[s][center][img]http://i65.tinypic.com/x4kxw6.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][u][i]World of Remnant: The Fallen[/i][/u][/h2][/center] The Great War, the largest global conflict in history was said to have been fought over the concept of individualism, where self-expression and art were mercilessly suppressed and countless lives were lost. For the Four Kingdoms, this time of peace was an era of unity through diversity. A time for mankind to share and indulge in each others cultures. And for a while, it seemed that nothing would threaten this new age of tranquility. Self-expression and individualism, however, are not without their downsides. Though relationships within the Four Kingdoms remain in good standing, there exists pockets of resistance whose only goals are to shatter these peaceful ties. Societies that conspire to overthrow the powers that be while remaining hidden in the realm of politics; terrorists that act upon their namesake and advocate fear and hate; diabolical cults that worship death in all its forms; and most frightening of all...The renegade Huntsmen and Huntresses, who have abandoned their oaths to protect humanity, and instead offer their loyalty to the highest bidder. But in a world of monsters and men, it has become increasingly difficult to define one from the other. Not all monsters have horns and red eyes. Not all men seek peace and cherish life. Not all great warriors were meant to serve and protect. So they can call you traitors, blasphemers, and even criminals. I know what you are. You're just like me, one who has finally found their true calling. What good is a simple, more honest soul if you are denying it? Why waste your skills, your very lives, for this prolonged cease-fire? Kingdoms deny your existence. Academies have disavowed you. No doubt there are some Huntsmen and Huntresses out there for your heads. I'm offering you a choice. You can continue living in disgrace, without purpose, where not even the poorest village will hire you. The other option is to work for me, and I will provide everything you need. All I require is that you peform every task with utmost efficiency. Under my direction you will become a different class of warriors. Though you have fallen, your existence serves a greater purpose. Now rise, Fallen one. Even in disgrace your soul remains your greatest weapon. Do not deny what it truly desires. Don't worry, you will not succumb to the darkness. The darkness will succumb to you. [center]==++==[/center] [center][B][U][COLOR=red]RULES[/COLOR][/U][/B][/center] [center]--ABSOLUTELY NO UNAUTHORIZED: [B]Godmoding Powergaming Metagaming Killing a PC without permission --Players must have common knowledge of the RWBY series, including having watched volume 3. Basically, if you are still afraid of spoilers, this is not the roleplay for you. --Use of proper grammar is highly encouraged. --The GM/DM and Co-GM/Co-DM have total control. --The use of Canon characters are restricted to NPC or GM use only. --If writer's block is that bad, or if you're stuck, contact me for help. I don’t bite. --Violation of the rules will result in me doing nothing but face palming.[/b][/center] [center][b]Sources for your references:[/B] [URL=http://rwby.wikia.com/wiki/RWBY_Wiki]RWBY Wikia[/URL] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUBVPK8x-XMhCW2fW7ZYlD9MHjvmT8IGK]RWBY YouTube[/URL][/center] [center]==+++==[/center] [center][b]How will this play out:[/b][/center] The setting of this story will take place beginning from the last episodes of Volume 1 until the end of Volume 3 of RWBY. Though a sandbox, where players may flesh out their own storylines, a great majority of this roleplay will have its story unraveled through Mission Boards, tasks that the Fallen Huntsmen and Huntresses must complete. To avoid over-crowding, more than one mission will be available for play at the same time. Players may choose to complete the missions as a team (maximum of 4) or solo. [center][u][b]Character template[/b][/u] [b]Please sign your name here, and here, and here![/b] We welcome all new members of the team. Due to the nature of our business, our organization runs under the cover of a corporate entity known as "Amethyst." Our headquarters is located in Vale. Please complete the application form below.[/center] [b]Username:[/b] [b][Image of your character's appearance][/b] [b]"Character Quote in your character's color."[/b] [b]Name:[/b] (Must follow Monty's Color Naming Rule) [b]Age:[/b] 20+ [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] (Human or Faunus. If Faunus, what kind?) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Additional appearance information. Height, weight, outfit, etc. Here include any body alterations such as mechanical/missing body parts or anything of that nature.) [b]Color:[/b] [b]Symbol:[/b] [b]Semblance:[/b] [b]Weapon Name:[/b] [b]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/b] [u]Type:[/u] (Melee, Defensive, Ranged, Dust, etc. Does it Transform? Does it react to the user's aura?) [u]Weapon Derivation:[/u] (What inspired its creation? Sword, spear, scythe, chain, etc. Can be more than one.) [u]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/u] (What does it look like when your character is casually carrying it around?) [u]Form 1:[/u] (If it transforms, what form does it take?) [u]Form 2:[/u] (optional) [u]Form 3:[/u] (optional) [b]Personality:[/b] (optional) [b]History:[/b] (optional)[/s]