‘I’m… bright? Is… that what you do? See things differently with light? Sorry I’m a little confused since we- ’ [i] Gershwin struggled to find the appropriate word to describe normal-seeing people. Given the queer situation of everything here, she chose to be out-front with it.[/i] ‘We healthy-seeing people do already see with light.’ [i] Then a thought occurred. [/i] ‘Do you know what I do? Did you hear anything about me?’ She turned to take in the entire room again, noting the available TVs and computers. In turn of waiting for a reply, she walked to one of the computers – only intranet access and no browsers except for an encyclopaedic app. She turned next to the TV; no broadcasted outside channels, and only source inputs for players and connections. ‘Shoot.’ [hr] Agents Dioxide and Caits walked to the SRD cafeteria. The other buildings had their own cafeterias and were filled with their own crowd of people. The two have been here for a while now that they regularly, and only frequented in SRD. The two could walk to the other buildings, but with work taking prominence, there was little time for leisure and choice. Two grandés in the Starbucks afforded to the staff. Job benefits. He sat opposite her, and hoped to bring back a topic from before. Though the cafeteria at the moment was more crowded now, loud enough to mask their conversation from eavesdropping ears, it was still a thorny topic to discuss. ‘Have you asked the attendants about the other 28? I was never close to them, so asking now will be more difficult. What about 28 himself, our most recent guy?’