[@Conflagration][@Dead Cruiser][@Ambrosia][@Noxious][@Moonjuice7][@Grif of Hearts] - the IC is finally up! You all have two weeks to write up your parts! a general introdcution about them, how they traveled to the town of Digbeth and them entering the little shop of Mavlek and Hammy would suffice! add in your own flourishes to, whatever you want! Hope to see your replies in the following week. Feel to ask any questions and such plus if you want to collab? no problem just ask either me or my Co-GM! [@Hellis][@Expllo][@Foxxie] - The IC is now up! you have two weeks to complete your CSs and post! however, since you'll be doing your CSs in that time, I offer my help in the form of a collab and such. HOPE TO SEE YOUR CSs COMPLETED! if you don't, there will still be time, I can introduce your characters at a later time. So don't fret or worry about not hitting the deadline, the pace here is casual speed at the moment and such nothing to worry about. Will be updating this later today with a list of guidelines of this will go along :D.