[h2]Kana Yamaguchi[/h2] [b]"Excuse me, miss, but could you possibly suggest somewhere nearby I could buy dinner?" [/b] Kana glanced up, facing the girl. The one-eyed girl to be exact. [color=AFEEEE][b]"Um…"[/b][/color] Shit, she had to think of something, and fast. This definitely wasn't any ordinary girl, so Kana had to be wary. I mean, how often would you see a (seemingly) young girl with an eye patch and a sword strapped to her back walking down a park in broad afternoon daylight? If she wasn't a mage, then Kana wouldn't know what to believe anymore. Kana placed her mask on her face, smiling sweetly at the girl. [b][color=AFEEEE]"Oh, of course. There's actually a restaurant that specialises in ramen nearby. Would you like me to walk you?"[/color][/b] Of course, Kana was going to act courteous to this supposed mage. Not only that, but she would need something to feed her stomach before everything turned to hell in the evening. Making good first impressions was probably the safest thing to do, too. Even the smallest of weapons could have the most destructive potential.