[center][color=darkseagreen][b][i]Annalynne[/i][/b][/color][/center] [color=darkseagreen]Unknown Location - 248 HP 8/8[/color] [hr] Annalynne had enjoyed the conversation in the wagon. While she was completely unused to such a thing, it actually eased any tension, allowing her to close her eyes for a moment of brief bliss. [color=darkseagreen][i]So this is what normal people do, hmm[/i][/color] she thought, allowing the words, the voices, the rhythm and charm to circle through her head. She still had her hand clutched to her hip, ready to draw her weapon if need be, but the possibility of not having to use it was nice for a change. The sudden crash threw them all into chaos. Normally, she would've paid extra attention, taking note of every single thing that happened. It was easier to get through a situation if you know what you were dealing with. Unfortunately, she couldn't recall much. It was as if the crash had completely wiped her memory, or she was somehow asleep for it all. She woke, face down in the dirt. The hilt of her dagger digging into her hip, leaving it tender to the touch. The rancid smell of death and smoke billowed from the earth itself, snaking its way down her lungs, smothering her in its embrace. She sensed the others were near, but there was something else there ... someone else. She tried to keep quiet, her keen ears listening to each syllable, each tone. But the smoke was becoming too much for her. She turned herself over to face the sky, as if there was something to see through closed eye lids, violently coughing as if to expel the vile smoke that was choking her. It wasn't much better top side, but her coughing had eased. Had they fallen into an abyss of nothingness? Not even their carts were to be found. Nothing but darkness, smoke and death. 'A test', the others had mentioned. A grin tugged at her lips. "Should you feeble humans survive this ordeal, a great reward awaits you" [color=darkseagreen][i]You pack a bunch of 'low lifes' and 'holier than thous' in a cart together, and then threaten their lives.[/i][/color], she giggled quietly. And suddenly she felt that this was where she was supposed to be, like all her life was leading up to this moment, why else would she have had to endure such tortures. She wiggled her fingers and then her toes, ensuring that not only were they still there, but that she could move. She slowly slithered back, returning to her previous position, digging the toes of her boots into the ground. She was quite low to the ground, the fog lifted just enough to cover her almost completely. She could barely see much, but the preparation of the others told her all she needed to know. A dagger in one hand, she slipped to the back of the group eyeing her enemy. Her brows wrinkled slightly. These we certainly not human, they weren’t beasts either. They were but figures in the dark. “No!” someone shouted in warning. But it was already too late. The others had mounted their attack. All that she needed now as for them to advance, and then she would make her move... She waited patiently.