Megumi felt a smirk form on her face when the horses started to panic and leave the cart. This was a lot easier than she initially thought. She didn't think the man would give her such a simple task. She didn't know the significance of this convoy, however. Perhaps it was just a simple test for her? Perhaps they were looking for something in particular in the carts. Her questions were largely left unanswered. The sudden darkness caught Megumi off guard. She felt below her to make sure she was still on the tree branch, which thankfully, she was. Her red eyes flicked at her surroundings, but there was nothing. She knew she wasn't unconscious and this wasn't some sort of smoke screen. She heard the sounds of steel, cutting into cloth and flesh. People drawing their final breath as they body slumped to the blackened ground. She could only imagine the carnage that was occuring below her, and she could only hope that nothing happened to her as well. The sound of creaking wood was mixed among the other sounds, but it didn't occur to her at the time that they were taking the carts away. As the darkness receded, Megumi blinked a few times to adjust to the change in light level. She looked around, there was nothing other than a pair of bewildered horses and a dozen wagon wheels sprawled in the dirt. Her gaze flicked over to the man on a raft as he spoke to her. She felt the hairs on her neck prick in suspicion. [i][color=ed1c24]He knew where I was hiding..[/color][/i] Her first thought was to kill the man, but she soon realized that he was just there to relay information. She slowly climbed down the tree, making sure she didn't injure herself any more than she already was. She simply nodded at the man before approaching one of the horses. It looked at Megumi with suspicion, but the half cat gave the mount a few gentle strokes to calm it down. After a few moments, the horse was calm enough to ride. Thankfully, such horses of Ebonfort weren't specially trained to prevent horse theft. --- It wasn't long before Megumi had made it back to Ruby Banks, heading straight for the children's clinic. It was just past midday, and the streets were bustling with people. As she brushed past people in the crowd, she took the time to liberate some passerby's of their purses, her movements were swift and unnoticeable to an untrained eye. Although, even a trained eye would have trouble noticing within a somewhat busy street. She entered the clinic, the door silently swinging open. [color=f9ad81]"Can I help you?"[/color] a woman asked, the half cat nodded, [color=ed1c24]"I'm looking for Amaretta."[/color] She replied simply.