[hider=Russet Vulpes (WIP)] [center] [b]Username:[/b] [@FateWeaver] [img]http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt93/Bluewolf675/Roleplay%20Pics/Lagi_El_Nagil_600_1249270-1.jpg[/img] [color=B22222]"Sounds like fun, count me in."[/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [color=B22222]Russet "Russ" Vulpes[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=B22222]24[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=B22222]Male[/color] [b]Race:[/b] [color=B22222]Fox Faunus[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=B22222]Russet is rather short and slight, standing only at 5'4" and weighing in around 130 pounds. A pair of reddish brown ears tipped in black push up through his hair at the top of his head. His canine teeth and nails are slightly longer and sharper than normal, and his eyes are a bright orange-red. A trio of pale scars, barely noticeable against his pale skin, run from just below his left eye to his jawline. More scars are scattered across his arms and torso, a testament to the many close calls Russet has managed to survive. He prefers simple clothing in muted colors, but is rarely seen without his heavy red jacket and combat boots. In order to remain as mobile as possible, he eschews all forms of armor.[/color] [b]Color:[/b] [color=B22222]Russet Red[/color] [b]Symbol:[/b] [center][img]http://thumb9.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/2409146/225722392/stock-vector-vector-sign-abstract-fox-225722392.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Semblance:[/b] [color=B22222][i]Will-O'-the-Wisp[/i] -- With a snap of his fingers, Russet creates a small colorless orb of what appears to be flame. He can then project this wisp with a minor effort of will, launching it very rapidly over a short distance, with speed diminishing greatly after about ten yards. When the wisp strikes a solid surface it creates an explosion of raw force. This ability functions best when augmented with Dust. Various types of Dust change the color of the wisp and add a myriad of elemental effects to the explosion.[/color] [b]Weapon Name:[/b] [color=B22222]Brutal Trick[/color] Weapon Appearance/Function: [color=B22222]Brutal Trick is a large [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/96/61/d5/9661d5c5906138afc1a2f5ce145574dd.jpg]bowie knife[/url] with a pair of short shotgun barrels affixed along the spine of the blade. The pair of triggers that can fire each barrel independently are midway down the handle, where Russet's first two fingers typically rest. The blade and barrels both rotate forward to allow the weapon to be breach loaded. [/color] Type: [color=B22222]Melee, Ranged, Dust Compatible[/color] Weapon Derivation: [color=B22222]Bowie knife, sawed-off shotgun[/color] Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: [color=B22222]Russet carries his weapon in a specially designed sheath across the small of his back. This sheath is made of black leather and is roomy enough to house the dual shotgun barrels. It also has a pouch along the bottom designed to store ammunition.[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=B22222]There are only three things on the face of Remnant that Russet has ever admitted to loving; himself, making money, and having a good time. In the pursuit of the latter two, he comes off as a sarcastic and unapologetic mercenary who will do nearly anything to see his job finished. Despite his focus in combat and during assignments, he seems to be endlessly care-free and confident. Even when seriously pressed in combat, he offers insults and banter as often as actual violence. Though it is clear he has no qualms about violence or killing, he seems to dislike harming women and those to young to "really know their place in the world." Off the battlefield he displays a hearty helping of charisma, wit, and cunning.[/color] [b]History:[/b] [color=B22222]Russet was born and raised in a village west of Mistral, among the swamps that populate the region. Though the village itself was rather poor, the Vulpes family has it worse than most. Due to his father's constant trips into the swamps to hunt in order to support his family, he was most raised by his mother. Even then, the two spent most of their time either begging from their fellow citizens or foraging near the edges of the settlement to stave of hunger. Eventually, Russet's father left on a trip from which he never returned, leaving his mother overtaken by sorrow. Determined to become more than either of his parents ever were, Russet lied, cheated, and stole his way into a primary combat school. After distinguishing himself at Sanctum as an able combatant and cunning scholar and strategist, Russet made his way to Haven Academy. While there he worked with team HRQN (Harlequin), made up of three other Faunus he had become friends with during his time at Sanctum and led by Hunter Jackson. The four became well-known for the numerous practical jokes they played against anyone who bothered to look down on or bully Faunus members of the community. Having graduated from Haven, team HRQN stayed together for only a short time. Beyond the influence of the school and administrators, it became incredibly apparent to the others that Russet was willing to do nearly anything in the pursuit of money and enjoying himself. After a particularly violent argument during which Russet gained several of his scars and Hunter was twice maimed (losing an eye and half of his left rabbit ear) the fox faunus turned his back on those he once called friends. Free of the concerns and objections of the other Huntsmen, Russ was free to take on some of the less wholesome assignments offered by less-than-reputable employers. He found that he enjoyed the work, for the most part, and certainly enjoyed the large paychecks that came with it. Now able to maintain a lifestyle he considers comfortable, he spends most of his time outside of jobs drinking and otherwise throwing his cash around with little concern.[/color] [/hider]