[img]http://i.imgur.com/8U8UYbK.png[/img] Wrestles in a singlet. Straps are down boys Name: Bill Stevenson AKA Drayden Hometown: Austin, Texas Height: 6’5” Weight: 285 Entrance Music: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp7aGkiflwY]Dink[/url] Alignment: Face Gimmick: He almost has two gimmicks. In matches, he’s often intense and methodically destroys his opponents with careful technical wrestling. In backstage segments and promos, he’s a little more loose and silly. Think Kurt Angle in the 90s/early 2000s. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyaPbridjgY]Stuff like this[/url]. He can be a little rough on the crowd in certain promos, but for the most part he gets pretty decent pops because most people love to see someone get torn apart, and when Drayden’s coming down, they know that’ll likely be the case. He has an odd air of charisma around him that attracts people to him. Personality: He’s the best worker backstage, and has been with the company for a long time. Newer wrestlers look to him for tips and encouragement, and the ones that have been around as long as he has know he takes no bullshit. He’ll stiff someone in the ring if they’re trying to politic him backstage. He’s very blatant with the boss, very simply declining to job to anyone he thinks is beneath him, [i]or[/i] he thinks he could have a money match with if it’s promoted properly. His finishers are [i]heavily[/i] protected; he’ll refuse to use them if they won’t get the pin. Drayden is respected by most everyone backstage, and is usually happy with whatever storylines he’s in, most always in the upper midcard nowadays. He avoids the main event because he feels like he’ll end jobbing to Max Power, someone he [i]does not[/i] respect in the slightest, believing that Max is ‘holding the business back.’ He’s been here for a couple of years now, and is trusted by the bookers and agents to put on good, safe matches with everyone, to the point that newcomers are often booked in matches with him(if you can’t have a good match with Drayden, you’re in the wrong business). Sometimes this strategy fails, because Drayden is capable of carrying matches with sloppier workers. He’s the judge of ‘wrestler’s court’ backstage, and much prefers to be called ‘Drayden’ as opposed to ‘Bill,’ even by his fellow workers backstage. Biography: An absolute freak athlete, Bill Stevenson was able to make his body do things that other people didn’t think were possible from a young age. In college and highschool, he was a wrestler and an unbelievably skilled one. He was an Olympic medalist before joining the GPW, where his highly advanced technical wrestling skills allowed him to easily slip into the business. He started as a heel, considering himself better than other people in the company due to his background, but was quickly humbled by a couple of the old hands in the ring. Since then, his character has been a face, and he excites crowds with his wonderful wrestling. He had a few world title shots early on, but came short everytime. After that, he found a spot in the upper midcard, where he puts on five star matches almost every week. As he’s moved on, his wrestling style has evolved from one composed of takedowns and suplexes, to a varied one, with plenty of striking and more traditional moves: i.e., powerbombs, spinebusters, etc, and the occasional top rope maneuver. He’s comfortable and happy in his spot, and enjoys giving promos, which he’s found himself to end up being very good at. He rarely loses matches unless they’re on pay-per-view and against up-and-coming heels, or faces that he respects backstage. Backstage, he’s currently gunning for the GPW International Championship, which he hopes to capture and bring to the light as the ‘workhorse’ title, having no interest in being fed to the unbeatable Max Power. He’s been consistently bringing this up with Jack, saying that, as Drayden, he can bring prestige to the IN title and make it one worth watching the show for. Wrestling Style: Technical brawler Finishing Move: Pop-up powerbomb, Olympic Slam Common Moves: Moonsault(his ultimate move, only used in dire situations. He’s well aware of how dangerous it is, but often does it anyway, calling it in the ring) German suplex Tiger suplex Belly-to-belly suplex Crossface chickenwing Lou Thesz Press Big boot DDT Triple non-release powerbombs [@ZeusTheMoose] First character here, is this alright?