[center][h3][color=ec008c]Subject 17, Archon of Sound[/color], [color=92278f]Vanth, Archon of Lightning[/color], [url=http://36.media.tumblr.com/9dd9ccdfb43c7106782b5e1cb03ab5a6/tumblr_mmggu9b3ng1qfz312o1_1280.jpg][i]Haven, Archon of Time[/i][/url], and [color=662d91]Ian Marcus, Archon of Gravity [/color][/h3][/center] A sliver of thought was more pronounced than the rest: “We should leave. This is growing pointless.” Vanth nods in agreement. They stood together, drawing the eyes of the silent room. “We’re going to find some place to attempt to train… If anyone would like to join us and see what we can come up with, that’d be great.” Haven had been looking at her watch until she heard “Archon of Time” spoken in the conversation. She looked up, hearing enough to let her know what was going on. [i]Another archon? Interesting. What makes me so special that I and two others are the only ones that can help them?[/i] She thought, biting her lip. Corvus frowned lightly. [color=Gold]”I didn’t know that Etro would appear here. I thought she’d been lost in time. Apparently I was wrong.”[/color] He let out a heavy sigh. [color=Gold]”This will be a challenge. I’m not sure how this will play out. Are you prepared to use your abilities? You’ll need them.”[/color] [i]I think I can do it. I’ll try my best.[/i] She thought, slowly standing and looking at Vanth and 17. [color=E6E6FA]”I will help you,”[/color] she said, giving them a small smile. [color=E6E6FA]”I mean, you need me, anyways. What part will I play in this, though? Do you know?”[/color] Vanth shrugged to Haven, “I’m not entirely sure of all of the details just yet, this is all that 17 has shared with me thus far.” “I don’t know anything else. I’m just as lost as you are.” Ian agrees and stands to follow the others as they head toward the training room. “Sitting around talking will get us no results. I say for now we work on training our archon abilities and if we come across the archon of crystal we will free him.” Ian said, looking from each person to the next. “It seems we have wasted enough time already and we need to get something done at this point.” “Her,” 17 whispered to Vanth, “Etro is a girl.” 17 began toying with his powers on the way there, seeing what he was able to do to sound. He could feel the expanding and compacting of space against his skin as the sounds of their footsteps reflected off the walls. He pushed back at them mentally, causing a louder second echo. He smiled mouthlessly beneath the bandana. Haven walked alongside 17, one arm tucked behind her back and gripping the elbow of her other arm. She thought about where this archon could be and wondered how hard it would be to rescue her. [i]If we save her, won’t we be releasing Valhalla as well?[/i] Corvus sighed softly. [color=Gold]”I have no idea… When I pushed the crystal into the cracks of time, I expected to never see it again. I’m not sure what will happen if we save Etro.”[/color] Haven pursed her lips, lost in thought. [i]I guess we’ll find out and deal with it as best as we can...[/i] Ian listened to the strange echoes that came with 17 playing with his powers and began thinking of potential uses for such powers. He had no idea what might be in store for them in this temple but he was anxious to find out what they had to work with in the battles to come. This entire temple was at their disposal. It would be their arsenal against Thanatos in this war. Upon arrival, all four stepped into the room. It shook violently and the large room became even larger. The room exploded with sound as the group of four suddenly began slowly spinning. The brass floor extended to the walls in a series of spinning gears and mechanisms. A fan on one end whirred violently, while the other end sounded like sparks were flying across a corridor. The group of four froze and took in their surroundings when a voice started speaking above the volume of the grinding and ticking. “I am Chronus, the first of three Guardians for you to encounter. These prisons were designed with you in mind, so please, waste no time.” A clock at the top of the room began slowly but distinctly ticking. “You have one hour.”