This is a WIP. [hider= Celia Honey] ---- [center][img][/img][/center] [center][u][b]Celia Honey[/b][/u][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] --- [center][b]Appearance: [/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] There is an undeniable yet generally subtle sexuality about Celia. Whether it comes from her pretty, almond shaped brown eyes that seem to radiate trust and innocence and are surrounded by seemingly endless black lashes, or the juxtaposed, slightly slanted and cheeky smile that hide perfectly straight, pearly white teeth. Standing at 5"9, Celia's legs are seemingly endless and her willowy figure means that, if she didn't have the brains that she does, she could have made a fortune by simply walking up and down a runway. To women, she'd be incredibly intimidating if she wasn't so sweet. In general, Celie's a rather pleasant person to be around; she used to practically radiate light and happiness. Now, though, it's notably duller. Somehow, her light seems to have been depleted and though her smile is as bright and beaming as ever, her eyes hide something deeper and darker. [center][img] [/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]How long has your character been teaching at Caelbury Academy?:[/b] Celia worked at the Academy a few years ago, just after finishing her degree, but then she took a year off and nobody knew why, and now she's back. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Social Class: [/b] Wealthy. [b]Social Class Explaination[/b] Her mother, [url=]Jenna[/url] is a Psychiatrist, her father, [url=]George[/url], a famous architect. [b]Subject:[/b] English Literature and also the school Councilor. --- [center][img][/img][/center] --- [b]Personality:[/b] Sweet is the one word that anyone could use to describe Celia and be completely accurate. She's simply lovely; to people who behave in the same way to her. However, she's not a pushover. She's capable of turning her personality on its head; she can be as strict as she likes when she wants to be. There's a certain look she can give you, with folded arms and a slightly tilted head, that can make students whither with shame and embarassment. That face, though, only comes out in certain situations. Most of the time, Celia is the teacher everyone loves. She's funny and relatable, she doesn't put up the walls that other teachers do; thats part of the job description as the school councillor. She's still professional enough to set appropriate boundaries but she's always there, in her pretty little office, should anyone, teacher or pupil alike, need a shoulder to cry on. While she's perfectly capable of dealing with other peoples problems, she's not quite as good as dealing with her own. The year she took off work was due to personal issues that left her depressed and largely incapable of sorting through her own emotions and feelings. After a year of being subjected to her mothers psychosis, she's still not quite back to her old self but she's unwilling to let most people see that; most of them don't even know why she left. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]History:[/b] Born the youngest daughter of her excessively driven and pushy parents, Celia was always going to be brilliant in one way or another but when her older sister got her Doctorate in Physics and her brother became a surgen, thats when Celia felt the pressure. She was never Queen Bee in her day at the academy, but nor was she a social outcast. She never had any intentions of climbing to the top of the social ladder, but it was difficult to be at all acknowledged in a school full of incredibly intelligent and gifted students, not to mention a family so full of academic overachievers, and so Celia found herself trying to be the best at everything. Her talents were spread over several fields; from English, in which she would later Major, to athletics and even the arts; she was always on the swimming and running team, and even in the school productions. It was only in her Sophomore year that Celia's focus was drawn away from her studies and extracurricular activities, and drawn onto a certain young gentleman whose name she would later take as her own, when she would become Celia Jenkins. She and Charlie married shortly after they left the Academy, both at the top of their classes. After that, they spent a year living in a little boho appartment near the beach. Neither of them worked that year; they soent all of their time in bed eating and cuddling or on the beach. They were young and beautiful and carefree and Celia didn't think her life could get any better. After that year of pure nonchalance and genuine happiness, Celia decided it was time for her to throw herself back into the life her parents wanted for her and she applied for a job at the school she'd loved and thrived at. As everything else in her life up to that point, everything went well, she got the job and she enjoyed it. And what was more; so did Charlie. Young, happy and atrociously naive, Celia's days were a myriad of waking up beside Charlie, eating breakfast with Charlie, going to work with Charlie, coming home with Charlie, eating dinner with Charlie, going to bed with Charlie. For Celia, she could see nothing wrong in that, until she started to notice the subtle differences between her and her love. In the early days, Celia and Charlie would sleep entwined in eachothers arms, as close as they could be, he'd wake her with a kiss, he'd make her pancakes and strawberries. As time passed by, however, she'd fall asleep with a cold back and wake up to an empty bed and a ready-made pot of coffee. It wasn't until he stopped coming home at night that she realised their marriage wasn't the utopia she believed it to be. The world came crashing down around her the day Celia came home to find her loving and devoted husband in the shower with a woman who looked like she belonged on the cover of SportsIllustrated. They'd been married nine months, She filed for divorce, quit her job and moved back in with her parents. For six months, Celia lived in her old bedroom, barely speaking, barely eating, suffering and falling deeper and deeper into the depression that had taken over her body and mind. She'd given him almost ten years of her life and had devoted everything she ever had to him . She hardly knew what to be without him. It wasnt until Jenna had enough and sat Celia down on her leather couch one day, the first of my sessions that she and Celia would have to overcome the pain that Charlie had caused. It worked, eventaully. Or so Jenna thought. What she didn't know was that, it wasn't so much the Psychosis she was performing on her daughter, but the alcohol Celia was consuming, that was making her once again capable of being herself. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Miscellaneous: [/b] Celia has a puppy called Penny. [center][img][/img][/center] --- [/hider]