Okay, here's a time line to completion, just so's you're all roughly aware of what I'm up to: Map - Today How to Play/Rules - Today/Tomorrow Combat Resolution Rules - Today/Tomorrow NPC Handling Rules - Today/Tomorrow City/Civilisation Sheet - Tomorrow/Friday Species Sheet - Tomorrow/Friday "Evolution Phase" Turn System - Tomorrow/Friday Other fluff - Tomorrow/Friday So we're looking at a 48 hour period of hard graft to turn those bullet points into something epic, basically. I may over or under shoot, depending on how quickly I'm able to think things through, and also depending on how time I can dedicate to this vast project. All in all, we should be good for Saturday no matter what happens. Check back here from time to time, as I'll begin uploading the RP's draft to the first post of this thread - and modifying it from there. EDIT: Alright, for a map we're going with Fractal World Generator - my favourite resource for this sort of thing. Here's a preview: [img]http://i.imgur.com/i4Nqwrk.jpg[/img] I have two versions, one with geography, and one without. The USSR is for scale. What do you guys think? Geography? Or plain? There's pros and cons to both, I guess. With geography: Everyone knows what kind of terrain a particular region has. However, a player wont be able to significantly alter it without me editing the image - which is something I don't really want to be tied down with, speaking honestly. Without geography: Players are free to craft their terrain as they go. However, people might end up forgetting or confusing themselves over where certain terrain features are. That's how I see it to be honest, and I'm leaning towards the pre-set geography myself, for simplicity's sake.