[h2][color=darkturquoise] Devon [/color][/h2] Devon smiled at the man's appreciations, and waved. [color=darkturquoise]"No problem man. Losing your maps a tough deal. I bet you could probably get a free one from the front desk if ya asked."[/color] The Lucario with the odd wrist band next to him let out some sort of odd grunt sound, which alerted the helpful teen to look over at him. His eyes shot to the gleaming stone on the blue canines wrist. [i][color=darkturquoise] Cool, a Lucario. Haven't seen one of those since my battle with Maylene......Whoa, is that....A Mega stone? So Lucario can do it too....Maybe this guy knows something about these things that could help out Professor Rowan?[/color][/i] Devon then got brought out of his thoughts once the professor spoke again, raising a brow at the oddly direct response to the Lucario's untranslatable grunt. [i][color=darkturquoise]What?....He sounded like he knew what he just said....? Did Lucario say where the map was or...?[/color][/i] Cyan was also confused at the odd exchange between Trainer and Pokémon, and smiled to the Aura Pokémon anyways. [color=cyan][/color] Pointing to the boy next to her she continued. [color=cyan][/color] The Marill then strolled to her left, and shook the distracted Eevee near Devon's leg. [color=cyan][/color] Looking back to the Marill, the Eevee nodded and fluffed herself out, skipping over in front of Shinon and Pent. The young Pokémon stared up at the Fighting-Steel type in innocent awe. She spoke very fast, still showing her usual hyper tendencies. [color=brown][/color] Cyan finally noticed the stone attached to the Lucario's arm as well, and her eyes glittered in admiration. [color=cyan][/color] Once Pent gave the introductions for both him and his partner, Devon flipped the Pokégear around in his hand and closed it with a quick snap. As he was pocketing the phone in his red hoodie pocket, the odd man asked of the red-head, but was seemingly shot down by his Lucario companion. Devon awkwardly scratched at the side of his head, and gave a blank stare to the duo. [color=darkturquoise]"Uh....No? I haven't seen any red head girl around."[/color] The boy shook his head before putting both arms behind his head and grinning. [color=darkturquoise]"I'm Devon, Devon Lyton."[/color] He then gestured to the two Pokémon at his feet....With his feet. Pointing the tip of his running shoes at both Cyan and Biscuit. [color=darkturquoise]"That's my Marill, Cyan, and that's my Dad's Eevee Biscuit. I seen em talking up a storm with Shinon, so I'm guess they already said hi."[/color] The two Pokémon both gave waves to the adult. Devon still kept his eyes on the man and Lucario duo. His somewhat puzzled gaze darted between Shinon's Mega Bracelet, Pent's staff, and just the Lucario in general. Crossing his arms Devon bit his lip. [color=darkturquoise]"So, I got a....Few questions Pent. I've seen a Lucario before in Sinnoh. The Fighting-type Gym Leader in Veilstone City, Maylene, has one. I get that people say you need to be in sync with your Pokémon while battling, but I swear she was taking it to the next level in my battle with her. It was like her Lucario was reading her mind or something! He could fire off a bunch of attacks with out her even saying anything! And I uh, kinda notice you two talking a bit. Can you......Hear Shinon? Like in your head? And you understand him? How can he do that? How can YOU do that? Is it a Lucario thing?"[/color]