[hider=Thadeus] [b][color=DarkGray]Name:[/color][/b] Thadeus Aldor [b][color=DarkGray]Abstract:[/color][/b] “The darkness sees through my eyes, and through the darkness i see beyond reality” [color=DarkGray][b]Age:[/b][/color] 34 [color=DarkGray][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=DarkGray][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Black hair that rests slightly below his shoulders, scruffy beard and hazel eyes. he is 5'7 tall with a decent build, his outfits vary a lot but he always wears a very dark purple, almost black cloak. [color=DarkGray][b]History:[/b][/color] Somewhere, far away from our mortal grasp, beyond the planes of life and death in a realm where nothing should be allowed to live. It watches, some call it The eye of the abyss, The Spectator, or simply The seer, his true Name unknown to all. An aberration, a mass of tentacles, mouths and eyeballs looking from side to side, darting in every direction staring into the abyss, and on top of it, one massive eye. Many fools dabble in the matters of the abyss, striking deals with Old gods for power, witches, warlocks and all sorts of people dedicate their lives for the powers that the fiends from the darkness part with them, secrets and whispers of corrupting nature. Thadeus was not one them, in truth, he never meant to deal with the Old ones, but The seer had plans, it always does. And it required a servant, someone to use, manipulate, someone to help enact his plans in the mortal realms, away from his grasp, but within his sight. Thadeus was in ways, a victim of circumstance, caught in a violent storm as he was traveling, the wagon was flung and dragged by the storm and down a mountain, breaking and ending with him lying on the floor, gashes open by wooden beams, bleeding profusely as his life began drifting away, and then, a sound pierced into his mind, like a chorus of distorted voices and howls it spoke. “Pathetic, is this how you wish to go..? Dead before your time in a simple accident, taken by chance?” Thadeus’s eyes darted trying to find a source, and looking at his situation, pain flooded through his body and he heard the howls of pain of the others that were in the wagon, to his side he could see the rider, dead, a pool of blood underneath an armless body. the voice spoke again “I can change that.. I can give you another chance..in exchange of course.. A favour.. worry not about details.. “ He could feel his consciousness begin to waver, he was bleeding too much, he would be dead soon, but he felt something else, a presence, embracing him an odd, cold feeling that seemed to push against his flesh like invisible tendrils poking and prodding at the gashes and cuts in his skin. “Embrace my mark.. or become.. history” Something primal acted within him, he didn’t care what he would have to do, who this voice was, he just wanted to live, survival, he accepted, embracing the cold, allowing it to surround him and seep in from the cuts in his flesh. before he fell unconscious once more, the last thing he heard was the voice, laughing. [hr] He woke up at night, healed from all wounds and etched in the flesh of his chest, a mark, an eye surrounded by five tendrils curving in weird patterns. Thadeus began making his way towards the nearest village, hiding the mark and using what he gathered from the wreckage he spent several nights at an inn, and in his dreams, The seer talked to him he drifted in an endless void, looking into an abyss and from the distance he heard it, stronger then when he was dying, a chorus, hundreds of voices speaking in perfect synchrony, echoing in nothingness. It told Thadeus that it was a vessel for it’s power now, an anchor of it’s existence within the material realm, and as such he would be able to tap into it’s magic, almost as a gift, but it reminded him, that when the time comes for the favour to be turned in, he will obey and disobedience will be punished with a fate worse than death. With time, Thadeus grew accustomed to the magic of The seer, he could tap into it to shift reality, change it in slight ways, take images from his mind, his thought, his predictions of the future, and blend them with existence, he became a wandering merchant as a facade for his true source of income, in a way he was a fortune teller, most thought him a warlock, hired by those that mind nor the payment nor the illegality of the matter. He would ask them what they wished, and tip the scales of fortune in their sides, blending predictions of health and fortune from his mind into their future. Small things, bits and bobs spread through their years, that would eventually lead to something bigger. Or for those that had smaller requests, like the location of treasure or love, he would blend in his own creations with their path. Quickly he acquired fame, something that for those meddling in magic is not a good thing. He eventually got caught by the guards, even through his magical attempts to stay away from their attention his popularity grew to much. He eventually was found and arrested, charged with wizardry and taken to the Stone, he has yet to be summoned by The seer, but unknown to him, that time comes near [/hider]