I filled in everything [i]required [/i]so I figured I'd post. I'll be working on the history and personality too, though. [s](I'm also searching for a better picture; this one looks too cute for her, lol.)[/s] Found one [hider]Username: [@Kidd] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SGSZlJ5.png?2[/img] [i]"I flexed and the sleeves fell off."[/i] [h3][color=green]Jasmine "Jazz" Grace Banks[/color] | [color=green]26[/color] | [color=green]Female[/color] [/h3][/center] [color=green][b]RACE[/b][/color] [indent] Faunus (Lynx)[/indent] [color=green][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/color] [indent]Jazz's olive skin is dotted with all sorts of freckles, giving nod to her being a lynx faunus as well as the cat like pupils of her green eyes. She also has sharp canines and long [s]nails[/s] claws. Other than these small details, Jasmine passes for human. She stands tall and muscular at 5'8" and 140 lbs. Long brown hair is sometimes in a side braid over her shoulder, but usually loose. While she doesn't have any big, notable scars, she is covered with little ones here and there. She wears a black leather vest over a plain white tank top, black pants, and combat boots that go up to her knees. As far as armor goes, she has arm guards and her boots are heavy leather. At waist is a heavy belt that holds her weapon and ammo.[/indent] [color=green][b]COLOR[/b][/color] [indent]Green[/indent] [color=green][b]SYMBOL[/b][/color] [indent]A smiling cat, just its mouth and vicious looking eyes.[/indent] [color=green][b]SEMBLANCE[/b][/color] [indent]Heavy weight: Jazz can affect the mass (and therefore its weight) of an object in order to make it heavier or lighter.[/indent] [color=green][b]BONECRUSHER[/b][/color] [indent][b]Type:[/b] A sleek, black club that can transform into a powerful shotgun at the touch of a button, making it ideal for close range and melee combat. With her natural strength and semblance, it definitely earns the name [I]Bonecrusher[/I]. [b]Weapon Derivation:[/b] Club. [b]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/b] Bonecrusher looks like a simple one handed club when hanging at her waist. [b]Form 1:[/b] The ball of the club ejects spikes all around, making it even more deadly. [b]Form 2:[/b] Shot gun.[/indent] [color=green][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/color] [indent]In her youth, Jazz was loud and confident, always speaking up for herself and others. Now...well, she isn't terribly different. However, there is a somber atmosphere around her when she is relaxing, and she has grown sarcastic and snappy over the last few years. She's loyal--to a fault if she grows close to you--and dedicated to helping who ever she can. As a result, she often takes low payment (and occasionally no payment) for the work she does. So long as she has food in her belly, she can make do.[/indent] [color=green][b]HISTORY[/b][/color] [indent]Jazz grew up in Vacuo with her best friend and fellow Faunus, Brick. They attended combat school together, however they ended up on different teams--each as a captain of team B(anks)RNZ and BRCK respectively. While she was rather nonchalant about her faunus heritage (she was often able to pass for human, anyhow), Brick was passionate and unapologetic about it. Needless to say, this could lead to fights on and off campus and--while he could usually handle himself--Jasmine would hop in whenever he needed a hand. Sometimes they kicked ass, sometimes they got their asses kicked. And while they remained close, they grew into rivals: each of them had their own team to put first, after all. In their third year, Brick joined the White Fang and Jasmine only found out when he asked her to join him too. Shocked and offended by this, she turned him down and tried to convince him to get out. However, he was adamant about sticking with them. While she disagreed, she felt an obligation and loyalty to her best friend, so she remained quiet about his involvement. And while they remained close, there was tension between them. In the beginning of their forth year, the White Fang mounted an attack on the school. Underclassmen were encouraged to flee, but upperclassmen and professors stayed and fought to defend the school and students and citizens. Part of the fight, team BRNZ stuck together and managed to take down--ideally without killing but not always--quite a few members. But when it came to Brick-- Jazz hesitated. She did worse than hesitate: despite being team leader and having an obligation to protect her team, she protected Brick from death. In doing so, she allowed the death of two of her teammates... Disgraced for her actions, Jazz was unable to gradate as a huntress. So, to make a living, she would take odd jobs and bounties and assassin work as she travelled across Remnant. She hasn't seen Brick since, and she doesn't really want to. [/indent] [/hider]