Cassandra smiled at Billy, giving his had a squeeze, [color=f6989d]"my Aunt is kind of boy Scoutish, she likes to make sure I'm prepared I guess. I'll check in you again shortly, okay?"[/color] she glanced over at Vanessa, and gave a shrug, [color=f6989d]"honestly this stuff is simple. You get it all taught to you in a weekend first aid course. My aunt makes me go once a year"[/color] She rose steadily, [color=f6989d]"no offense, but I like stretching out to sleep, I'm not going to cram myself into the RV. Billy should be in there, to have his leg elevated. We aren't going to get far tonight, it would be safer to stay here and start fresh in the morning. We don't need more injuries"[/color] she said, packing up her first aid kit. [color=f6989d]"but we should trade off keeping an eye on billy, particularly testing his feeling in his foot, pulse, swelling, movement and such."[/color] She threw a few sticks in the fire, looking about at the others