[center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/8z1izl.gif[/IMG][/center] "Do you like it?" Freya pulled her new older brother into the little girl's bedroom. Casper never believed in gendered colors, he couldn't care less if a person was a girl or a boy in terms of color schemes but it would seem like this family decided to follow the stereotype. Pink as far as the eye could see, her many teddy bears and dolls were neatly rowed up next to each other along her drawers. A sweet scent of strawberry filled the air, adding to the otherwise picturesque appearance of this little princess's room. [color=00aeef]"It's...pretty..."[/color] Casper reached for a teddy bear, carefully wrapping his fingers around its tummy as he felt the softness caressing his fingertips. Brown like chocolate with a pair of bright blue eyes stitched on, the teddy bear gazed back at the boy with its small and stumpy limbs stretched out, prepared for a tight hug. "That's Mr. Bottomsworth!" Freya giggled, poking the bear's side. "Would you like to borrow him? We can put him in your room!" [color=00aeef]"I...think Mr. Bottomsworth would like to be with his friends..."[/color] Casper put the plushy back on the drawer, seeing how Freya was eagerly rocking on on the balls of her feet. The girl had so much energy. "Hmm...you're right! Mr. Bottomsworth always complains when he's separated from Miss. Lillytop!" Leaning in closer, the girl tugged at Casper to make him lean down. Placing her hands by his ear, she continued with a whisper. "I think they have an affair..." [color=00aeef]"Oh...are they married to other...teddies?"[/color] "Nope!" [color=00aeef]"But an affair is when..."[/color] Shaking his head slightly, the boy managed a soft smile as he looked at the girl. It was best to let her have her role play continue on without any disturbance. [color=00aeef]"Can ya' show me more of the house?"[/color] "Sure! Come on, let's go and say hello to James!" Freya continued, pulling Casper along like a rag doll. If she had Casper's mutation, she'd rip everyone's arms off. Hurrying out of her room, Freya pulled her new brother through the large corridor and back towards his room before reaching her hand up to the knob of the door opposite Casper's. "James!" She exclaimed, opening the door to reveal a young man sitting by his desk with several books spread out in front of him. An attractive face had blessed this teenager with powerful cheekbones and a masculine appearance expected of a jock, for that was his title. "I've told you to knock before coming in, Freya!" James returned, his eyes lingering on the books, not caring to look up. "But Casper's here! You've got to meet him!" The little sister retorted, stepping into her blood brother's room. She noticed however that tugging at Casper was a completely useless feat now that he didn't allow himself to be dragged further. He didn't budge in the slightest as she tugged at him. "Don't be shy, Casper!" Looking up from his studies, James looked at the new boy with a raised eyebrow. Skeptical would be a far too underwhelming description of the looks he gave the smaller boy. "Casper, huh?" [color=00aeef]"Hello..."[/color] "So you're the stray mother and father decided to bring in." James continued, his dark voice matching his large and attractive frame quite well. The grin across his lips appeared to be of the mocking kind, his very being rubbing Casper the wrong way. Choosing to remain silent, Casper didn't return a response but allowed his 'older brother' as it was, to keep going. "I was told you're an Evo. Super strength, was it? Well let me inform you of something. If you hurt my little sister, I don't care what you do can do, I will make sure no one finds what's left of you." "Casper's a sweetheart!" Freya crossed her arms, looking at James with a frown. "He'd never hurt me! He's like Mr. Bottomsworth." [color=00aeef]"Nice to meet ya' too, James..."[/color] Casper finally spoke, his light voice the complete opposite of James. "We'll see." The larger male finished, returning to his seat. "Show him the other rooms, Freya." "Come on, Casper! James is being a meanie!" The girl started out of the room with her fingers wrapped around Casper's hand. [color=00aeef][i]"Yeah, a meanie...he's a fuckin' asshole..."[/i][/color] A soft sigh managed to escape the boy's lips after they closed the door to James room. He was rather surprised by how quickly the little girl picked up on it, though. "Are you okay, Casper? Don't let James get to you! He'll be uhm...less mean...eventually!" [color=00aeef]"I'm okay..."[/color] "You're my big brother too, now!" His eyes widening, Casper's heart skipped a beat her words. She considered him her big brother? Sure, she was just a child but it was a mistake to discard her words simply because of her age. If she said it, she meant it. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, Freya..."[/color] "Oh, I know what will cheer you up! Mom made chocolate chip cookies yesterday! Come on, let's go and eat some!" [color=00aeef]"That sounds nice..."[/color] The boy responded, a soft smile now lingering on his lips. Had he truly been lifted up through this crisis by a little girl? She was something else, so filled with positive energy. It was quite a nice change from his otherwise gloomy life, some kind of ray of pink sunshine.