Even before the universe, there were unchecked powers. Uncontrolled swirls of energy without conscious or guidance. These powers, merely exist. Or did they? On such pool, its very existence unsure, was drawn towards somewhere. Pulled by a force that transcends logic and existence itself. One word kept echoing through the pool. “Come.” It was pulled into the World of Gods. From the pool a swirling mirror image formed as it tried to make sense of a world that did not yet make sense. The mirror image, a black blob of swirling madness and insanity, finally came to have what comes before senses. Tendrils of power touched its surroundings. From these tendrils, the image to shape. The blob turned into a featureless humanoid. The first thing it gazed upon was Slough as life poured out of her. He witnessed its dead, and saw how overwhelming the force of life was. Swiftly growing and engorging the deer. “You are her…opposite.” Black robes wrapped themselves over the humanoid shape. “Death.” The metallic skull mask formed before his visage, hiding it forever. “A protector of the Cycle.” A gauntlet encased its right hand, while his left one rotted into the meager boney shape of a hand. “The guardian of … this.” Fate finally said, and the being that would be known as Reathos felt she meant the Primordial pool, from which Slough did drain too. He became the reflection of that pool. Only the gods of life and the gods of death would be able to access what would become the building blocks for souls. Reathos gained his lantern, and finally fate said: “You are…Reathos.” With that, Reathos was filled with purpose. To protect the endless cycle of life, dead and rebirth. His birth installed the end of life. The very concept of death was placed within creation. [hider=Summary] The Primordial Pool is pulled into the creation of a new world. Its reflection witnesses the creation of Life, and in response becomes Death. [/hider]