[b]Screen Name :[/b] Crank [b]Character Name :[/b] Elliot Hartwright [b]Gender :[/b] Male [b]Age :[/b] 17 [b]Appearance :[/b] Elliot is an odd-looking boy, perhaps having a bit of boyish charm, if one could get past his ability's side effects. Fluffy, disheveled, milky brown hair is atop his head, thick and cut a little below his hairline, attaining a moderate length. But honestly, he looks stranger when it's neat and done up nice. His face is thin in structure, but his smile is usually endearing and thrilled, teeth straight and the lips bordering it rather thin. His nose is sharp, it's bridge straight, holding a very slight upturn near the end. His eyes are wide, surrounded in light shadows and faded bags underneath from an immense lack of sleep. His irises have an odd coloring to them, a side effect of the tests the AISE has conducted on him - they have shifted from a once piercing blue {past} to a vibrant electric yellow {current}. His eyebrows are moderate thickness and his eyelashes are of moderate length. Elliot stands at about 5'11, relatively tall for a young man his age, He's very lean and spindly - lanky arms, long, thin legs, deft hands with spidery fingers, a slender torso, a long neck. Muscle is a feature that is barely prominent on him; he's not ideal when it comes to strength. His complexion has grown right between fair and lightly tanned, since his time in the facility has lessened the amount of sunlight he once had available to darken him. He usually is seen wearing simple gray T-shirts, sometimes fitting long-sleeved shirts {though he'll pull the sleeves up to his elbows habitually}. He wears skinny jeans coming in either black or a very dark navy blue. [b]Personality :[/b] Elliot is one of the most impatient, excitable, and uncontrollable balls of energy you may ever come to meet. He cannot sit still for a second - he always requires being on the move, whether it be fiddling with an object or pacing. He gets extremely impatient when people take their time on something that can otherwise be done very quickly, to the point of frustrated verbal outbursts, in fact. He doesn't take the time to think about his actions, and jumps into action the second his mind signals him to without taking into account what the consequences of his decisions will be. He is viewed as dangerously reckless in that aspect, having no noticeable ability to tell what's potentially harmful and what isn't, and not even seeming to care about those factors. Whenever you make Elliot particularly angry - not irritated, that will only earn you some frustration, but actually [i]angry[/i] - he'll reveal this side of himself that best should remain unknown. He can be [i]sadistic[/i], oddly enough. Vengeance is something he will fight to have if he feels he deserves it. They're characteristics that are quite seldom to see be revealed, but it's happened before. He has hurt or wounded scientists testing on him for intentionally hurting him and not apologizing afterward. He definitely isn't afraid to bite back if something bites at him. But that should be kept where it's at. There's no need to go into deeper detail on what he does. Anyways, Elliot can be quite a protective and amusing friend to be around, if you can get past the cons his ability presents to him. He tries his best to be nice and funny, and he has a curious streak in him that often leads him to make friends in the oddest ways. He's rather shameless, and has no concept of personal space. He doesn't get embarrassed easily at all, especially not towards strangers. The exception is if he has certain feelings for a certain person. But otherwise, he'll approach you without hesitation and start asking inquisitive questions about whatever he's curious of. He speaks rather quickly, so you'll have to keep up. [b]History :[/b] Quite blurry, but it's nothing special enough to mention. All he knows that he's a veteran of the facility, having been there for a couple of years and counting. [b]Rank :[/b] Teen. Has begun to sink into a rebellious mindset as he notices how unethical this testing is towards the other children of the facility. [b]Ability :[/b] Enhanced speed. This term is rather vague when first put, and would seem pretty simple to some. But this does more than just enhance running speed. The following are the perks and pros of Elliot's ability. -[i]Enhanced running speed[/i]; has been tested to sprint to up to 67 mph. and counting as testing progresses. -[i]Enhanced reflex speed[/i]; can physically react far faster than a normal human can to a number of different situations/settings/etcetera. -[i]Enhanced self awareness[/i]; nearly impossible to physically take by surprise. The following is a list of the disabilities and cons of Elliot's ability. -[i]Mental overactivity[/i]; Since he naturally moves very quickly and has a fast-paced mind, he becomes irritably impatient with slow-moving situations a lot faster than normal subjects. -[i]Natural overreaction/oversensitivity to surroundings[/i]; The smallest actions or movements can make Elliot react, and possibly incur accidental injuries of self or other individuals from reacting. -[i]Inability to focus[/i]; He has lost most of his ability to concentrate on one task/subject at a time. -[i]Physical overactivity[/i]; He cannot remain in one position for a prolonged expanse of time, and must have something to occupy himself constantly. -[i]Enhanced metabolism speed[/i]; He requires large portions of food in order to keep his energy level where it should be and his fatigue level low. He has gone nights where he cannot sleep a wink and nights where he'll have to be barked at by guards or scientists in order to be woken up. He tires with extensive, continuous use of his power, and needs breaks every so often to regain some energy. These disabilities are currently being worked on by scientists to eradicate. [b]Weakness :[/b] His main, most crippling weakness? Claustrophobia. Even before the AISE stole him away, he was always afraid and anxious when in tight or small spaces. Keep him somewhere stuffy and uncomfortably small, and he'll react in one of two ways: -Fall into a panic attack and begin to hyperventilate. -Try violent attempts to escape, usually resulting in personal injuries or destruction of surroundings. He has to be subdued with sedatives whenever certain testing takes place to either calm him down or force him to go unconscious. Physical testing is the only exception to this rule of sorts. [b]Number :[/b] 47395 [b]Other :[/b] N/A [b]Password :[/b] [i]What's your favorite idea? [b]Mine is being creative.[/b][/i]