[centre][i][b]Open[/b][/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/W0qX13v.png[/img] [sup][color=f7976a][i]"The dragons run amok across Tamriel. The Civil War has left a festering scar on Skyrim. Politicians still scheme over whom is to be the next Emperor. And now the Great War has begun again. But war and dragons are not the only threat to Tamriel…"[/i][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWCDb68p98Y]-THEME-[/url][/sup] [color=gray][h3]Fan-Fiction | Fantasy | Open-world[/h3][/color][/centre] [hr] [indent][color=f7976a][h3][b][u]The Setting (Messy WIP):[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [indent][b]The year is 4E 224.[/b] Set a mere twenty years after the defeat of Alduin, Tamriel once again finds itself strife with conflict and many of its citizens are in danger. Not only has the war between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion has been resparked, but many other things threaten to consume the land. Many dragons appear to have escaped the wrath of the Dragonborn and continue to ravage the mortal races, now having spread beyond Skyrim. The presence of Daedra appears to be as strong as ever, despite the sacrifice of Martin Septim over two hundred years ago. And now rumours are beginning to circulate that towns and individuals are being replaced by evil body snatchers; although many of these rumours have been supposedly disproved, the moral panic is having some widespread effects. The last Dragonborn has long since disappeared and details surrounding what happened around the time he defeated Alduin are still somewhat sketchy. Still, it is clear that he had a very severe impact on Skyrim and that has resulted in the conflict that has arisen now. Some claim that the Dragonborn supported the Empire during the civil war, others claim the Stormcloaks, and a few even claim he was a neutral party. What is known for sure is that the Empire suffered incredibly heavy losses, including the death of General Tullius, whilst Ulfric Stormcloak and his rebellion were eventually wiped out. The combination of civil war and the return of the Dragons left Skyrim, and by extension the Empire, weakened considerably. During this period of conflict the Emperor Titus Mede II was also assassinated, possibly even by the Dragonborn, which led to the Empire falling into further turmoil. These events and others prompted the Aldermi Dominion to break the peace treaty and strike again. This RP begins on the third night of the siege of Leyawin. During the night multiple people across Tamriel find themselves in a horrific nightmare before being freed by a mysterious being wielding a hammer. These individuals awake to find a dark scar marked onto their chests, where the hammer had stuck. There is no damage however nor any obvious signs of other lasting effects. It is clear that these markings are not natural and that there is an air of magic about them, but even experienced mages struggle to explain the marks. Given the current state of affairs, some people bearing the marks simple do not care and have more important things to deal with (in their opinion). Others make it their sole mission to learn more about the mysterious dream and mark. You are one of these marked individuals, but what will you do?[/indent] [hr] [color=f7976a][h3][b][u]Rules/Things to consider:[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [indent][list] [*]I want this to be as lore-friendly as possible. However I do acknowledge that this is fan-fiction and Elder Scrolls’ lore is somewhat complicated and even contradictory at the best of times anyway. [*]This RP won’t see players huddled together as part of a single team. Instead players will be given free-reign over what their character does, where they go, and who they do and do not speak to. Your player can form their own group and sit in the corner of the world in a cave for all I care. This not only encourages creativity but means that if someone drops out it doesn’t really have much of an effect. Also means people can join at will. [*]Players should strive for balance and feasibleness. You are not the Hero of Kvatch nor are you the Dragonborn – you cannot master every type of magic, be the world’s best swordsman and spend your evenings forging dragon bone armour. [*]I would like your characters to progress, both personally and in regards to skills and weapons. Therefore start with crap armour and stuff please. And no powerful artefacts, be they daedric or otherwise! [*]You can have followers and create/kill NPCs at your will. [*]Magic and skills aren’t restricted to the skills game characters can learn. But still try keep it lore friendly. Keep it balanced! And no flying. [*]You can be minor characters from previous games, although I discourage this. [*]There will be multiple plot-lines which I’ll weave in with various methods. One for example will be me posting rumours which you can then have your character hear IC. You can however make your own ones up! You can even be a dick and interfere in other players made-up plots! [*]You can fight and kill each other! I encourage your CHARACTERS to be dicks to each other, but not if that means you PLAYERS being dicks to each other. Agreeing to collabing an epic battle OOC = awesome. Not talking OOC and then suddenly shooting another character in the eye = bit of a dick move. And try not to swear or use bad language too much, dicks. [*]I am an awful GM. Just awful. I [b]will[/b] unexpectedly drop off the face of the Earth for months. If you are happy to casually go on without me or usurp me then this RP should be fine. If however this is likely to cause problems in your mind, then I suggest you jump out of the nearest window. [/list][/indent] [hr] [color=f7976a][h3][b][u]Timeline and Lore[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [indent]You can find a useful timeline [url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline]here on the Elder Scrolls Wikia[/url]. You can find lots of other useful information on that site, as well as on UESP. Of course, as this is set after Skyrim, it means that there is no lore (that I know of) on the current period or the last twenty years. For the sake of story and setting I've already made up some huge parts of it, and you can find it attached to the end of the timeline below and within my other writing! As long as you don't contradict me or existing lore too much, I'm happy for you to make crap up to your hearts content (obviously, this is an RP). [hider=Timeline] Here is a timeline containing useful/relevant events from the recent past. I'll update it with suggestions and as the RP/Players reveal other past events. [b]4E 0[/b] [indent]A new era begins after the Oblivion Crisis comes to an end.[/indent] [b]4E 22[/b] [indent]The Thalmor came into power of Summerset Isle. Summerset Isle is renamed to Alinor, but is still referred to as Summerset Isle outside the Third Aldmeri Dominion.[/indent] [b]4E 29[/b] [indent]The government of Valenwood is overthrown by the Thalmor sympathizers. The Bosmeri, allied with the Empire, were unprepared. Valenwood becomes a Thalmor territory.[/indent] [b]4E 115[/b] [indent]Coup against the Elsweyr Confederacy takes place. Elsweyr is divided into the kingdoms of Anequina and Pelletine, as extensions of the Aldmeri Dominion.[/indent] [b]4E 171[/b] [indent]The Ambassador of the Aldmeri Dominion orders the Empire to step down from power. The Empire resists, and the Great War between The Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion begins. Aldmeri forces led by Lord Naarifin invade Hammerfell and Cyrodiil. The city of Leyawiin falls, and the city of Bravil is besieged. A 2nd Aldmeri force, led by Lady Arannelya, cross western Cyrodiil and invade Hammerfell. The Redguards in Hammerfell, divided by civil war and disorganized, put up little resistance. The southern coastline falls to the Aldmeri forces as the Imperial Legions in Hammerfell retreat North into the Alik'r Desert.[/indent] [b]4E 172[/b] [indent]Aldmeri forces advance into Cyrodiil to capture the Imperial City. The cities of Bravil and Anvil in Cyrodiil both fall to Aldmeri forces. Naval battles ensues in Lake Rumare surrounding Imperial City and along the Niben River leading to the Rumare.[/indent] [b]4E 174[/b] [indent]Cyrodiil: The Thalmor leadership decides to focus their forces in the Cyrodiil campaign and the Imperial City falls to the Aldmeri forces.[/indent] [b]4E 175[/b] [indent]The Battle of the Red Ring takes place as the Empire embarks on a campaign to retake Imperial City, which fell to the Aldmeri Dominion the previous year. The battle was an Imperial victory, but not without heavy losses. Exhausted from war, the Empire negotiates a peace treaty and signs the White-Gold Concordat with the Aldmeri Dominion, thus ending the war. The terms of the agreements are the surrender of the remaining territory still occupied by Aldmeri Force, and the banning of the worship of Talos. Thus, the Great War ends. As a result of the White-Gold Concordat, relationship between the Imperials of Cyrodiil and the Redguard of Hammerfell deteriorated. Although allies during the war, the Empire is forced to renounce Hammerfell as an Imperial province. All the Elder Scrolls housed in the libraries of White-Gold Tower vanish, and are scattered across Tamriel by unknown means.[/indent] [b]4E 180[/b] [indent]As a follow-up to the White-Gold Concordat, the Second Treaty of Stros M'kai is signed, which decrees that Aldmeri occupation forces are to withdraw from Hammerfell[/indent] [b]4E 201[/b] [indent]Civil War begins in Skyrim. Alduin returns on the 17th of Last Seed, first attacking the town of Helgen. Alduin is slain by the Dragonborn during the Battle of the Tongues.[/indent] [b]4E 202[/b] [indent]Civil War ends, eventually resulting in an Empire victory. The Empire looses both Tullius and Elisif the Fair in the war. The College of Winterhold discovers the Eye of Magnus, which nearly destroys the city of Winterhold. Emperor Titus Mede II is assassinated.[/indent] [b]4E 203[/b] [indent]Jarl Balgruuf the Greater is selected by the Jarls of Skyrim to become the next High King. Janos Cornilo becomes the next Emperor, but is assassinated shortly after. Politics in the Imperial City become increasingly hostile and no one is able to get the throne.[/indent] [b]4E 214[/b] [indent]High King Balgruuf is murdered by his youngest son, Nelkir. Nelkir's older brother, Frothar Steel-Fist then captures and executes him. Frothar becomes the new High King of Skyrim and is considered by many to be a good Nord like his father. [/indent] [b]4E 217[/b] [indent]Mages claim that a large door to Oblivion was opened Temporarily in the South West of Morrowind. The Vigilants of Stendarr claim that there has been an increase in Daedra cults.[/indent] [b]4E 220[/b] [indent]Reports of body snatching seem to pop-up all over Tamriel, but are repeatedly denied by officials.[/indent] [b]4E 221[/b] [indent]Taking advantage of the weakened state of the Empire, the Aldmeri Dominion breaks the peace treaty and reignites the Great War. Whilst the Dominion gathers its forces in Bravil, Legate Fasendil infiltrates Leyawin with a large unit of Imperial Altmer and takes back the city, releasing it from 50 years of occupation. A large Dominion fleet is ambushed and destroyed by Imperial forces stationed at Leyawin. A surprise rebellion in Elsywer, which is backed by Black Marsh, draws away the Dominions resources and weakens their invasion. Dominion forces fail in an effort to retake Leyawin, but deal heavy damage to Imperial forces. Due to heavy losses and a disruption in supply lines, the Dominion is forced to withdraw from Blackwood and a large part of the Nibenay Valley (with the exception of Bravil).[/indent] [b]4E 222[/b] [indent]The Aldmeri Dominion takes Kvatch. The Aldmeri lays siege to Skingrad but is beaten and pushed back. Dominion forces regrouping in the Colovian Highlands are attack by a large force from Hammerfell, who come to the aid of the Empire. Intense fighting engulfs the Gold Coast and the West Wield, as both sides throw all they have at each other. [/indent] 4E 223 [indent]The Empire seems to be faring much worse than the Dominion, but neither side gains any significant ground. Black Marsh claims to be a neutral party but are accused by the Dominion of supporting Khajit rebels and providing reinforcements and provisions to the Imperial forces at Leyawiin. [/indent] [b]4E 224[/b] [indent]Current time - The Dominion has laid siege to Leyawiin in an attempt to reclaim it.[/indent] [/hider][/indent][/indent] [hr] [color=f7976a][h3][b][u]Map and Political Geography[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Just to clarify a couple of points about borders, because both the lore and this OOC make things a bit hazy. In this RP I've assumed that following the White-Gold Concordat, Bravil and Leyawiin remained in Domion control; most people seem to think that they became part of Cyrodill again, but I can't make sense of why. At the start of this RP, Leyawiin is back in the hands of the Empire but is besieged by the Dominion. Anvil and Skingrad are both in the hands of the Empire, but have taken damage. Kvatch however is under Dominion rule, and Mer infest the highlands. Hammerfell is independent of the Empire and it's not under occupation. Black Marsh is independent and holds some of the south of Morrowind. Morrowind is independent but is in an awful state. Skyrim is under Empire rule but is still recovering from the Civil War and the return of Alduin. High Rock is under Empire control. Here is a map that may help. It's a modified version of a map that I've found on a few different sites (no idea who the original creator is). I welcome discussion on this issue, as I do with every other topic. [hider] [centre][url=http://www.imperial-library.info/sites/default/files/imagecache/node-gallery-display/gallery_files/cyrodiillargelowrescr7.jpg][img]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g385/fatboykyle/map_zpsezjyhh7u.png[/img][/url][/centre][/hider] [/indent] [indent][hr] [color=f7976a][u][b][h3]Banner Competition:[/h3][/b][/u][/color] [indent]Because the banner I made is awful, there is to be a competition for best banner design! Entries must be made before the RP starts. You don't actually have to make it yourself, you can commission someone else, but you must give the actual creator credit (that doesn't mean you won't still get the prize though). The Banner can be anything you want, but must have the RP title on it. Winner will be voted on by the players, although I will have 2 votes (because FU). The winner's character will retrieve a decent weapon from existing lore either prior to the start of the RP or at the start. [/indent][/indent] [hr] [b]TL;DR – Elder Scrolls fan-fiction set a couple of decades after the events of Skyrim. If you are interested then of course say so! Please fill out a [url=https://titanpad.com/ElderScrollsCorruptionCS]character sheet[/url] and then post it in the OOC for review! If you do make a CS now then don’t edit the link page (copy & paste it) and ensure you use hiders. I am an advocate of community review, whereby players review each others character sheets; I think it's good to air criticisms straight away. Don't be too harsh when reviewing a CS. Don't get too defensive when a CS flaw is exposed. And don't go off in a hump if your first CS is rejected. Also, feel free to review mine.[/b]