Bark-Skin and the tribal settlement. There are also plenty of frozen rivers running through the tribal lands, and hills and mountains are numerous. The largest of these is undoubtedly The Solitary Mount north of Lake Grasidar. [centre][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a1/76/b7/a176b755329a5c4d07217f4cd791f6cd.jpg[/img] [i]The Solitary Mount with some of Galbar's moons[/i][/centre] Lake Grasidar also lies just east of the tribal settlement, a massive lake which never freezes, despite the intensely bitter cold. Only one kind of tree grows in the cold climate of the tribal lands, what is known to humans as the Northern Icetree but known as the Holy Garatha tree to the Treeminds. It is a tree which, unlike any other tree, can only grow in subzero temperatures. While trees normally die under conditions as cold as those in the tribal lands, these trees flourish and prosper here – in fact, they quickly wilt and die in warmer climates. These trees can grow to become extremely large – Old Bark-Skin is an extraordinarily old and thus extremely large Holy Garatha. The Treeminds do not realise that the forest is in fact one single organism, one giant Holy Garatha, with Old Bark-Skin as its epicentre. Crafts: The only materials directly available to Treeminds are dead or fallen trees – what they refer to as 'sleeping trees', or 'trees that have succumbed to the final sleep'. Tree-Arms drag these dead trees from the hunting grounds - for they only use fallen trees from the hunting grounds and not from the tribal heartlands - back to the settlement, where the Tree-Nurturers carve them out. Holy Garatha wood is rather valuable and extremely useful, but the Treeminds do not realise this and, in due time, will exchange it rather cheaply with anyone wishing to trade. As far as carving wood goes, Treeminds are extremely skilled. They use their claws, and carve very impressive patterns and tools. All Treeminds must go through a ritual of bonding when they have reached their tenth year. This involves seeking out a fallen tree in the tribal territory, one which ‘calls out’ to them, and carving their chosen weapon – what they call their ‘Ik’Grarg’Ki’, ‘Partner on the Road’. This process does not require any carving skill as such as a Treemind is in a state of ‘inspiration’ throughout the bonding rite, but where a Treemind is finding it particularly difficult to carve their Ik’Grarg’Ki, a more skilled member of the tribe may help them, carrying out the commands of the inspired individual. Treeminds do not engage in ironworking and their carvings do not stray beyond the scope of totem-like structures, fishing boats, and Ik’Grarg’kis. Crime: As a community, Treeminds are far too small in number for criminals to arise undetected. As a result, their's is a generally crime-less society. This is further enforced by the fact that all members of the tribe are connected and aware of each other’s presence if they are nearby. Due to their small numbers, Treeminds are extremely protective of each other’s lives, particularly the young as they are the future of the tribe. For this reason, killing another Treemind is considered the most heinous crime possible. Any who do so owe a debt to the tribe and must make it their life-long duty to produce as many children as possible in order to undo the evil they have done. This may seem a light punishment – or in fact, a reward! – but it becomes far more difficult when no respectable Tree-Mother would allow you anywhere near her, let alone to lay with her. Those who fail to produce any children within two summers are banished from the tribal lands and are not permitted to return ever again - the most terrible punishment and torture for the highly communal Treeminds. As one may expect, murder is a crime so rare that no living Treemind has witnessed it. Petty crimes such as thievery do not exist, mostly due to the fact that there really is nothing worth stealing in the tribal settlements, and if there was, it would be both communally owned and Treemind morals would not permit them to steal from the tribe. Cuisine: While capable of eating fruits, berries and crops, Treeminds do not produce this in adequate quantities to sustain themselves, so their cuisine is mostly made up of meat. They are not fussy and will eat whatever meat is available, though the more refined among them tend to cook their meat before eating it – they are not savage animals after all! When it comes to beverages, Treeminds savour nothing more than their very own water from Lake Grasidar! But where that is not available, they don’t mind normal water too ^^’ Dangers: The Treemind tribal lands are thriving with all kinds of life and therefore, without a doubt, dangers. Beasts one can expect to come across include the vicious Snow Wolf (known to humans as the Northern Wolf) whose white coat provides brilliant cover in the snow. What makes this wolf particularly dangerous, other than its size (being at least twice the size of a typical wolf, which are also to be found in the tribal lands) is the fact that it has the ability to blast prey with debilitating, focused breath of icy air which can freeze limbs – causing severe frostbite in the best of cases, and a quick death between the wolf’s jaws in the worst. Unlike the common wolf, Snow Wolves tend to hunt alone and form families, much like humans, rather than hunt in packs. The Snow Bear, a large white bear, is also a real danger. It can be found close to rivers, the coast and in the mountains, generally avoiding forestland. These mammoth creatures can reach 12 feet when standing on their hind legs – which is tall even for a Treemind. This makes them a danger even to the Treeminds. However, they tend to avoid any creature close to it in size, meaning adult Treeminds are generally safe from the wrath of the Snow Bear. Smaller creatures must beware, however, as the speed and power of the Snow Bear is not to be trifled with. Indeed, a Snow Bear can reach speeds of up to 35 kilometres per hour, making it absolutely lethal when it decides on a prey. Smaller and slower bears do dwell in the tribal lands, such as the Tree Bear, a very small bear which only eats plants and prefers to dwell up in trees, the Earthen Bear is a large but slow brown bear whose size standing can range from 5 to 7 feet. They mostly eat plants and small creatures, though they can be dangerous to passers-by if driven into a corner or feel threatened. There are many other creatures which make of the Utmost North a home, and most of these have evolved due to the magical properties of the Holy Garatha trees and are thus very different from any other creatures found on Galbar. The climate is also a real danger. One foolish enough not to dress well or to allow the cold through may well find themselves with frostbite or suffering from hypothermia. It is rather uncommon to come across those who have died of frostbite in the tribal lands, mostly due to the fact that such fools would have died long before getting so deep into the forest. Education: Treeminds have no schooling system. Children learn in two main ways: play-fighting and through the strange link all Treeminds have with one another. As a Tree-Cub grows, it is bound to play-fight with others of its age, and the strongest tends to be the most dominant and respected. With time, this hierarchy loosens as each Treemind grows and takes their position in the life of the tribe. Young Treeminds, depending on their position, are put in the care of an older and more experienced Treemind who goes about teaching them the ways of their chosen path in life. There is, of course, the Tree-Walker who has immense magical knowledge and is very in tune with nature. The Tree-Walker tends to take on one apprentice and teaches them all s/he knows so that they can carry the mantle of Tree-Walker, with all the knowledge and power of past Tree-Walkers, to the future. The pinnacle of Treemind education is the pilgrimage to the top of the Solitary Mount. It is not known what occurs during the pilgrimage, but those who return tend to have knowledge and magical capabilities beyond the comprehension of any normal Treemind. Family structure: The entire Treemind tribe considers itself an extended family, and thus the family's macro-structure is in fact the tribal structure. On the micro-level, Treeminds do not have a concept of marriage, and children born are not the children of any particular Treemind, but of the tribe as a whole, and all Tree-Mothers, Tree-Fathers, Tree-Nurterers, Tree-Arms etc. take part in caring for and rearing the young. Generally speaking, a Treemind will not know who its biological parents are. All Treeminds are children of the tribe, they owe their allegiance to the tribe, and thus to every single member of the tribe. Every youngling is a son, daughter, brother or sister, every elder is a father, mother, grandfather or grandmother. While there appears to be a strict and formal tribal hierarchy, this is only so for Tree-Cubs. Once a Treemind reaches maturity and has a chosen path in life, everyone is more or less equal, with respect given to those in positions of leadership due to the fact that they represent the authority of the tribe, rather than those individuals being inherently superior to others. Rite of Passge: The Treemind rite of passage, known as 'the Bonding', is three-month period of time which usually occurs between a Treeminds tenth and eleventh summer, for both males and females. They undergo huge emotional tumults and eventually feel a compulsion to go out into the forest and find a tree which calls out to them, from this they carve their Ik’Grarg’Ki. They follow the 'inspiration' which overcomes them during this period and simply do as it dictates. It is unheard of for a Treemind not to go through this period, and not to pass it. Those who go through the Bonding are considered mature and can choose their path in the life of the tribe. Language: Treeminds communicate in various ways. While they have a spoken language and oral tradition is passed down over many, many generations, their fur shifting fur colour and tattoos are another method of communication, and can hint at the individual Treemind's mental and physical health as well as emotions. More over, Treeminds have something closely resembling a hive mind and are thus able to sense and communicate with each other mentally over short distances. This link is broken if a Treemind strays too far from another. While Treeminds carve wood, they do not have any form of written language. Carved art is the closest thing have to recording their own history, important events, marking festivals and so on. Laws and Law Enforcement: The laws which govern Treeminds are largely societal, and have become custom rather than formal law. The tribal hierarchy is not a matter of law, but custom. It exists and is naturally enforced by the tribe as a whole. Crimes are rare, but if any do occur, then the tribe would react to it as a whole. All inherently know that to harm a member of the tribe is to harm the tribe, and harming the tribe is an offense deserving punishment by any Treemind's standards. This means that there are no formal positions for judges or those who enforce the law - not even the tribal elders or chief take it upon themselves to enforce the law-customs. It is a tribal responsibility, a position occupied by each individual as a member of the whole. Magic Traditions: Over the many centuries, the magic of the forest has seeped into many of the creatures living in the Utmost North, including the Treeminds. This means that Treeminds have a passive magic within them. This mainly affects their intellect and fur. Their fur is extremely tough and difficult to cut through, making it a great source of protection for Treeminds. While by no means an armour of fur, it is tough. Treeminds are also able to process things faster than other beings on Galbar - which is vital for survival in a forest where every other creature has developed such quick processing capabilities. While it is not so much of an advantage in the Utmost North, its advantages will become apparant should they ever encounter beings from beyond the Utmost North. While they are all fully capable of using magic, only Tree-Walkers actually practice it. As the tribal shamans, they have various magical capabilities linked with nature. While they can, if necessary, cast aggressive spells, their magic is mostly benign and used for medical purposes. By mixing their magics with herbs and other concoctions, they are able to aid the young and the ill and thus ensure that mortality rates are the lowest possible. It is the Tree-Walker who makes the magical concoction which is eventually tattood on all Treeminds once they are bonded with their Ik’Grarg’Ki. It's creation is a secret known only to the Tree-Walker. Medicine/Health: As mentioned above, it is the Tree-Walker's responsibility to take care of the tribe's medicinal and health concerns. This means that a relatively good quality of medical care is available to the tribe between the Tree-Walker and all his/her apprentices. Treeminds are also relatively clean, they groom each other often, drink clean water from Lake Grasidar and bathe in it also. Their fur protects them from the cold and parasites alike, as well as any wounds a bear may usually suffer. However, they do not have any scientific forms of medical care, it is all very primal. Military: Treeminds are, quite clearly, terrifying weapons in their own right. Their size, speed, hive mind, strength, and intelligence make them terrifying foes indeed. They do, however, carve blunt weapons for themselves, which they have a very personal relationship with. The tribe encourages martial prowess and skill with these weapons - known as Ik’Grarg’Ki. Only the one who proves him of herself most martially capable can gain the honour of becoming the Tree-Claw - the mighty Chief Warrior, leader of the hunters and any Treemind warband. Naming Conventions: Examples of Treemind names include Horaroh Oharaho and Garagogarag Ogorogo. The rule is that a name must be perfectly symmetrical and that the first name and second name use similar letters. 'Hor' mirrors 'roh' and the 'a' connects them in 'Horaroh', while 'Oha' mirrors 'aho' and the 'r' connects them in 'Oharaho'. Likewise in 'Garagogarag Ogorogo'. Population: The Treemind population usually ranges from as little as twenty to as many as three hundred. They have very low birthrates and their lifestyle does not allow for population growth. The cold usually kills newborns and not many survive to adulthood. They are, however, extremely united, forming one single tribe, and are very protective of each other. Religious Traditions (rites of passage, death rites, daily/weekly practices, mythology, marriage) Treeminds keen to prove their mettle can go on pilgrimage to the top of the Solitary Mount. Those who return - and none in living memory ever have - are honoured and given a position higher than even that of the Tree-Mind. They become The Solitary-Tree, sage-like, holy figures who are greatly revered; Vicegerents of the Life. Romance (casual sex, courtship/dating, what is considered attractive): Treeminds can be very emotional creatures, and the multitudinous ways they can express emotion makes that very clear - both through spoken language, their strange, mobile tattoos, and their fur's ever-shifting shades. While they can all be emotional, none can partake in sexual intercourse other than Tree-Mothers and Tree-Fathers. This is most likely one of the main reasons behind the very low birthrate - only a small proportion of the population is ever actively reproducing. Non-Tree-Mothers or Tree-Fathers partaking in sexual intercourse is taboo. It is considered a sacred act, and those partaking in it must direct all their energies, passions, focus, and will towards the act. Indeed, being a Tree-Mother or Tree-Father is a delicate profession, just as difficult as being a hunter or a worker is. It has its many nuances and no bumbling buffoon can simply pop along and rut away. 'tis a delicate process, a profession most difficult to master and most embarrassing for the one who does not. Superstitions (lucky charms, ill omens): Treemind consider their Ik’Grarg’Kis as good luck charms, and it is seen as a deeply unsettling and worrying sign if one should break or be lost. The relationship between Treemind and Ik’Grarg’Ki is akin to that between a lover and beloved. Both are mutually dependent on one another. Except that in this case, the Ik’Grarg’Ki is made of wood deemed divine, and hold within it a part of the 'Life' which Treeminds hold sacred and more or less worship. They also consider it a grave sin to kill animals or chop down any tree within the tribal homeland. Doing so will invite collective Treemind wrath. It is also considered an awe-inspiring - and foolish - thing for a Treemind to decide to go on a pilgrimage to the top of the Solitary Mount. Those who return are considered Prophets and are the highest authority in Treemind society: the living, breathing Vicegerants of the Life itself. Any outsiders attempting to climb the Mount will have to prove themselves first, else the Treeminds will not hesitate in removing the aggressor against their sacred lands. Technology: Treeminds have very basic technology levels. They are very skilled carvers - but they carve with their powerful claws. They create totems, Ik’Grarg’Ki, and are capable of carving boats from tree-trunks. They are also able to light fire using the hand-drill method. They keep track of age by counting summers, though it is up to each individual to keep track of how old they are. All in all, quite primal. Transportation: Treeminds are capable of travelling very long distances on their feet. Their endurance is impressive, and they can reach top-speeds of 60 kilometres/hour, able to maintain it for ten minutes at most before returning to an average of 40 kilometres/hour. Their feet are, thus, their main method of transportation - and a very efficient method is that! Trade: Should they ever advance to such a point, Treeminds will be able to trade some of the most valuable timber around - and they do not realise its value! 'tis a merchant's paradise. [/indent][/indent] Treemind tribal hierarchy: [centre][color=6ecff6]Tree-Cub (Unproven Youngling)[/color] [color=a36209]Tree-Arm/Tree-Mouth (Warrior/Hunter) Tree-Mother/Tree-Father (Treeminds Dedicated to Raising Families) Tree-Nourisher (Treeminds Dedicated to Supplying the Tribe with its Needs - i.e. Workers)[/color] [color=00a651]Tree-Claw (Chief Warrior) Tree-Walker (Tribal Shaman) Old-Tree (Tribal Elder)[/color] [color=f26522]Tree-Mind (Chief)[/color] [color=fff200]Solitary-Tree (Sage/Prophet)[/color][/centre] Appearance: The average Treemind comes at 11 feet tall and weighs at 265 kilograms. Their fur colour changes shades according to the environment they inhabit, their psycho-emotional state and physical health. Their bodies are tattooed with a unique Treemind shaman concoction, allowing the tattoo to change colour in much the same way Treemind fur changes shades. What is more, the tattoos can also shift and move, creating an effect which can range from the terrifying to the confusing for outsiders. Among Treeminds, it has far deeper meaning, used for mating, indirect forms of communication and others. Treeminds are generally very well-muscled and their fur is thick and rough, its thickness increased the the climes of the Utmost North. Due to Treemind affinity towards nature and shamanistic practices, their very bodies, over time and with great exposure to the magic of their forest and cavern homes, have become imbued with a passive magic. This magic affects their fur most of all, making it extremely rough and difficult to cut. Though by no means an armour of fur, the thickness and roughness certainly provides protection against attacks, particularly attempts at cutting them. The magic also affects their perception and intellect, and one might sometimes notice a glow to a Treemind's eyes, which has nothing to do with an animal's natural ability to see in the dark. [centre][hider=A Depiction][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f2/9c/12/f29c1251b95a336267244aec5136ba7e.jpg[/img] [i]The Tribal Tattoos are Visible in White; this Treemind appears to have a two-piece Ik’Grarg’Ki[/i][/hider] [/centre][/hider] [hider=Chronos Silk-Spider][u][b]Life:[/b][/u] Species Name: Chronos Silk-Spider Lifespan: 15 years (those that live on Chronos are undying) Description: These spiders are quite normal tarantulas, just bigger than the average and white in colour. The only thing that truly differentiates them is the fact that they produce spider-silk in tremendous amounts, and their silk is is at least six times tougher than that of the bark spider (which, in its own right, is ten times tougher than similarly sized kevlar). This makes these spiders much sought after for the quality and toughness of the silk they produce. These spiders are only known to live on Chronos. Appearance: Large white spiders that look very much like goliath bird-eating tarantulas. Their average size is that of a human baby. They have quite a vicious pair of fangs at the end of their chelicerae but are not poisonous.[/hider] [hider=Garatha][u][b]Life:[/b][/u] Species Name: The Holy Garatha, Garatha, Northern Icetree Lifespan: Hundreds of thousands of years Description: Two clonal colonies - one centred around Old Bark-Tree and another centred around a smaller tree just south of the Northern Clonal Colony, known as the Ape-Tree due to the fact that various species of Ape live in its branches and around its trunk. Garatha trees are evergreen and their wood is rather hard, strong, stiff, and tough, making it similar to hickory. It's uses are varied and it is long-lasting. For quality material that will last, garatha trees are the go-to tree. Appearance: [hider=Old Bark-Skin][img]http://www.livingwithanerd.com/images/Secret%20of%20Mana/manatree.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=The Cube][u][b]Creation:[/b][/u] Physical Name: The Divine Annalist; Hexahedron Historicus Creato; The Cube Description: A Holy Site created using 9 Might, thus producing 4.5 Might per Turn. It hold within it the history of the World, from the pre-Universe and into the future. Everything is recorded, including futures that may or may not be. Those seeking knowledge can come to it to learn, but only Vowzra and The Bard are capable of deciphering the Cube. [quote=The Cube][i]At the end, there was Fate. And alongside Fate was Amul'Sharar. And all had been measured. And all had been weighed. And all had come to a close. After the end, Fate willed and Amul'Sharar made his call. And his proclamation reverberated between the heavens, and the godlings came on foot and mounted; they came from every distant peak and deep ravine; they came from every unknown darkness and blinding light. And some did not arrive, and some perished upon arrival, and some perished though yet they lived. And some fought amongst themselves, and some stood aside and watched, and some sought to save what could not be saved. And from the seeds of discord was a little unity born, and the hand of Fate seized it, and the Universe was born anew. And the end was no longer the end. And the beginning had been left far behind. And the godlings created Galbar. And Logos created Arcon. And Zephyrion created djinnkind. And Toun created hainkind. And mankind was crafted by Logos, and brought to Galbar by Illunabar. And Reathos created the Pronobii. And along with Lifprasil were the Lifprasilians born. And there were Wyrms. And there were Ants. And there were Sentinal Spiders. And there were Deepwood Sloths. And there were Emerald Striders. And there were Rainbow Silkies. And there were Fleet-Footed Manglers. And there were Brush Beasts. And there were Feathered Slouches. And there were Pearskin Cattle. And there were Tender Birb. And there were Common Seapigs. And there were Orbs. And there were Wisps. And there were Stripe-Faced Aphids. And there were Nectar Blushes. And there were Violet Slugs. And there were Duster Oozes. And there were Marble-eyed Gargoyles. And there were Ashlings. And there were White Giants. And there were Frondy Walruses. And there were Barnacle Hexetaceans. And there were Demons. And there were Nocti. And there were Seabed Tyrants. And there were Fortress Reefbacks. And there were Angels. And there were Realta. And there were Desert Ghosts. And there were Parasitic Buzzards. And there were Dirigible Cloudwhales. And there were Mottled Skyrays. And there were Onyx Phantoms. And there were Riverland Horntails. And there were Tower Siphons. And there were Riverland Thanes. And there were Rovaick. And there were Crocody Doggles. And there were Spider Oxes. And there were Monitors of the Mahd. And there were accidents three: Esau, Allure...Sveiand the Writhe. And there were Treeminds. And there were Quara Korala. And there were Chronos Skilk-Spiders. And there were Snow Wolves. And there were Snow Bears. And there were Dov. And there were Earthen Bears. And there were Haraktati. And there were Urtelem. And there were Fiberlings. And there were Sculptors. And there were Needle Fae. And there were Pack-Minds. And there were Cursed. And there were Marionnettes.[/i] [And the Hexahedron goes on to name the rest of created life. This is followed by all fauna, which is followed by the names of each individual in existence and who has ever existed, and a detailed summation, by the hour, of their life. This is then followed by a summation of every creation which is not alive, how it was created and all that occurred to it between the moment of creation and the moment of destruction- or of it continues to exist, what may occur to it. The infinite futures are then detailed, though each individual is only capable of seeing a limited number.] [i]And godlings died. And godlings perished. And there was theft. And there was murder. And there was tyranny. And there was war.[/i][/quote] Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d3/95/ba/d395ba8fa13f045bf09a00193b26dd3a.jpg[/img] [/hider][/hider] [hider=The Crows] [u][b]Life:[/b][/u] Individuals Name: Aeth the Geater; Chao the Lesser Lifespan: Immortal Description: Two crows who sit in Chronos and create hourglasses which dictate the Time one will live. The hourglasses have hole at one end, so the sand leaves the hourglass completely, rather than settling in the bottom chamber. The crows do not appear sentient or intelligent. Appearance: [hider=Aeth and Chao][centre][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/02/4d/4b/024d4b929109030280f78f713c9ec7df.jpg[/img] Aeth, the larger; Chao the smaller[/centre][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Vowzra's Victors] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] - 4 Might Conceptual [color=f7941d]Name:[/color] Vowzra's Victors [color=f7941d]Description:[/color] A large Order of some 1,000 individuals dedicated to Vowzra, Belruarc and Illunabar, as well as Belvast and The Bard. The Order is made up of loyal adherents whose base is New Chronos and who are a central part of its ever-expanding, undying community. On New Chronos, they forge their specialised weapons and their unique spider-silk armour, and are trained on a perpetual basis in preparation for a time when they would have to protect New Chronos or venture into the Universe outside in order to carry out the will of their guardian gods. Vowzra's Victors are specialised in the use of weaponry and 'Wi', a form of magic heavily centred around telekinesis which the Victors unlocked over their eons in Chronos with the aid of both Vowzra and the Bard. They are distinguished by their spider-silk armour, which covers them from head to toe, and which is impossibly light while offering protection far beyond anything most naturally-occuring metals can provide. The silk is harvested from the Chronos Silk-Spider with a special technique known only to the Victors, and the armour is likewise created using another such technique. They are also distinguished for their [url=http://pre15.deviantart.net/c22f/th/pre/f/2014/135/8/6/sword_of_ecthelion_by_horhesoloma-d7ign0c.jpg]viciously curved short-swords which have an extra long grip for two-handed use when necessary.[/url] In addition to that, also usually wield [url=http://santegantonbudokai.a.s.f.unblog.fr/files/2009/06/naginata.jpg]pole-swords[/url] which have a razor-sharp naginata blade at one end and a spearhead at the other. The Victors are staunchly loyal and religious, they have faith in all their guardian gods and truly believe that they are protected - whether it is by the 'Celestial Above', Chronos itself, 'Our Master the Bard and Our Master Belvast', or by 'Our Mother of the Cherry' or 'Our Mother of the Words'. They follow them all and do their bidding as it best deserves to be done. Years of meditation, contemplation and rigorous study, as well as training and living together have also given them increased mental capacity, focus, discipline, organisation, and skill with 'Wi'. On the battlefield or in the temple, these are warriors famed, models of human character and morals, and unmatched worshippers of their guardian gods. Amongst the Victors are also those who are specialists in covert action and are nigh impossible to detect in their covert form, even by low-level gods. These particular brothers, given the honorific 'Silent Brother' or 'Silent Sister', are capable of becoming invisible (hiding their presence completely and making them nigh impossible to detect) and teleporting long distances. This has limits. They cannot, for instance, teleport from one planet to another as such would require Wi reserves which they simply do not have. One of the key differences between Victors and normal inhabitants of New Chronos is that even when they leave Chronos they do not age. Moreover, the Time energies within them mean that, when a guardian god intervenes, they are capable of recovering from the most serious injuries and even come back to life after being slain (this is a complete return to life and not 'undeath'). Victors usually refer to one another with the honorific, 'Brother' or 'Sister'. Particularly powerful Victors, who are not of the 'Silent' variation, are given the honorific 'Battle Brother' or 'Battle Sister'. [color=f7941d]Appearance:[/color] All Victors, when going into battle, are dressed the same. They are covered from head to toe, much like mummies, in Spider-Silk. The head is likewise [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5b/dd/d0/5bddd005d54286a033c843a503d33fe1.jpg]covered[/url], but has on it the [url=http://i.cubeupload.com/git2Ix.png]Vowzrid Mark[/url]. Above this first layer comes the second, a white silk-spider [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6f/95/35/6f95353cae9c476e229920ac882b49a2.jpg]robe with a wide hood[/url]. This is exceptionally thick and can absorb blunt damage just as well as it resists being cut. Above this comes the final layer, which is a white [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e1/b9/33/e1b93379f910f6131eb72f51e059b03e.jpg]full-body cloak[/url] also of spider-silk. The back of this last layer also sports the Vowzrid Mark. [/hider] - [/hider] [centre][img]https://s10.postimg.io/c8yxuw2ft/Again.png[/img][/centre]