[h3][b][i][color=b3c0ef][center]Persephone[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][b][color=b3c0ef]Location:[/color][/b] Salarn, Exterior [b][color=b3c0ef]Interacting With:[/color][/b] [i]You.[/i] Yes, you.[/center] It was proving to be a busy morning, but Seph had expected no less. She'd spent most of the time in observation, getting to know all of her new companions by watching how they behaved, and as far as people-watching went, this was not disappointing. The half-orc was particularly interesting, and thankfully his nose stuck mostly to her hands when he went around sniffing people, rather than anywhere more intrusive. Then there was the elf, the bard, a lovely woman with a lovely voice, even when speaking. Seph liked bards, and expected to like Sona as well. The cleric, well, he was even younger and greener than she was, and from the looks of things, he hadn't been chewed up much by the world yet. It was a little sad, actually; he was kinda cute, in that fairly naive, chivalrous way. But everyone seemed to have a point where the world became real for them. Seph's had been particularly painful, and she hoped this Sundos would have a better experience. Keystone and Lucan she'd already met, of course. She grimaced apologetically at missing the early morning exercises with Keystone, but in all honesty, she hadn't kept up with those too well since being on her own. She never claimed to be very [i]good[/i] at being a monk. Sleep was a valuable thing, to be cherished, since many did not find it so easily. She certainly hadn't, for a while, and now that she was sleeping fine again, she savored every second of it. Kyra seemed like a take charge sort of young woman. She had to be, to have a bloody [i]wolf[/i] at her beck and call, right? Seph imagined so. In any case, Persephone at least took the time to introduce herself to everyone in her group, but her lateness in rising meant she had to do some last minute preparations while the others finished eating. Once they were on the road, at last, Seph tugged Boro, her donkey, along behind her. He was far from the most prestigious of animals to have in the company, when compared to dangerous wolves and powerful horses, but Seph hardly felt the need to be proud of such things. He was a difficult and often stupid lout, in her opinion, but they got along well enough when they needed now. Currently, he wasn't putting up much of a fight, which was excellent. Seph would've hated to be embarrassed by him in front of all her new friends. Keeping pace with the group, leading the donkey with one hand and using her staff as a walking stick in the other, Seph listened in on the conversation, and was certainly available if anyone wished to speak with her.