[@lmpkio] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [h1]Reign Headquarters[/h1] While the rest of the Reign's minions and officers saluted at the arrival of Shinnok and Ridley, the members of Licht Gruppe; or at least the ones who hadn't already left the teleportation hub due to injury, responsibility or exhaustion had not done so due to them being loyal not to the commanders of the Reign but to the goal and the ideal of the organization, thus they found no reason to show their unflagging respect but still stood at attention as it was proper military etiquette. As the two executives passed by the small group of knights and mages, they all spoke as one. "[b]Sirs.[/b]" [hr] [@lmpkio] [@thewizardguy] [h1]The Graveyard[/h1] As the probe came closer to the mysterious piece of scrap, it would find that there was nothing exceptional about the panel of durasteel drifting towards the frigate and by extension it. At least from the angle it was approaching the thing from, but as it was about to circle around to get a complete scan of the object; the probe gets a split-second view of something hiding behind the panel before its feed suddenly cuts off... "[i][color=gray]Such a fragile thing... Too fragile...[/color][/i]" And then all of a sudden, the panel rapidly began to accelerate towards the Frigate at a speed rivaling that of a TIE fighter and in response to an incoming Ion blast volley, the thing is sent literally shooting towards the blasts; the panel of capital ship-grade armor plate serving its purpose. Now unencumbered, the machine that had been hiding behind it then sped towards the frigate at dizzying and almost supernatural speed; its maneuverability as such that it makes even the TIE interceptor seem like a bulk freighter in comparison, being much smaller than a starfighter was also a considerable factor in aiding its agility though. Given that, it took the machine only 10 seconds to get close enough to knife-fighting range with the Frigate and it opens up its offence by raking a furious volley of extremely rapid-fire lasers from its fingers at the frigate's CIWS and anti-fighter laser cannons, prioritizing them as the biggest threats to itself as the main batteries and ion cannons were far too sluggish and lacked the traverse to hit it.