[sub][sub][h3][i]Planet Luynus - Snoria Bazaar - Early Evening[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][hr] The Snoria City slums existed as a poignant reminder of a past that had created this exact moment and the Bazaar within was the catalyst that would spark reminiscence. This was well trodden gang land and it certainly lived up to its reputation as haven amidst the Empire--haven for criminality of course. All manner of shady individual strolled from shop to shop hoping to procure items they had no business trying to acquire or tech they barely knew the inner workings of. Even nobility could be found lurking amongst the common thug, spouting their highborn language and fishing for illicit wares in a sea of reprehensibility. The entire surrounding was one constant reminder of how far she came in the years since she left her home. Varrina Mercury, however, wanted no part of such memories. The resident sniper of the 7-5 dressed in a fitting, solid black shirt under an equally dark hooded shawl. The top was neatly tucked into worn gray sweatpants which in turn hid inside knee-high boots. Long sleeves covered her arms up to just below her wrist and gloves made of a very thin material enveloped her hands. With her hood pulled up, Varrina almost sauntered down one of the more congested aisles clutching a strap slung over her shoulder with one hand and a pocket generously housing the other. A long, cylindrical case attached to the strap and matched the length of her back. She adjusted her hold as she slipped passed individuals she avoided eye contact with and tried not to cough while inhaling the dirty air. Even if this was a mission, it was a nightmare for the master sergeant, but she had been part of the unit long enough to understand duty before desire. She stopped at a curious stand just as the owner turned his back to attend to another potential customer. This particular stand happened to be selling what looked to be [i]parts[/i] of weapons that one could theoretically rig together to create something useful. They were laid out one next to the other with even spacing between each piece and a little plaque that denoted a price. Varrina raised an eyebrow at some of the pieces before turning and looking off into the distance. Her gaze shifted to and fro until she finally settled on one of the towering sentinels that raised well above the Bazaar. A small, darkened grin formed before her walking speed picked up. She had known exactly what she was going to do as soon as the mission was officially handed down. For the role she chose to play, it was always generally the same routine. Once she emerged from the ocean of ill repute, Varrina began the ascension. She found a set of steps on the side of the building that zigzagged up to the roof--what looked to be some sort of old-fashioned fire escape maybe. It was better than trying to scale the walls at least. Her thoughts began to muddle again as she took long strides up the steps. Her mind flashed to the members of the team who were bound to be in the thick of it. She always figured the captain liked that sort of thing, but she never truly understood it. What was so desirable about weaving through the carnage of battle or even the calm of a silent infiltration? To be placed next to the danger you were meant to eliminate did not seem very efficient in the least. Maybe bragging rights played a part and of course there were those whose roles made them effective at eradicating things up close, but those kinds of tactics were too messy for Varrina. She much preferred the comfort of a good vantage point--much like the one she now found herself on top of. Wasting no time, she took a knee and dropped the cylindrical case on the ground in front of her. Depressing a flush button, the case flayed open to reveal a rotating inner cylinder which held components that would combine to create Varrina's signature sniper rifle. She quickly removed each piece--a green square lit above each piece signalling a matching genetic profile released each one--and put them together as she grabbed them. This was a ceremony that had been performed a thousand times and, at this point, it had become slightly more than second nature. A mere minute and a half later, the long rifle rested on its own dual bi-pod setup and pointed its sleeping barrel and all-seeing scope through a large hole in the masonry of the roof and in the direction of the Bazaar below. Varrina put a greenish-blue eye to the optical sight and adjusted a few dials before slapping in a modified magazine that held her .50 caliber ammunition. She ended the ceremony by laying down on her stomach and pushing the butt of the weapon into her shoulder pocket. This was truly the most enjoyable, and efficient, manner of combat. [i][color=f26522][/color][/i] The message came through loud and clear, though Varrina still hated the method in which it was delivered. Of course, she was not fully convinced of the plight of trans-humanism either. Taking a moment to summon her own brainpower, the sniper put her eye back to the scope and replied through the same secure channel. [i][color=violet]"Wraith, sitting on the southeastern apartment tower and monitoring the situation. Cyclops is ready to go, boo."[/color][/i] Cyclops was the affectionate name she had given to her trusted sniper rifle due to the rather large optical sight that sometimes appeared to be a giant eye from afar.