[s] -----------------------------------------------------------------[/s] CASINO [s]----------------------------------------------[/s] Fire spread across fake wood and real wood alike. As Meteora left the gambling joint behind them, she shouldered her way into the car, slamming the door shut after her. She shoved Desperation aside , taking the wheel. ”Sorry Mang. I'm driving.” The teen said with panic in her voice as she floored it. The car jerked and started, then stoppes. ”YOU DRIVE STICK?!” She stared. ”Dammit. Ok you drive” she climped back into the car, opening the back door to peak at the cape that now descended onto the burning wreckage of the gambling joint. She bit her lip as she saw the Gorgon turn to face down the Cape. A look of hubris on her face. No doubt drunk on blood. But with Thug, Eric and the rest in the car, Meteoress urged them to drive as far away as possible. ”Fuck that. If she wanna stare down a cape, that's her funeral. Go! I aint tussling with that chica. She bounced my head against a lamp post when I crossed the border” She said in the way of explanation as the car chugged along. They left the mayhem behind, a little more notorius, a little richer and a snakecreature less. That's when a business card poofed up in the back of the car with a note attached to it. Meteoress took it and looked it over. ”Apperently we got a A for effort?” The girl said with a look of slight hesitation. She passed it to their driver. She didn't say anything for the rest of their journey. She didn't have to. They had survived. This was the start of something BIG. That's when everything went blindingly white. [s] -----------------------------------------------------------------[/s] LAIR [s]----------------------------------------------[/s] The Blobs swarmed them at all sides. With a broken blade, Fox-Blade was less then usefull. HE hacked and slashes at them, trying to his best to stem the tide of biomechanical monsters that advanced on hims and his partners in crime. He was in slight awe of the Korean who smashed their foes with might and clear, unbridled fury. It rekindled his fighting spirit and he threw himself back into the thick of it. He stabbed and hacked, slashed nad kicked. Using all his training to try and muster some sort of proper defense. Meanwhile, Salvage blasted the creatures with his newly upgraded gun, the ray was far bigger and odly colored. Instead of stunning, it hit one of the things nad made it explode in a shower of gore. It appears his half-assed attempt at a more powerfull stun gun had landed him quite the boon in the form of deathray of sorts. It only lasted a few shots however, before it melted and burned his hand. The damage was tone however, between the deathray and the rampaging korean, Spyder had the perfect shot. The eye as it were, shattered upon the first real hit, and with it a painfull screech rang out, causing no small discomfort. Then it exploded, showering everyone present in gore nad scrap metal. Fox-Blade had to dive out of the way as a glass shard the size of his head hurdled by. As the chaos died down however, he got up on shaky legs. ”We... win?” He asked tentively. His entire body hurt, but he remembered that they were in a teleport and communications room. He limped over to a console and hit the biggest button he could find. As soon as he did, Broker Materialized before them. ”Ah. I see you got the old place running. Now. This is just the upper levels of the place, and even that is mostly sealed” The demon appeared compltely unphazed by it all. He polished his sharp, talon like nails as he spoke. ”You did good I gotta say. SO did the others. Speaking of which.” He strolled over to the console, shoving Fox-Blade aside. ”lets see if that old thing still work.” He punched in some sort of sequence and one of the screens showing a old hangar space suddnely lit up. A car came crashing out of nowhere Then another. ”There. That's all of you. Good. I made a worthwhile investment” He mused and [s] -----------------------------------------------------------------[/s] WAREHOUSE; EMERALD SORCERER [s]----------------------------------------------[/s] As Lucas, aka Emeral Sorcerer, drove a woman suffely materialized next to him in the car. IT was blueberry. She grabbed the wheel as to keep him from steering of the road in sheer surprise of his presence. ”Hello Emerald Sorcer. Good job on the goofer of a cape back there. Albeit you left Emo Bot on his own. He is currently suffering the consequences of Pro-Human, anti-robot police brutality.” She stopped and fished out a card with a note attached to it. ”Anyways. Don't freak but we're about to teleport.” She smiled at him, and poofed once more. Leaving his car smelling of blueberry and sulfur before a blinding white light swallowed everything. [s] -----------------------------------------------------------------[/s] LAIR; Everyone [s]----------------------------------------------[/s] The cars both materialize inside a large hangar sized building. Dust and debris is everywhere around them. Meanwhile, the Lair group can watch trough the security cameras that the others have arrived in a rather spectacular fashion. Not only does the transporter allow the group to travel most anywhere it seems. Apperently It can also transport vehicles. Brief investigation shows that it takes up a lot of energy to move two cars in such a brief time. That and you have no idea how broker did what he did, he seemed used to the technology, something you are not. The parts of the base not closer off consist of a kitchen, very spartan and sparse living quarters, a workshop that seems to be in dire need of cleanup up and rebuilding, a massive hangar and the control room you are currently standing in.