Nyx watched Erien introduce the next pilot, Mallory, and then give them their assignment. It didn't sound too exciting, but then there was the mystery element to it. Also, there were the outdated planes. Nyx made a note to see if she could find a way to search for similar situations, because this was both too bizarre and starting to feel like those cheap novels she'd bought after she left Borlix to become more 'cultured'. She made double sure to keep the 'stay in pairs' tucked safely in the back of her mind. Last time, she'd been a surprise, so it hadn't mattered that she wasn't in formation, but now it mattered a lot. If she wasn't where they needed her, the Claymores could get wiped out, and that would set the mission back considerably. So she switched on her toggle and searched for 'ghost town planets' and brushed up on her formations. When her search hadn't turned up much, Nyx put her Toggle away and headed down to get prepped to go. Overall, the experience was just about as fun as it had been the first time. the belts were her least favorite part, but at least they ensured that she wasn't as bulky as before. It was just the price to pay for safety, even if she didn't get it half the time. Then again, it was encouraged to go climbing on the walls of wrecks to get good parts. Without climbing gear. It never really ended well for the overly ambitious ones. Nyx figured she could deal with a bit of safety gear and protocols. Nyx was a bit fussy with the walk around, but in the end she signed off on it and climbed inside with help. Just as she settled inside, the ship lurched and she felt her stomach go flying. It took a few moments, but she was able to combat off the nausea. She went through the checklist quickly, and was loaded onto the rail. "Wylde Fyre four, this is control. You are in launch position, stand by for launch order." [color=00aeef]"Wylde Fyre Four set to go, control."[/color] "Wylde Fyre lead to all craft. Stand by for launch, we are on the mission timeline, over!" [color=00aeef]"Wylde Fyre Four to Lead, I hear you. Is there a way that I don't have to say that alliteration every time? Oh, also all systems green."[/color] A few last second adjustments and just looking around to get a feel for the fighter. She'd been adjusted to fit it, but she wasn't quite used to the idea that this was hers. She was going to fly this into a possibly dangerous situation with a mysterious enemy. What was that saying about butterflies?