[quote=@Natsucooldude] Is this a bad time to tell you all I do not have any experience with writing comms chatter? Hell, I can't even think of what Gurjan's callsign would be , at least at this moment. [/quote] Regarding callsigns (I already spoke to Natsu about this in a PM, but this is for everyone's benefit), for ease and convenience, everyone will be 'Wylde Fyre [number]' with the number coming from your position on the active characters' list on page one of the OOC. Nicknames - like Maverick, or Goose, to use a certain movie as an easy example - come about through being given by other members of your squadron, rather than chosen by yourself. Generally speaking, pilots who try and choose their own end up being subjected to scorn, and end up with a less flattering one than they probably would've received before. As we haven't done much yet IC, I doubt anyone would've done much to earn a nickname yet, so we'll likely pick them up as we go. And it means we get to choose them for each other as well, which is more fun xD As far as radio chatter goes, it doesn't need to be 100% accurate, from what I understand there's not a lot of standardisation anyway, and the most important thing to remember is that it's supposed to be brief, clear, and accurate. And that you end your transmissions with 'over' and begin them with who you want to talk to; such as 'Wylde Fyre one, this is Control' or so on. There are various lists of terminology and brevity codes around the internet, feel free to find one and share it if you like any of you; at least then we'll all be using the same one.