A WIP. I'll fix the issues once i feel better~ [hider=Quinton Geppetto] [center]Username: [@Katakon] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/e4c2bd5ab00ca5379164a1558f4f8c58/tumblr_nqgc7sLFAz1rret9ao1_1280.png[/img] [color=8882be]"A father's duties last even he's the last one standing." [/color] Name: Quinton Geppetto Age: 38 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Color: [color=8882be]Grayish Blue[/color] Symbol: [img]http://shirta.ca/media/catalog/product/cache/2/small_image/295x295/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/n/o/nohr-logo-d76458010.png[/img] Semblance: Puppet Strings - Quinton can create tangible strings out of his Aura which burns organic creatures or objects with souls with the sole expection of himself, but it leaves inorganic objects intact. But it has a different use for Inorganic objects, Quinton can control the movements of things, for instance he could swing and stab with a loose weapon from across the battlefield as long as his String is attached to it. But he can also control the movements of animated things with ease and use it as his own, for instance he can control robots and soulless androids with ease and use them skillfully. But his Semblance is useless on a living creature or an Android with a soul as his Semblance will either try to burn away a person's aura or their skin. Weapon Name: Pinoko Weapon Appearance/Function: Type: Pinoko is a large Beowulf-like puppet that Quinton can control. Pinoko is controlled by Quinton's semblance which allows him to move it fluidly on the battlefield rather he's on it's back or from a distance, within it's maw there's a weapon launcher that can launch swords and other kinds of blades at breakneck speeds towards a target. It's built from a strong material so only the strongest of Grimm or Huntsmen can destroy Pinoko. Weapon Derivation: Puppets and Ninja Style Weapons Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: Cannot be sheathed Form 1: Giant Mechanical Dog Form 2: Blade Launcher within it's maw that can launch all sorts of blades, ranging from full sized katanas to Shurikens and kunai knives. Personality: Quinton has a nice and fatherly disposition to him, as he's soft spoken and formal which makes him pleasant to be around. But once you go deeper one would learned that he is a man tormented by his past and the choices made for him years ago and is dangerous to the people he believes caused him his pain and the pain to his family. Even though he doesn't enjoy hurting others he feels that it is needed to be done so his pain can be validated to the world as he felt that all others ignored his family's pain and suffering. History: WIP Was a Huntsmen for most of his teen adult life. Had twins at a young with his wife when they were young. Stayed at home while his wife kept on doing work as a Huntress. His Wife died during a missing when his kids were young Started taking missions again while his children became older and tried to support himself and his kids. Kids died when Grimm attacked their house, which was supposed to be protected by local militia. Quinton quit the Huntsmen and became a renegade after he learned his children were ignored deliberately by the Militia to better focus on the richer residents in the neighborhood. Quinton hunted down and killed each of the militiamen that ignored his house. Quinton has since been wandering around taking odd jobs and help destabilize the governments as he feels that right now that the goverments of the kingdoms are to apathetic to the lower classes issues for the sake of a fake peace. [/center] [/hider]