[color=Goldenrod][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/05296f615f6eeae19066a51804fdf671/tumblr_inline_ngagz71wBd1so10o6.gif[/img] [h1]Astrea Nioré[/h1] [h2]Bar and Inn ~ Sunfire ~ Vrondi[/h2][/center] “Seems as though you might have caught someone’s eye, Astrea... hmph. Here you go- it’s on me beautiful.” The feeling of parchment brushing against her flesh caused her to twist her hand ever so slightly, her fingers slowly working to draw the note into her palm as her gaze once more lifted up to meet with that of Rhione as he held out a drink for her to take, her soft bronze eyes slowly dropping down to watch the contents of her glass for only a brief few moments before she shook her head lightly from side to side, her hand working bring the note closer into her body as an ever gentle smile played over her lips; her attention once more lifting from the liquid to instead meet with his, “Heh; thanks Rhione... looks as though you have your hands full today- first your royal guest, and then the soldiers... now it seems like they’re going to try and prove themselves by fighting.” “It’s something that has now become unavoidable; especially considering sir Eden has just accepted the challenge made to him.” Nodding her head lightly in understanding to what it was that he was saying to her, Astrea waited until he turned his back and went back to work before she brought her attention back to the note she had been handed earlier by one of the many waitresses wandering about the pub- it was clear who it was from... even without looking at it she knew for a fact that the message was from Mirror... She was told the moment that she had been welcomed into the faction that if she ever needed to get in touch with them for any reason, the best way to do that was through the waitresses who worked the tavern... it seemed that it worked both ways. Hesitating just a moment so that she was able to casually glance over her shoulder, she made sure that the scene going on behind her was still in full swing before she let her full attention once again turn back down to the note she held in her hand; the glass returning back to the counter top before she unfolded the parchment, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in surprise as she looked over the words written in front of her- her healing magic was... a work in progress. She could do a fair amount of things with it; but for major injuries, it took more than one session and a lot of her soul essence to repair... beyond that however, she had become exceedingly skilled with things like a needle and thread- cleaning and stitching wounds back together, taking care of those who were ill... they were things that she had had to learn over the years; things that helped when you were a part of Taxis. Closing her eyes for only a moment, Astrea let her the tip of her tongue lightly glide over her lips, adding moisture back into them as she thought about what it was that was being asked of her- if they were coming to her... if they were asking if she was a healer of [i]all[/i]... then whatever happened must be of priority. Pursing her lips together ever so slightly in concentration as she began to play with the parchment, she twisted the blue feather, using the tip of it to pierce through the box marked ‘yes’ before the sound of an unfamiliar voice filled the air, causing her to once again fold the note up before she turned her gaze down to the small dragon sitting ever watchful on the bar beside her- the beautiful creatures eyes never once leaving the royal’s figure as she made her request. “U-Uhm...” Her weary gaze flicked up; first meeting with that of the waitress that had slipped her the note, before moving onto the bright sun she could see high in the sky through one of the windows in front of her- so many things were being asked of her... Sliding the note with her answer on it back to the waitress as she once more passed her by, Astrea lightly nodded her head, a small though unsure smile playing over her features as she gave her complete attention back to the dragon who had asked for her help. “Yes; of course my lady... I will do what I can to help, and to ease your ill feelings...” [/color]