I don't think history and personality should be optional by the way. Those are things integral to building or setting up a character, and helps other plays find connections or figure out interactions. [hider] Username: Sho Minazuki [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DmTLLQC.png?1[/img] [color=black]"Look, I'm a little tired right now, so can we make this quick?"[/color] [/center] [b]Name[/b]: Wolfram Mord [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Color[/b]: Inky black [b]Symbol[/b]: An eye-scarred raven. [b]Semblance[/b]: [b]Raven Mirage[/b] - Wolfram can disperse into a murder of ravens and crows, and can use them to scout as well, some have called him the 'vampire of crows' due to how visually similar he disperse into crows compared to when a vampire disperses into bats in popular media. Other abilities include that these crows can function as normal crows and feed on animals to give him energy as well. He is powerful enough to have an abundance of crows in an area that it can be difficult to figure out where he will appear next, compared to his student years. [b]Weapon Name[/b]: Vindicator [b]Weapon Appearance/Function[/b]: The gloves are more a utility than an actual weapon, using the circuits that are all along the palms, he can materialize dust into small weapons. Larger weapons require something far more advanced or a work-around method, and far more dust due to density issues. [b]Type[/b]: Dust [b]Weapon Derivation[/b]: Twin gauntlets, lean in appearance. [b]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance[/b]: A pair of really stylish elbow long gloves. Some seemingly mechanical parts along the forearm area, and dust slots. [b]Form 1[/b]: [color=purple][i]Conduit Function, Materialize[/i][/color] - When entering combat mode, a thing steel armor covers the gloves, also colored black, and along the palm, circuits matching the hand appear. Through those circuits he can use the dust equipped to form throwing knives of varying size and element, as well as creating thin wire for trapping and even slicing, and finally, needles, which are his most potent and efficient means of disabling or killing someone. [b]Form 2[/b]: [color=purple][i]Conduit Function, Imbue[/i][/color] - Not really a second form, just another function. He carries twin knives that he uses as a secondary weapon when forced into close quarters, with the imbue function he can give these knives new properties, or even extend their reach. This isn't limited to the knives though. He has other equipment as well for this very concept. [b]Form 3[/b]: [color=purple][i]Conduit Function, Shroud[/i][/color] - He can cancel both imbue and materialize to use his gauntlet as the main weapon, by wrapping it in dust, he can use it defensively, or expel it upon striking a target for more damage. [b]Form 4[/b]: [color=9e0b0f]Grappling Hook[/color] - There's a grappling hook on this thing. Neat. [b]Form 5[/b]: [color=9e0b0f]Gambit Round[/color] - There's a one-shot and powerful pistol underslung on the gauntlet. It only has one round, and it's settings have it use all the dust that is currently equipped, making the single shot insanely powerful, but renders the gauntlet useless. This is a useful option in some cases. The drawback is that he'll need to re-equip all the dust vials again, which takes quite awhile. [b]Elemental Functions[/b]: The following are functions he can add for his knives and needles depending on elements. [list][*]Gravity - He can use this dust to bind enemies to areas that are marked by his needles or knives. He can also create the reverse effect and propel himself, or an enemy far away. [*]Explosive - By combining fire and earth, he can create a violent explosive knife. [*]Incendiary - A simple fire type. [*]Frostbite - A simple ice type designed to disable parts of a body, or even freeze their heart. [*]Shredder - A concentrated wind or air type that disperses the knife into a cutting wind. [*]Water - He can douse his enemies in water with this. [*]Stun - Sends out an electric shock on whatever surface it lands on, and stuns them. It's especially deadly if they are soaked.[/list] [b]Equipment[/b]: The following he carries on him in order to use Imbue for. [list][*]Large Folding Shuriken - These shuriken are a little larger than normal, and fold so they're easy to carry. He only has a few, so he prefers to use them in a boomerang fashion. It's useful when fighting a crowd of grimm. [*]Twin Knives, The Harbingers - Twin double-sided knives, straight blade, cross guard. They look fancy, and actually have a hidden dust vial in their handles, allowing him to do a surprise reload once his gauntlets run out of Dust. Alternatively, the dust can be used to propel the knife even faster when thrown, which can surprise his opponents. [*]Compound Bombs - These on their own are regular smoke bombs, but the smoke is made of a compound that reacts well with dust, allowing him to make fire bombs, cold bombs, and so on, depending on the dust he imbues into them before throwing.[/list] [b]Personality[/b]: Despite his heavy presence and the way he looks and his skills, he's a very carefree person, normally seen with a friendly smile that people often mistake for a creepy slasher type. He's just a guy trying to live right now, a little cynical, as he once had aspirations of his own. He made his living in the underground with assassination jobs, they weren't his cup of tea, but he was very good at them, plus no one else wanted to hire him, so inadverdently he became known as the "Harbinger of Death", and all those other names. He didn't become a Hunter to kill people, he became one to kill Grimm, so he was not content with this. Still, it gave him an enormous amount of money, so he couldn't complain. Assassinations to him were like that desk job you hate so much at this point, and really just about anything would pique his interest. [b]History[/b]: Wolfram was no honor student, in fact no one liked him except his team back in Haven, who honestly were all friendly. He was considered the strange kid, reserved, and almost like a pushover, normally that alone wouldn't put him in the situation he was, but it was the fact that he had an uncanny talent at pointing out people's weaknesses. It wasn't semblance, he already awoke to that, so it scared people that he could figure out very quickly what made them tick. Nothing really happened with it though, and he graduated normally. Some of his team suggested him to a medical profession, as his talent would be very useful in that field. Others suggested the black ops of militaries. He wanted to fight Grimm though... But he considered the options. He ended up trying both. It was difficult for him to enter the military medical field, because he was just so horrible at it's theory, then he was offered to the black ops, assassinations and the like, and he was just really really good at it. He eventually quit though, because he didn't like the line of work, but eventually he starved because he couldn't find other jobs, he did the odd Grimm slaying job on mission boards, and among other things, but as his failures in higher level Grimm slaying missions became apparent, his options narrowed, until he eventually starved for a whole month. That all ended when his asking around for jobs eventually landed him into the underground's mission boards, because someone wanted his skills as an assassin. As he was pretty much starving and desperate, he accepted, and before he knew it, he became reputed as one of the best assassins in the history of Hunters and Huntresses, albeit in the underground. Although little did he know until later, there was no turning back. No regular mission board would accept him picking up a quest, very few had need of his talents too, and so there he was, stuck in the underground, almost by accident. [/hider]