I'll post what I have here for right now, pretty happy with some of the things I pulled off with this guy/my future ideas for him. Any sort of CC would be helpful since I fear he might be generically edgy or something like dat >_> [hider=Caesar WIP] [center][i][h1]Cesar Excarletum Tempus [/h1][color=a36209][h3][sub]"Darling, I don't run away from my past, I run from my [i]future[/i]"[/sub][/h3][/color][/i] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0f/89/f5/0f89f5264a784931bf2642f6c5fd9d3f.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] 30 [b][u]Race[/u][/b] Human [b][u]Sex[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] Caesar is tall and fair man, a handsome air of nobility hangs around him as does a mild sense of enigma. His white hair is ruffled yet refined and his single golden eye has a gentle yet wild flame to it. In terms of clothing, Caesar resigns himself to very ornate and fancy clothing akin to that of military dress uniforms with a white base and details in scarlet red and gold; the sheaths to his swords hang on either side of his waist. The most striking thing about Caesar is his mask which covers the entire right side of his face. A fine piece of work made to look like porcelain china, he claims that it hides a rather ugly scar but in truth, it hides a mechanical chunk of his face that had been ripped off in fight; the mechanical eye hidden behind the mask is styled like a Victorian clock. [b][u]Colors[/u][/b] White, Scarlet and Gold [b][u]Symbol[/u][/b] [hider] [img]http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/lenz_store/73680756/145297/145297_original.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][u]Semblance[/u][/b] [i]Cassandra Oracle[/i] - Caesar can control time to some degree. He can slow down time at his will, however he will tire at an incredibly fast rate with time "slowed" as he isn't actually slowing time, but simply moving [i]faster[/i], forcing him to use more energy for his actions. It also allows him some ability of looking into the future. However, the future he looks into will always be wrong in either minor ways or major ways making his prediction unreliable at best. [b][u]Weapon[/u][/b] [i]Mors & Horologium [/i] Type: Two swords that combine into one; Horologium is the main sword which is the longer of the two, Mors is the shorter one which can be "popped out" from Horologium. They can also be attached together at the hilts to form a sort of double-endedTogether, the two evoke the image of the hands on a clock. Weapon Derivation: Swords Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: The two swords are just in two sheaths made of ivory and gold. Form 1: Swords Form 2: Bladed Staff [hider=Rough Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2f/0a/d3/2f0ad37626462bc2a653697898fa354c.jpg[/img] (The center piece is more clockwork and gears though) [/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Despite showing a very charming and otherwise appealing exterior, Caesar is deeply scarred and broken. Due to his constant visions of a (false) future, he's gone slightly mad; the fact that he's seen what he believes to be is his own death isn't helping, neither is his past experiences. For as much as he cares about other people (or pretends to), to say his moral compass if off is an understatement; the needle isn't pointing south, its pointing straight up. [b][u]History[/u][/b] [/hider]