A part of Desperation felt bad about leaving some of his peers behind as what few had bothered to follow him made their escape in his meat van; Another part was consumed by a cold rage at how those idiots had ruined an otherwise perfect escape by either running off on their own or [i]turning around and fighting the response teams that had shown up for shits and giggles.[/i] His earlier opinion that the gorgan woman was sane was completely shattered at the mess that her turning around and fighting was no doubt going to cause. Reclaiming control of his van due largely to the fact that it was stick, Thule couldn't help but smile somewhat under the mask as he answered "[i]You would be surprised at how many car thieves are discouraged because of that.[/i]" playfully as he put the keys in the ignition and started to drive away, waiting just long enough to allow card man to hop in the back before doing so. It wasn't a high speed chase either; Desperation made sure to stay to the speed limit in order to avoid attention. Of course that became something of a mute point when they were suddenly engulfed in a bright light before appearing in what appeared to be some kind of hanger. Hitting the breaks and bringing the van to a stop, Desperation carefully looked around for a moment before turning the van off. Reaching for the bag that contained a human heart, he glanced up at the Mexican woman that had [i]tried[/i] to take his steering wheel. In a voice that was surprisingly cold, he simply said "[i]I need to put this in the back while its still in good condition. Go on ahead and tell the others that we've still got work to do tonight; Everyone in our group who isn't here knew that we were planning to set ourselves up in the Pulps old base... that information cannot get out.[/i]" With his grim forecast for the rest of the evening given, Desperation hooped out of the front of the van and walked around to the back of it, ignoring those around him as he opened the doors and went inside. He needed to get this heart in the freezer as soon as possible after all.