[h1][center]Knighthood[/center][/h1] [center]Of Gods and Titans[/center] We continue to grow and thrive. The Tower has been made whole again and we see old and new faces flood these halls. For once the stagnation has ended and the Tower breaths again. New Knights, New Friends, New Family. Though the threat of the Stygian Blade lingers and the Outer Door threatens we will push forward. I call to those who would stand up and fight for a hard won peace and the serenity we have come to know and love. Join me those who would stand up to hold onto our hard won happiness. 5908 atf. [b]Setting[/b] Knighthood takes place in the city of Angel’s Landing. Millennium of war and peace have ground the city of Angel’s Landing to dust time and time again only to have the city to be rebuilt upon the old cities bones. Now it is home to towers that rise from the slum streets, where the higher you go the richer it gets...and the deeper into the skeleton of catacombs beneath the streets you go, the poorer and more dangerous it gets. The setting is Fantasy turns sci-fi. Galendar started out as a fantasy setting that has seen progress towards a higher tech future. This can be seen in the way that the line between technology and magic is not always clear. It can also be seen in the appearance of races that are traditionally seen in fantasy settings making use of 60th century top of the line tech in conjunction with their 5000 year old magic. [b]Characters[/b] As a result of the setting, characters should be a mesh of fantasy character concepts with a sci-fi spin, or a Sci-fi concept with a fantasy slant. (Ex: Knight who uses nanobot strengthened armor, a shield of kinetic force and a sword capable of changing form to a variety of other weapons. Or you could have a ship mechanic with a penchant for magical items used for repair on her high tech vehicles.) Please feel free to come at this from either angle but you should try to balance your character between having a sense of fantasy and an edge of the cyber. Treasure planet, Shadowrun, and The Asgard from Marvel's new Thor movies are good places to draw inspiration. Characters will be new recruits or possibly veteran members of the Tower of Stars guild. Characters should possess some sort of tech, magic or combat expertise. They Tower of Stars takes a variety of individuals everything from ex soldiers, to hackers, to mages. The guild is not a military organization but one of its primary functions is combat. The Tower of Stars provides a variety of services for its contractors, some of the jobs are less than savory and it is rumored occasionally have included assassination. All of the jobs taken are approved by The Master of Stars and The Avatar of Storms himself, Christian Highfell. Christian allows many of the members of the Tower of Stars to take their own jobs usually with a cursory approval. Characters should have a strong backstory and ideas for their own jobs as well as a means for fitting into the overall plot line of The Tower of Stars battle for stability and survival in Galendar. [b]Magic[/b] [b]Channeled Magic-[/b] Channeled Magic is the most common form of magic. Channeled magic is any magic which is given to the user from an outside source. This can be a god, an item, or some sort of artificial font of magic. Most commonly Channeled Magic is magic collected and gifted by the Gods to worshippers or favored individuals. Most Gods grant their magic to clerics however some gods grant magic in different ways. (See below) Channeled Magic typically has set parameters to it and often has spells that are specific to the caster. Often the magic is aligned with the particular source. [i]Ex: Fire Elementalists have fire magic, Wyrdshapers have magic that deals with illusion and enchantment. Etc.[/i] [b]Wild Magic-[/b] Wild Magic is where a caster takes ambient magic and uses it to create a the magical effect they desire. Wild Magic doesn’t require an external power source, however it is much harder to manipulate than the channeled magic that items or magic provided by gods. Wild Magic is also not restricted by the type of magic being channeled, like a god’s magic. As a result Wild Magic users can use a full spread of elemental magic and other forms of magic in addition. The other drawback to wild magic is that if there is no ambient magic in the area the wild magic user can’t draw on it. Many Wild Magic users prefer to use a combination of channeled magic from items as well as Wild magic. [b]Traditional Magic Divisions-[/b] [b]Alchemy-[/b] Magic that manipulates the properties of the world around you [b]Illusion/Enchantment-[/b] Magic that creates Illusion or manipulate others thoughts in some manner [b]Divination-[/b] Magic that grants the user information of some kind be it farsight or future sight [b]Necromancy-[/b] Magic that manipulates life forces and raises the dead [b]Abjuration-[/b] Magic that protects and Heals [b]Conjuration-[/b] Magic that creatures or summons objects/beings to the caster. [b]Force Magic-[/b] Any form of directed force or energy magic. i.e. Fireballs, lightning bolts, plasma blasts, cold/ice energy or projectiles. [i]Note[/i] Getting the category your magic belongs in isn’t as important as coming up with a character you like. These are simply here for convenience. [b]Caster Types (from above)-[/b] Yishreenok gives its powers to Necromancers but has no official clerics. Thandarillasad grants magic to Shamans and has no official clerics. Unvaris has no clerics but grants magic to Warlocks. The Elemental Lords grant magic to Elementalists. The Fae Lords grant magic to Wyrdshapers The Infernal Lords grant magic to Fiends.[/hider] [b]Will[/b] All magic must be shaped by a will. Will is a measure of ones ability to influence the world. Galendar has every form of magic imaginable from simple elemental manipulation to complex magical rituals with very specific purposes. However all magic is shaped by a Will. Will comes in several forms typically described with an adjective or a degree. A first degree will is what the average person possess. Hence it is referred to as Average will and is incapable of influencing the world. [hider]Average Will- The normal run of the mill person trying to survive in Galendar possess an Average will and is incapable of influencing the world. Unnatural Will- People who are destined to effect the course of Galendars history posses an Unnatural will. They are the ones who can effect the fabric of fate. Adventures, Fortune tellers, Professional swordsman, Artisans, Hedge witches and other dabblers in magic possess an unnatural will. It gives one the ability to effect the world in minor ways. It is what separates an average soldier from the one who walks away from a battle alive, it allows limited use of Channeled Magics and it allows some to scratch the surface of Wild Magic. Potent Will- This is the category that the majority of heros fall into. These are the expert swordsmen and archers. Fierce Barbarians and Far walkers. The top twenty percent of scholars, artisans, musicians and Mages. Most priests, clerics, shamans, druids and other members of faith's fall into this category of Will. You must have at least this rank of Will to wield Wild Magic effectively. Greater Will- This is the category that about a third of heros fall into. These are the master swordsmen, rangers, berserkers,and Knights. The finest scholars, artisans, musicians and Mages the world has to offer. Most Archdruids, Hierophants, Seers, and Prophets fall into this rank of Will. Additionally this category includes most members of higher races such as Fae, Djinn, and other beings whose race was not originally native to the mortal plane. You must possess at least a Greater Will to wield God Weapons. Superior Will- This Category contains the greatest players in the Schemes of Fate. Legendary Mages, Heros, Clerics and Artisans fall into this category as they are the ones who can drastically adjust the course of history. Additionally most Beings from other planes have a Superior Will or an equivalent Will, this includes Demons, Infernals, Elementals and Celestials Supreme Will- This Category contains the Demigods of Galendar. Beings who have somehow enhanced their will beyond Superior Will and now have a Will that exists one step away from Godhood. These beings are few and far between and they all are unique in how they came to possess a Supreme Will. The only “naturally” occurring instance of Supreme Wills and by far the most common instance is when an Avatar of an element or a God is born. Or the mantle of an Avatar is stolen or transferred. Divine Will- This Category Contains only the divine beings of Galendar and allows them to shape the world as they see fit. Additionally only possessors of Divine Will can wield a God weapon at their true potential. Hence the term God weapon. Only an Apotheosis event can cause someone to gain a divine will. Typically only beings possessing a Supreme will can undergo an Apotheosis event. Oracle- This is a new addition to this season of Galendar. Oracles are individuals that have a lower willpower but have been altered in some way so that when they are using a specific type of magic or performing a specific action their Will becomes more powerful. The most common way for this to happen is for a God to find favor with a person for a particular reason. An example might be a Cleric who has a Average will but when they are casting magic that is specifically granted by their god, their Will becomes Greater.[/hider] [b]Gods[/b] There are about a dozen gods each with a given purview. While Gods have their own Avatars and appearances, each god can appear in many shapes and forms. Many people experience the gods in unique ways or by different names. As a result there is a large margin for variations within each of the gods domains. They are sparsely detailed as a result. (If you want more specific details please ask). Gods are strictly prohibited from directly interfering in the world of Galendar which is why they grant their powers to Avatars. [hider][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/15usvV8Vq6X99IJGcAu8kncNSmr49dx8-tO9DRjcWeEc/edit?usp=sharing]Elsingdar, The Lightbringer- God of Light and Fire[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yuGwZ4MshBTedlf8UhnxvzGdhq313GhKhQz9QCClr04/edit?usp=sharing]Exandra, The Will of Judgement- God of Judgement, Revenge and Retribution[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rp9mVFhL8IMCdwwLuxSS9ccKH9N6iK-PNDsZlsGeJ0o/edit?usp=sharing]Faros, The Time Bender- God of Time[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jax0PL5GM96x_3A8JfgVh6awrdACHRLtn6ynIUR2m_M/edit?usp=sharing]Orcorum, The Wielder of Knowledge- God of Knowledge[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z5ynJrJ9aE8sQL66EqrGxKIn8inVlwId5KrAnnpKG-s/edit?usp=sharing]Seyardil, The Heart Shaper- God of Emotions born of pleasure[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ofLvPw4aCmKhnSFFMGsWWotDeh5rOob_LqkPb0uBpuA/edit?usp=sharing]Thandarilasad, The Wild Bringer- God of all things Living[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U6CNmH-CA14KeGRqAxu4Pi_MQ9bq0Rw7KLikeLWJKr8/edit?usp=sharing]Norforandus, The Devourer- God of Hunger[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GgR_NZ-zGwGJUfAjPubUEnZ37Q8U7Zl-CPGbPqEwjX4/edit?usp=sharing]Qtelneick, The Fractured Sight- God of Deception[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/12l_Z1BgVS9bgOJIB5WnRiSTfWDhNj16e9exZyz2dJQQ/edit?usp=sharing]Thotafus, The Abuser of the Arcane- God of Corruption[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/15-Gspdv0sNV_pNAWwbpQVEH41BCcUYOifG7RBN-Gcgk/edit?usp=sharing]Unvaris, The Living Misery- God of Emotions born of Pain[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1itmDMm63SQ7SHaKubFh9CoiGiri9SQSWQ4AMUT8vwcU/edit?usp=sharing]Xandrius, The Reflection That Travels- God of secrets[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RdC_Mi5LtAubjkgipjFCokJsgfYdb_5LybZ3B6DI3iY/edit?usp=sharing]Yishreenok, The Keeper of the Dead- God of Death and Decay[/url][/hider] [b]Tech[/b] Technology for Galendar includes a wide breadth of things. Medicine, communications, transportation and warfare have all been enhanced by technology. The level of tech is fairly high including nanotech, spacefaring tech (though few use it), plasma and energy based projectile weapons, cell level medicine and cloning (which is illegal). Standard firearms in Galendar utilize railgun technology. Chemical and magical accelerants exist as well as subsonic firearms however they occupy a smaller niche. Due to the wide variety of possible technology options available not only based on individual creativity but also character differences including race and economic status, most technology will be taken on a case by case basis. AND FOR THE RECORD! Stay away from the lightsabers please. If you’re using a melee weapon please try to stick to a solid material. Magitech. Okay anything that walks the line between magic and technology will be very carefully assessed by the GMs. Items that incorporate high level tech and high level magic are potentially very powerful. Items like this will be few and far between. Do your best to be reasonable when walking this line as I hate to have to say no but I certainly will for the sake of balance or fairness. [b]Races[/b] [hider][i]Celetials[/i]- Beings that are traditionally associated with light and beauty (not necessarily good) Nephilim- Second Generation children of angels with potent wills Light Scared- Any being with Angel blood in their veins [i]Demons[/i]- Beings that are traditionally associated with darkness and a lack of beauty (not necessarily evil) Cambion- Second Generation Demons bred with another race, Potent Wills Chaos Scared- Any being with Demon blood in their veins [i]Djinn[/i]- Agents of fate and fortune. Some of the only beings in Galendar that typically cleave to certain moral alignments, however like everything. Good and Evil is all about perspective. Jann- Generally considered good aligned. Potent or less will Genie- As neutral as they come. Potent or less will Ifrit- Agents of chaos and ill fortune. Potent or less will Shaitan- Agents of Evil and Destruction. Greater Will or less Marid-Proud Warriors with Greater Will [i]Elementals[/i]- The living embodiments of the elements: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. They also include other variations such as metal, lightning and other primal forces. They Posses Elemental Will which are the equivalent of Greater Will. Most characters will not be pure elementals as most Elementals primal forces given intelligence. Often characters may be the child of one elemental parent. [i]Fae[/i]- Alien in thought but familiar and often beautiful in form, fae come in many forms which can range from unearthly beautiful to downright horrific. Elves- High born Fae possessing unnatural will Goblins- The corrupted spawn of the Elder Sidhe’s maddeningly beautiful world, unnatural will Elder Sidhe- The Sovereigns of The Faerie Realm Arcadia, Greater Will Orges- The Spawn of Giants and Hellions these beings posses Greater Will Trolls- The Children of the Elementals and Elder Sidhe, Possessing Greater Will Giants- The Children of Elder Sidhe and Orcs, Possesing unnatural Will Gaelians- The Children of Animals and the Fae, Possessing Unnatural Will and hailing solely from Galendar as opposed to the Fae realm. Usually these Fae are from the forests of Korvan or the plains of Theodar. [i]Humans[/i] About 40 to 50 percent of Galendar’s population is human. Just like you and I (unless you’re secretly something else). They can possess a will ranging from Average all the way to Greater. [i]infernals[/i] The servants and spawn of the Devil Lords infernals are often given a bad wrap for being inherently evil but much like the Fae, looks can be deceiving. [i]Hellspawned[/i]- The second generation children of Devil’s bread with another race Fiends- Any being that posses devil blood [i]Orcs[/i]- Long lived powerful warriors with unnatural will. They are also a race of philosophers and scholars. Think more in the vein of neanderthals than your more traditional brown or green skinned blood crazed half animal beings. [i]Bastard Races[/i]- A large part of Galendar’s population are actually a mix of two of the above mentioned races. While the children are largely sterile couplings between members of the various races are far from uncommon. Unusually only the children of Humans and another race are fertile. [i]Aberrant Blood[/i]- Only a dozen or so of these beings exist in Galendar, they are the children of a human and one of the three Outer Gods. They exhibit a penchant for Void magic and shape changing. They often remain dormant for their entire lives as Aberrant magic is not naturally occurring in Galendar and their transformation is never triggered. (Characters that are Aberrant Blood [i]must[/i] be approved by [b]ALL THREE[/b] of Knighthoods GMs which means that if any of the GMs are not comfortable with the character then they will not be allowed. Additionally the character must meet a few other criteria related to NPCs currently in Galendar. I will be incredibly strict with Aberrant Blood characters as they are incredibly rare and potentially unbalancing if not developed properly) Bare in mind that there are some races which have been purposefully excluded from this list due to their nature. These things include the actual Infernals, Celestials and Demons[/hider] [b]Tower of Stars Ranks[/b] Master/Mistress of Stars- The leader of the Tower of Stars the position is currently held by Christian Highfell, The Lord of Storms. Master/Mistress of ()- There are several positions directly underneath the position of Master of Stars, they are referred to by their particular area of expertise. Examples include Master/Mistress of: Blade, Fist, Sight, Word, Shadow, Steel, etc… The number of available Master/Mistress positions available vary based on the needs of the Tower and the whims of Christian. (Generally NPC only, excepts can be made for characters via roleplay) Knight Commander- The Masters and Mistresses are capable of creating up to two Knight Commander positions. These positions are used for varying purposes and carry the title of whatever master or mistress created the position. An example might be a Knight Commander of Blade. (Potentially a player rank through role play) Knight Captain- This is the rank where most upward motion stops. Knight Captains are Senior Knights with extensive of field experience and skill leading squads of knights into combat. These are also the Knights who are often used by the Tower to lead extended missions away from Angel's Landing when a Knight Commander is not needed. (Player rank) Paladin- This rank is the same as a Knight Captain however it is used to denote Tower of Stars special forces. Knights with the rank of Paladin are usually specialists in some field or another, this includes the Towers assassins, spies, saboteurs, Hackers and solo operatives.(Player rank) Artisan- This rank is the same as the Exemplar rank only it is used to denote a veteran Knight who is a skilled hacker or artisan (as the name implies).(Player rank) Exemplar- This is rank denotes the Veteran Knights of the Tower, no longer a simple Knight but a person with experience and standing with the Tower Knight- The new recruits and those who lack any ambition to do any sort of climbing within the ranks of the Tower. You can find a massive range of skill and experience within the rank of Knight as some of those who remain at Knight rank are there simply out of apathy about movement within the Tower. [b]Character Sheet[/b] [hider]Name: (self explanatory) Alias/Nickname: (Self explanatory and optional) Rank: (This is a new addition for those who were with us in Season 2, see the Tower of Stars rank section) Appearance: (Include an Image) Age: (Dependent on race, most should be under a thousand years) Race: (Take your pick or perhaps a neat combination) Personality: (How does your character come off to others, a paragraph or so would be nice.) Biography/history: (Anything relevant to how your character got where they are, if they have secrets obviously don’t include them here) Reason for recruitment: (Why are they signing up with the Knights of Star) Strength of Will:(This should be either: Unnatural, Potent or Greater. Usually dependent on race but there are always exceptions) Magic: (General categorizes of magic the character is good at, specific spells, and where the magic comes from) God relations: (Any sort of god affiliation the character may have, keep in mind Gods can have many names and faces so if your character knows a particular God by a different name or appearance include it here) Tech: (Whatever tech your character uses. Computer, plasma pistol, nanotech, implants, hybrid tech/magic items, etc..) Possessions/items/property: (These are for anything else your character has that is important that doesn’t seem to fit) Misc: (Anything else the character sheet doesn’t seem to include that you think is important to the character)[/hider] [url=https://discord.gg/0qvPv2ZwO5L8IFtn]Discord Channel[/url] [h1]Summary for Season 1[/h1] The Tower is home to Shard (Christian Highfell, The Lord of Storms) and his Knights. The Knights of Star’s are a paramilitary mercenary group based out of Angel’s Landing. The Tower’s Knights have lately been occupied with opposing the Stygian Blade, the remnants of an Army that invaded Galendar several hundred years earlier. Ludelle was recently freed from one of Angel’s Landing’s prisons as a Defector from the stygian blade along with Adela. With the opening of the Outer Door, the portal between Galendar and the Outer Darkness, the Master of Word and Mistress of Sight have been keeping a close eye on the comings and goings of the Aberrants that managed to slip through the door. Now the Tower prepares to celebrate the Union of Raven and Christian before they turn their attention to maintaining Galendar’s fragile peace.