She had fully comprehended what was going on. Her mind shut down not that the seer was not pushing against her and vice versa. Ona was being carried and for that she grateful. She didn’t think she could walk, even if she tried. Her hand was clutched tightly around the small item in it. The man had put it there, before he died. The man, one of her own people. She had lost hope that she would ever see anyone like her ever again. Now she was sure she was alone. That thought filled her head as she closed her eyes and let the man carry her. She didn’t know where they were going but she did not care. ***** Ona did not exactly sleep so much as simply pass out. She woke to find herself sitting against a wall of some kind. She stood, slowly and looked around. There were people everywhere. Lucius was talking. She couldn’t help but note it was like he was holding court. Moving off to the side she took a moment for herself. Lucius mentioned the seer and Ona wrapped her arms about herself. Her hand was still tightly wound around what she had been given. She was almost afraid to look at it. Around her people talked, murmured and made plans. She was concerned with one thing. Her fingers opened revealing the small, ornate whistle on a chain. She choked back a soft cry as she stared down at it. It was an Al Mayrin object. Nurlia. The tribe she was supposed to be married into, the marriage was supposed to help bring a truce to the fighting. Ona bowed her head and her shoulders shook at the memories. Her family, her tribe, the fighting, the slaughter, her capture…It all came flooding back. She wasn’t even supposed to be here. Not now, not in this time. Yet here she was. Here this was. How or why she did not know but she knew that it mattered. Ona wiped her face before slipping the necklace on. The cold metal rested against her chest as she tucked it into her dress. Something else was bothering her but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Something poking at the back of her mind but she could not pinpoint what it was. Swallowing she walked over to where Lucius stood. He was proposing that they strike out, find the seer. She shivered a little. There was no question though, she would go with him and face this other seer. Some questioned a plan, some simply gave their arm to the cause. Ona did nothing more than put her hand on Lucius' arm, letting him know she was there and on his side.