[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Alfred Nora[/color] & [color=9850E0]Sonya Khalturin[/color][/h1][/center] [color=9850E0]"-and if you don't stir it enough it just gets too lumpy, and it just doesn't taste as good, ya know? So that's why I personally-" As they had been walking Sonya had started to explain different things she loved to cook, or just easier things for the road. She figured they ought to decide what things to get at the market after they finished at the lab. Then a random Sylveon had decided to come up to them, more specifically her and it was definitely a huge chatterbox. Alfred had only be half noting down what Sonya said in his head, (Sapphire on the other hand was literally hanging on her every word) he was too focused on other things, like the fact they would need some sort of shade if it rained, like a tent or something. Either way while Alfred was in his Pondering, Lock saw a Slyveon come up. The cute pink ribbony Slyveon always flaunting around their style. the most famous Fairy type. It wanted the Madams attention. Lock descended from orbiting Alfreds head like a sentry and landed in front of the Sylveon. It began crackling with a electricity that bore reminsince of thunder wave. Then Lock saw the trainer come up and it repeated what it did with the Slyveon, this time JANGLING its keys fiercely in the strangers face. Alfred blinked as the stranger began to talk to them. A little embarrassed by all the comotion Sonya laughed awkwardly as she scratched the side of her head a bit. She hadn't expected someone to come up to them, though it was a bit of a relief that the Sylveon had a trainer already because she had no idea why it was so excited. After Vaahn had come up to them and explained a bit Sonya couldn't help but blush slightly. She was used to hearing a lot of compliments about her Glaceon and Espeon after contests, even Natalie who she normally didn't use for contests anymore usally, but just randomly when all she had done was battle with one of her pokemon was a bit unexpected. [color=9850E0]"T-Thank you, and it's nice to meet you both."[/color] Sonya smiled and closed her eyes cheerfully. She still wasn't fully sure what to say to them, she was trying to focus on cooking when all this came up after all. Alfred was [i]Finally[/i] thinking about the situation at hand. some random guy had come up and Lock was being as hostile as always, Alfred decided to let Lock finish what it was doing and return to hovering around his head before talking. [color=ed1c24]"I thought we were going to the lab"[/color] Alfred said a little annoyed at the delay. Carolina was getting impaitent at the suitation, she didn't want to wait and stop for no man woman or child! The voice of his Kirlia returned back into his mind. [color=#ffb3ff]"I"[/color] after a few seconds [color=#ffb3ff]"Agree"[/color]. Sonya opened her eyes once more and laughed again while she rubbed the back of her head. [color=9850E0]"I suppose we were, my apologies. Well it was a pleasure to meet you Vaahn, Twix, and you're welcome to join us, or I'm sure we'll run into each other again sometime."[/color] Sonya said while smiling. They would need to work on Alfred's manners a bit in the future though, but then again she could understand his impatience considering he was about to get his Pokedex and start his first journey! They had began walking again when they encountered another two people. They looked like young kids who were just out for a stroll and going out on their journey at a very young age. They mentioned something about a professor. [color=ed1c24]"Wait you two younguns know where the professor is? care to tell, I really want to get my pokedex."[/color] Alfred said calmly though you could hear his impaitence. You could also see his Amaura getting awfully twitchy as she wanted to see the world. Sapphire on the other hand seemed to just stay by Alfreds side as always watching and observing for anything she could learn.