[h3][color=39b54a]Lily[/color] and [color=f7941d]Brent[/color][/h3] [@1Charak2] [@Ciphra] [@Iatos] [color=f7941d]""Younguns"? I don't think even you're old enough to be talking like that."[/color] Said Brent, chuckling a little. Lily was still a little unsure about these new people, but they didn't seem that bad. [color=f7941d]"If you're looking for the Professor, he's up in his lab for the moment. He may not be here much longer, though, he's heading out to a ruin dig later."[/color] Brent gave them what they wanted, while Lily looked over their Pokemon. One man appeared to have a Sylveon by his side. The other, who had asked about the Professor, had quite the collection. An Amaura, a very rare Pokemon considering it could only be restored from fossils, a Klefki, who she had heard could be a very reliable and dangerous Pokemon if trained right, and a Kirlia, who seemed quite cute, and was a different color than usual. [color=39b54a]"Wow, you guys have so many neat Pokemon, I hope I can get some great Pokemon like that someday too."[/color] Lily finally spoke up, giving a gentle smile. [color=f7941d]"Oh yeah, where are our introductions: My name's Brent, and this is my partner Cyndaquil."[/color] Said Brent pointing up to his small fire type companion. [color=39b54a]"Right, and my name's Lily, this here is my partner, Chikorita."[/color] Said Lily, pointing to her small grass type as well. [color=f7941d]"Well, we can tell you're in a bit of a hurry yourselves, so we won't keep you. See you guys around somewhere, maybe."[/color] They passed by the group, and went on their way downtown. After a while they sat down on a bench outside the New Amber Town Pokemon Center, watching their two Pokemon play around at their feet. [color=f7941d]"You know, Cyndaquil has really taken a liking to your Chikorita."[/color] Lily looked over to Brent, smiling a little. [color=39b54a]"I'd say the opposite is true as well. You know, you're a really nice guy too."[/color] Brent chuckled and stood up, pulling out his orange colored Pokegear. [color=f7941d]"So, where do you plan on going after this?"[/color] Lily thought about it for a sec, then stood up as well and gave her response. [color=39b54a]"I'm going to be going after the Viore League, but really I just wanted to get out and see the world, all the beauty and wonder that awaits."[/color] Brent couldn't really argue with that. The world was an amazing place, and also the Viore League is one of the most highly coveted events in all of Viore. [color=f7941d][color=f7941d]"Well, If that's the case, how'd you like to go on this journey... together?"[/color][/color] Lily looked at Brent for a moment, contemplating. She'd only just met him, but they were already great friends. And journeys were always better with friends. [color=39b54a]"That would be great! You're the first friend I've made in this region, of course I'd love to!"[/color] Well, it was settled now, the duo would travel on their Pokemon Journey together from here on out. [color=f7941d]"Well then, let's not waste time, we've got the Viore League to win! Our first stop is Vertigo City, it's a few hours south of here. We should get there before dark at least."[/color] Lily was practically beaming with enthusiasm, and realized that she should have the map of Viore on her Pokegear as well. Unfortunately, it appeared her Pokegear was incompatible with the Region Map for Viore. [color=39b54a]"I can't get this thing to work, I don't get it... It worked fine back in Johto."[/color] Brent walked over and took a look at it, and came to a fast conclusion. [color=f7941d]"I'm guessing you didn't get a Viore Region Map Card before you came here, that's an easy fix, you can get one in the Pokemon Center."[/color] Lily, without saying anything, ran into the Pokemon Center. A few minutes later, she was back, Pokegear updated and all. Now they were ready. With their Pokemon by their sides, they set off on their journey together, heading towards Vertigo City. [hr] [h3][color=gray]Unknown[/color][/h3] [@Pink Madness] [color=gray]"Grah, it's been hours since we last saw that thing, where could it have gone?!"[/color] It appears the duo has lost their prey, as they have their Pokemon blasting anything that moves at this point. [color=gray]"I don't think we're getting anywhere that way, let's smoke it out. Smokescreen!"[/color] The other persons Pokemon unleashed a Smokescreen, covering the area, but not drawing enough attention to make people think it was a forest fire. Pretty soon there was a rustling in the tree branches, as their target took off above the treeline. [color=gray]"Well... we found it..."[/color] Said one of the duo, as they took off after it. Still trailing behind them was this mystery man, who had still to make a move. Suddenly he stopped, he had heard voices behind him. He turned to find a pair of what appeared to be trainers making their way past. He stayed out of sight, but from their talking he guessed they were lost. [color=0054a6]"Just what I need right now, a pair of lost trainers caught up in all this. Things are getting even more complicated..."[/color] As soon as they were out of sight, he pulled out a Pokeball, and called out one of his Pokemon. [color=0054a6]"Keep out of sight, and make sure those two get out safely."[/color] His Pokemon nodded, and took off into the sky with its bat-like wings. Now this man returned to his objective at hand, quickening his pace to make up for lost time.