[hider=I'm the Highwayman][hider=The Man with a Half-Baked Plan][img]http://i.imgur.com/7GOuT0b.png[/img][/hider] [b]NAME:[/b] Jóska Bryant [b]ABSTRACT:[/b] "A god of thievery, with perfect timing, cursed with a tongue that speaks with rhyming." [b]DETAIL:[/b] Long ago, a young boy named Joska was born to two parents from a small village, known for subsistence farming and being a breeding ground for trouble-making. And troublemakers there were. Two, to be specific. Joska was, of course, one of the mentioned troublemakers. Along with a girl who grew up in the hut next to his, named Alleria. Her parents were traditionalists from a different land and practiced witchcraft as part of their beliefs. And, as such, he learned quite a bit about her land's deities and their rituals. It was partly the interest in what she could teach him, and partly the fact that he respected her as a fellow troublemaker that ended up drawing Joska to her. The two became inseparable for a long while, learning together, growing together. When one got in trouble, their parents would get the other one in trouble. Duties were duties, however. And they learned very quickly that a little fun was all well and good, but when it came time to hunker down and work, they should WORK. Being the shifty younglings they were, they found ways to lessen the load on each others' backs. Meanwhile, as they became older and older, their pranks became more and more involved. First it was just dirt, then throwing pebbles. Then salting unsalted foods, all the way up to thievery. They kept going, daring each other, pushing each other to do things that even THEY knew were morally incorrect. When they became of age, after years of punishment, they fled the town together to travel. The village was happy to see them off. Things became hard for Joska and his partner. They didn't have the money to purchase food as often as they would like, and more often than not they would end up walking for days to the next town. Then, they had a bright idea. They were already experienced troublemakers, why not make a bit of money off of it? They began to rob people, donning cloaks and tricorn hats, hiding their faces as a method to get some quick cash. This worked quite well, they always had a decent bit of pocket change and they could afford food more often than not. However, they became infamous and nearly lost their lives on several occasions with some less than optimal practices. Along with that, as money became more and more of a motivation for what they were doing, the relationship between Joska and Alleria began to grow strained. Their work suffered, and more often than not they had to flee from their own targets due to lack of attention to detail and an increased amount of arguments. Things reached a fever pitch one night after Alleria discovered Joska in a drunken stupor sleeping about with as many women of the night as he could afford. Using her knowledge of witchcraft, she placed a curse on Joska's silver tongue. After taking the money remaining from the spending spree, she fled into the night never to be seen by her previous partner again. Waking up the next morning, the young highwayman found himself broke once again, and now without a partner. But worse than that, he noticed that he couldn't speak. After several days of confusion and several less than successful robberies, he found that he could speak. However, he was condemned to speaking in rhyming couplets. This proved to be an issue for Joska, but he was resourceful. He grew used to it, and eventually used it as an additive to his robberies. Creating a name for himself. The Rhyming Bandit, was his first nickname. A few more popped up afterwards. However, his popularity began to be cut short. See, using knowledge he'd gained over his travels, he planned to monopolize a new trade route pretending to be an adult Snare. With people already on his tail, along with creating quite a buzz over an apparent rogue adult Snare, he was caught. After tallying up charges, they presented him to the court. And from there, to the Stone.[/hider] Just to clarify, he doesn't look like that under his cloak and hat, but I thought that it'd be aesthetically pleasing.