Conscious has stayed back while the others fought. Her small dagger being lost in one of the monsters the second she tried to help. And if anything was the case she was to replied by the main creature to try anything more than watch, from a distance. Standing closer to Eppie and Maw but exploring the entrance where they came from, examining control panels, lights anything else she could find along the way. After an explosion or two was heard racketing throughout the place she walked slowly towards the source. If anything she could run away and save herself from any death that could have befallen the people who went in. She wasn't strong in hand to hand, if anything she would be less useful and get in the way, yet she wouldn't say that. Being evil, letting others do the hard work was going to be her strategy and how she could keep herself on top. She walked in after The broker showed up. Missing getting hit with the explosion of guts and metal that had befallen the fighters. Looking about as clean as she had coming in, with the hint of group sticking on her legs from walking and earlier explosions. Walking up to the console she fiddle about, finding security cameras and watching a rather funny looking entrance as two cars zapped out of nowhere into what she assumed was the hanger. She would enjoy playing around i this place. Set up a nice area to just watch, control. She liked the cameras. She could see the necessities were taken care of. Kitchen, living quarters, this wonderfully slime covered control room, and something that looked more train wreck less workshop. She didn't seem to talk rather just stare around smirking at the destruction. No her part to help them succeed would come later down the line, like convincing cops that they weren't the villains they are looking for. She did a mock hand wave to the group before fixing her hair bow. The triuphant smirk lurking on her face as she watched them get up. No remorse for not helping in her actions or eyes. Feeling it off place by the explosions in which she actually helped cause. This would be a fun group, she could already tell.