[right]"You see. You see shapes and figures as they are, solids. I don't. I see light. Some people are brighter then others. Some have a different...well, I guess flavor. It's hard to explain" [/right] Cody struggled to find the right words to explain, but felt like he fell short. It was hard to explain to someone who didn't know, couldn't see what he saw, just like he imagined it would be hard for someone who could see to explain to him what they saw. He listened as she fiddled around, coming to, as he had, the conclusion that they were quite literally cut off from the outside world. [right]"I know they are...carefully with you. I know that our tests are abnormal. I know...I know they will keep us here forever[/right] He didn't add until they died. That seemed quite dramatic, and he was tired of drama. He rose, walking over to some of the other instruments, running his hands over them, and picking up a guitar. It's weight was reassuring, and he slung the strap on. [right]'I know they will try and limit your pain, they think that has something to do with what you can do. How did they get you here?[/right] [hr] Agent Caits stayed silent as they made their way to the cafeteria, thinking. There seemed to be a lot to think about lately, and a lot of questions they didn't have answers to. She held her coffee in her hands, and stared at it at Agent Dioxide's questions. [right]'They never really speak about the other subjects. I don't think they know either. The ones I am friendly with seem...skittish about them. I don't know much about Subject 28. One minute he was here, the next he wasn't. There doesn't seem to be any record of the subjects departure[/right] Despite the loudness of the cafeteria, Agent Caits stiil spoke softly, worried about being over heard. They were taking a huge risk, and she knew that meant death if they were caught out.