Aoba let out a small ‘oh’ in surprise when he was scooped up. “That’s, um, good to know?” He offered a smile and then was set down only to watch Kuro do most of the work. “Do you need help-” However time he asked, it seemed Kuro was already done with the task. So, Aoba settled with leaning against the tub and watching the demon go to work. He seemed a lot more energized than before. Sure, this was Kuro as he was always happy to bathe with him, but now he seemed twice that. Kuro stripping bare before the tub was completely filled made Aoba avert his gaze. He didn’t want to seem like he was staring after all. He remains in a sort of quiet contentment, waiting for the tub to finish filling. Unlike Kuro, he was in no rush to stand nude and wait, nor was he as...happy? Aoba’s gaze so happened to fall onto Kuro and all his pride- and well being as modest as Aoba was, of course he looked away. It was hard to ignore it, but at least he could try to refrain from blushing at every little thing Kuro did- especially if they’d be together- [i]’Staying together!’[/i] He mentally corrected himself. His wings pressed against his back and he sighed. [i]’I really shouldn’t be getting so worked up...He’s going to think something is wrong… I’d rather not have to explain that...[‘[/i] He reached out, touching the water’s surface, watching it ripple for a few moments. With a satisfied nod to himself, he stripped down and climbed into the tub. The only reason he quickened his pace was to avoid the cold chill as it got darker. “This is...this is nice.” He sank lower into the tub and sighed. For some reason, even this tub was a lot more relaxing than the one in the church. Maybe it was because that one was smaller- and maybe because the first time he used it was when that Miss Susie woman decided to scrub him down in efforts to get rid of...dirt and sin. That was just unpleasant. The thought of it again made him shudder. Realizing Kuro noticed, he shook his head slowly. “Just- just a, uh, bad thought.” He figured bringing up the church now would, even if Kuro disagreed, ruin the mood- at least his own mood if any. He sank lower into the water and looked at his wings, letting them stretch out a bit. Now that he had thought about it, he did keep them closed a lot while he was away. Stretching them out did feel a lot better, and there was a lot more space at the farm, so they wouldn’t get in the way. “So…” His voice trailed off and he looked up at the sky. “What now?” It was an honest question. Now that he was sure he was going to stay, no matter the consequences, would they go back to how things were? Back to living ‘normal’ lives and defending against demon attacks? Where’d they go from here…? He let his mind wander over the possibilities before turning his attention back to Kuro with a curious gaze.