[hider=Hitsuji Momo] [b]Username:[/b] IceHeart [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1611/c323c8ca648e585a6b793a56ca9f6d3b6e926a46.jpg?1688031[/img] “People think lambs are cute and cuddly, makes it easier to beat the stuffing out of em!" [b]Name:[/b] Hitsuji Momo [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Sheep Faunus. [b]Appearance:[/b] 5’1”, 118 lbs [b]Color:[/b] [color=fff79a]Yellow[/color] [b]Symbol:[/b] A broken ram horn with three red claw marks that start from the broken tip and travel to the bottom of the horn’s curve. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Unstoppable Ram:[/i] A very straightforward use of Aura that is very simple but effective. Hitsuji collects her aura into a single point around her and then causes the aura to instantly repel herself in the opposite direction. This use of Aura propulsion has several advantages. First the power of her aura is rather explosive, giving her a lot of extra firepower. Second, she can move without giving herself away through body movement, for example not having to tense up to jump as she can literally just rocket herself upward with aura. Third, she can actually change her own direction in midair through the use of her semblance. One downside of her semblance is she can only use it for explosive bursts of speed. As such she can rocket away in one direction but she can instantly use another burst to change her direction. The semblance requires at least 5 seconds between bursts to be used effectively again. Still the power and speed the semblance gives her is not to be underestimated. [b]Weapon Name:[/b] Hard Case [b]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] Close-Ranged Melee Weapon with Dust Cartridge Compatibility. Also has a Short-Ranged Pistol form. [b]Weapon Derivation:[/b] Brass Knuckles/Magnum [b]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/b] At first appearance they look like just like unusually large, pink, metal bracelets. [u][b]Form 1:[/b][/u] They take a traditional brass knuckles appearance, complete with four ‘knuckles’. The brass knuckles can be augmented with ‘dust’ knuckles, little dust ‘studs’ of various design that attach to the knuckles. [u][b]Form 2:[/b][/u] The two brass knuckles can change into an edged weapon, a blade appears alone the edge of the knuckles and extends two inches on either side of the fist, making razor fists. [u][b]Form 3:[/b][/u] By placing the two brass knuckles together they combine, the holes in the knuckles collapse and change into the barrel of a Magnum pistol. This Magnum form can also be equipped with special dust cartridges for various effects. [b]Personality:[/b] Her manner of talking and speech can seem rather cute and fluffy, that is until one starts to notice some rather disturbing things she will just so nonchalantly. Small but exploding with energy, it is hard for her to sit still and she can be rather impatient. Her cute, sweet voice contrasts at times so sharply with what she says, people have been known to feel shivers down their spine just by seeing her warm smile. Generally a bit twisted in the head and full of dark humor but not necessarily evil. [b]History:[/b] Hitsuji Momo starting out living in one of the few remaining settles outside of the main populations centers, between Vale and Vacuo. The small settlement was home to some rough and tumble kind of folks who were quite brave and so amazing there were few Grimm attacks early on. A good portion of the populace was Faunus so there was plenty of others to play and grow up with so there was little discrimination. This ideal community was destined for destruction however, when a certain stranger came to town. The stranger was human and was badly hurt from a Grimm attack. The town quickly took care of him but as it turned out it was his mind that needed repair more so than his body. The stranger lashed out at everyone in his dilerium, injuring some of the people, this event and person created enough unease to attract creatures of Grimm. The Grimm overran the town, killing most of the population and the stranger disappeared over the course of the ensuing battle. Hitsuji had the misfortune of watching her family get slaughtered by Grimm, causing her to pass out. Because she was unconscious, the Grimm did not notice her small form and left the area. Hitsuji was rescued by a Huntsman and soon she started to attend Signal Academy. At signal she crafted her weapon and became very interested in Grimm. Soon her life was filled with learning how to better fight and kill Grimm. She also started to almost exclusively devote her studies to the Grimm and combat. After studying at Signal for a few years she was sent to Beacon Academy to become a true huntress. It did not take long for her to reach huntress status and she was soon known for her brutal takedowns of Grimm both large and small giving her the nickname "Rampaging Ram". She was so intent of the utter destruction of Grimm that often on missions she could even forget her original objective as she hunted down creatures of Grimm. She tried to take as many Grimm extermination missions as possible. She was a part of a team for a brief bit but a very serious accident happened during a mission when a particularly large Grimm appeared. Uitsuji charged the Grimm and in the process caused a cave-in when she smashed the Grimm into the side of the cave they were in. Her reckless behavior and lack of remorse for her fallen teammates caused her to be expelled from beacon and since then she has gone to doing underground mission boards, specializing in Grimm extermination and also capture, which is not something done through legitimate channels. [/hider]