[@Yvain] Alright then no pressure if you can't lol I understand computer complications. Well I guess since I don't know much half of the first page is. Angela Petrelli one of the canon characters who can dream the future called another one named Noah and revealed in 3 months time after one of the characters in the RP the Senator Elizabeth became President a week after something called "Dark Monday" would take place where the genocide of EVO's across the globe was going to take place. Noah went to Disneyland to handle the situation Erin caused accidentally with her powers and went to reach out to her. The Character Casper with super strength raised by his druggie mom was just dealing with his life. His mom overdosed, and he went to protective custody. He was adopted by a new family and was taken in to a town in California. There he bonded with his new family, and took his sister to the park and ended up in a fight with one of the EVO's who escaped from Quantum's prison in LA thanks to Jason. He saved his sister, her friend Riley, and the others in the park from the evo after a brutal fight. Uhh Michael the telepath escaped the island Quantum stuck him on and went to Miami. The reporter Evan also came to Miami following leads on several stories he was being paid to look into. Anna was also in Miami on the run from the Government in a car stolen from a girl Quantum thought was connected to the school getting wiped out. The Feds got her car, but she escaped to her hotel room and went to Texas to cause some drama. Elena an EVO who was friends with said girl who Anna took the car from was investigated by Quantum with my character Max, she got questioned and then he left to follow up on another lead and he's headed to the town Casper is in to go capture a girl named Riley. She also met another EVO living in her apartment named Jack and they started bonding. My character Jason used his powers to wipe out the prison in LA and lead to a prison break freeing tons of EVO's in LA. He then went on to go meet up with another fellow drug lord, and managed to gain control over his drug enterprise as well as seek out his neiece Nancy who had a power he hoped to use for his own goals. He kidnapped the niece and then went to Texas where through the niece he managed to get the FBI To release the information of every registered EVO to the general american public. Oh and Fiona the leader of the anti EVO cult was protesting in Texas, and lead massive protest in Austin protesting against EVO's being sent to jail, petitioning for them to get the automatic death penalty, and there was a school shooting of an evo elementary school, with 12 kids dead and 3 staff members dead. The protest in question was broken apart and lots of protestors were killed, and the capitol building in Texas was destroyed by evo's. and lastly another Quantum Agent Johanna was on a mission and is about to go on another mission to hunt some more people. Oh I forgot another Quantum agent Janelle was sent to capture a little kid named Aira who's 8 who can paint the future because Quantum wants to know the future, but her brother Dylan came and saved the girl not wanting Quantum to get her and took her into his own custody.