Martel did not pay that much attention to the conversations that were happening around himself and his men, not until he noticed Lyn. He could sense the self righteousness of a member of the Order of the Light. The tall man finished his drink and left the two large bottles in the care of one of his men. When Martel got on his feet he noticed the other woman - whom he deduced was a Djinn, or other such being. When the smaller woman mentioned 'Lord Kanaan' the vampire knew he needed a word with her. "Lads, stay out of trouble." The tall man stated before approaching the two women. He made a little bow and even managed a polite smile. "Now, this is highly impolite of me to butt in to a conversation between ladies. However I heard Lord Kanaan mentioned and it just so happens I need a word with the Emperor." Though he spoke with a very polite tone and focused his attention on Mekkah, Martel's eyes kept moving to glance at Lyn like he was expecting to be attacked.