[@sMoKe][@rush99999][@orcpunx][@Pumpkinlord][@Duthguy] OOC will be up today! But if you want to make a character now go for it! [hider.] [u.][b.]Theme Song[/b][/u] Cant go Wrong with a theme song! [b.][u.]Name[/u][/b] Pretty Basic here. [u.][b.]Appearance[/b][/u] I preferably rather a picture (nothing realistic please) and a description, but either one is just fine. One Paragraph at the least, and include anything that's really noticeable or important to the character, like tattoo's, scars, all that stuff. [u.][b.]Age[/b][/u] If you're older then 100, better explain how in your bio. [u.][b.]Sex/Gender[/b][/u] Pretty basic. [u.][b.]Personality[/b][/u] At least one paragraph of your char, no mary sues or garys, no split personalities unless you can justify it well enough. [u.][b.]Bio[/b][/u] Doesn't have to be long, hell you can exclude it and reveal as the RP goes on. [u.][b.]Power(s)[/b][/u] Anything goes, just one rule, no game breaking or earth destroying powers, we're villains but still. [u.][b.]Weapon[/b][/u] If this applies. [u.][b.]Other[/b][/u] Anything else? [/hider.]