[@Zenphilvian] [@Crimson Lion] Name: Margaret Yasesky Gender: Female Age: 22 Position: Light Bearer Personality: She's very serious in the majority of the time, but if someone could do to her some compliments about her aspect or her personality, she could embarrass (positively). Appeareance: Margaret has a slender body, some blonde long hair, a nun clothes, some blue eyes and at last, she is a beautiful girl (beautiful at the point to attract the majority of the man) History/Reason for climbing the tower: Forced to become nun from her childhood, Margaret grew with the words of the Sacred Bible and of the God, living also in a monastery. When in the monastery, it was diffused the notice of the possibility to meet God, in a misterious Tower, Margaret for her loyalty for him, was chosen to go there and express the following desire: the peace in the world. She left, for her journey, to express this desire but one part of her, segretly, wish to get a different life from the religious walls and be a normal woman. She will respect religious promise or her emotes will prevail. Weapon: -SILVER ROOD: A rood with a little ruby, in the middle, able to reveal and drive out the evil presences like the Demons and other transcendental creatures, When the ruby illuminates there is an entity around. -WHITE SPIRIT and CRIMSON BUTTERFLY: These are some potions that she learnt to prepare and use in emergency cases. The first one cures the phisical issues, while the second one cures the spiritual issues like curses. -SACRED PISTOL: A useful pistol that was given to Margaret for protect herselfs from any criminal that she could meet during her journey. This pistol can't kill the spiritual creatures (the title "sacred", infact, is bounded only to her religious class). -A small inventory. -Some supplies.